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Page i—L.ck ow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 19, 1979
"The Sepoy Town"
On the Huron -Bruce Boundary
Established 1873
Published Wednesday
Business and Editorial Office Telephone 528-2822
Mailing Address P.O. Box 400, Lucknow, NOG 2H0
Second class mail registration number -0847
Y 4 .
ANTHONY N. JOHNSTONE - Advertising and
General Manager
PAT LIVINGSTON - Office Manager
MERLE ELLIOTT - Typesetter
MARY McMURRAY - Ad. Composition
Subscription rate, Sl l per year in advance
Senior Citizens rate, S9 per year in advance
U.S.A. and Foreign, 521.50 per year in advance
Sr. Cit. U.S.A. and Foreign, S19.50 per year to advance
What a fair!
What a fair!
The exhibits were excellent,: the parade,
colourful: the entertainment, lively; the
beauty contestants, charming; the contests,
entertaining; the hospitality, friendly and
the weather, ideal..
It all added up to making the 114th edition
of the Lucknow • Fall Fair one of the, most
exciting ever.
In retrospect, ' success can easily be
measured by the work that goes into such
projects beforehand. The planning, phoning,
booking, scheduling, running around and
the hundreds of other things that must be
done for a fall fair.
It wasblatantly evident that the Lucknow
Agriculture Society does all these things and
they do them well.
And the Society can certainly boast of
having one of the: most prestigous fairs in the
'area. And few pfthe hundreds who gathered
;here in -Lucknow on the weekend would
contest that claim.
Fairs are rather vital to communities such
as this: They renew friendships.. and ties to
the. land. This years guest, Jim Reed, spoke
of the importance of his ties to this area and
traced much of his success to the rural
upbringing and"the good strong moral values
that appear to be a genuine and integral part
of life .here.
Reed has travelled around the world,.
researching news in countries where war,
crime, pestilence, disease and starvationare
as commonas the string of all fairs in this
And yet, as evidenced by his speech, he
was genuinely glad to be parrot' this years.
fair, in a much more personable part of the.
Reedalso stressed the importance of
young people in our com'niunity. Undoubt-
edly they are thefuture, btitwide eyes and
uncontrolled enthusiasm indicate the fair is a
•.big deal for .them!.
With the quality in evidence there year
after year there is little doubt that the
youngsters of Lucknow will want to continue
the fall fair tradition .because of the fond
Memories 'of 1979 they will cherish.
• • The 1979 fair is now just a memory. But
what fond memories.
Letters to the editor
Dear Editor'.
This is., to request this .
special dolumn in your
newspaper as the readers
need help and you know it
by what you have to print
these. days. We and our
worldin trouble but
desperately want .help.
Thank you so much. The
author's name is • Oral
QUESTION: I believe
in God, but, sometimes I
feel He doesn't love me
because I don't deserve
anyone's love. Please tell
me how I can know God
loves me.
ANSWER: Everyone
feels unloved at times. I
believe one of the reasons.
for this , is because we
measure God's love by
our standards. It is
human nature to love
people who are lovable,
but Gpd loves us in spite
of our unlovable
charactetistics. The
Scripture says, "God
com hiendeth . his love
'toward us, in that, while
we were yet sinners,
Christ dried' for us".
Romans 5,8.
There; is only one way
you can find the
assurance of God's love
that youare seeking; and
that isthrough a new
birth, to be born again by
the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
PaUI tells us .that"the
love of ,God i's 'shed
abroad in our hearts by
the Holy Ghost". Romans
5:.5. You can't receive
this assurance' from any
human source. It must be
communicated by .God's
Spirit. .
When you experience
the new birth you will find
yourself released ' from
the burden of guilt and sin
that makes yv'ti feel
unworthy of love. Then
nothing the Scriptures
I am writing to inform you
that the annual Family. &
Children's Services Banquet
to honour the foster parents
and volunteers who support
the work of this Agency.
This year the guest speak-
er will be Dr. Orm Stanton,
Dean of the School of Social
Work, King's College, Lon-
The date is Wednesday,
.October 24, 1979, at the
Pineridge Chale, Hensall,
say, can • separatie you
from the love of God but..
you. Romans
.When you. order your
life contrary to God's
moral law, contrary to
the essence;of His divine
love, your down sins rob
you of the joy . and
assurance of God's love.
If this is your problem,
then God's•Wordprovides
an infallible remedy.. "If
we confess• our sins, heis
faithful and just , to
forgive us our sins, and to
cleanse • us from all
unrighteousness". 1 John
I:9, When you experience
this cleansing, the joy of
your salvation and the
assurance of God's love
will return,
Mrs. Sharon Bushell.
Ontario. The reception will.
begin at 6.30 p.m. ' with
dinner at 7.00 p.m.
Please let me know if any
of your staff will be available
to•cover this event, so that
reservations: may be . arrang-
ed for their dinner.
Thank you for your con-
tinued support and co-opera-
' Yours verytiruly:.
John V. Penn,
Some day
Dave Sykes
Aubrey s observations
During the past few weeks there have
not been any articles published under the
title of "Aubrey Observes".
There was a problem came up, that is
all that Iam goingto say, about it, except .
that the problem was .solved this ;after-
noon.in;a very admissible way,
During this period, I_wrote an article
each week, that are•
•_now filed in my own
personal cabinet. .
I am going to state again, as I have that
the articles published under my title and
with my signature are"ALL" strictly my
own thoughts.
1 have never written anything that was
dictated to me or censored after I had.
written thein.
Now if the good Lord is willing, I will
try and have an article each week as
before. A great number of friends, many
of whom I do not know personally, have
conveyed to me the pleasure that they
receive in reading my articles.
The only thing that 1 do feel really
greatful for is that I aroused help for,
others and that the Bruce. County School
Board came and instructed our council' to
erect school crossing signs, They are now
in place, but I still believe \that there
should be one on the street directly in
front of•the school where a great number
of the children cross l bb Street,
Yes, there is a "Stop" sign at. this
intersection, but a maij can still remain
inside the law and .still: interfere with
people .walking on a Bob Street. i
• I do. not know the law in Ontario;, but 1
did teach drivers' training or eductation;
which ever you wish .to call it, in the
U.S,A. for several years.
An inspector would not, grant a driver's
permit to any one who did not come to a
complete stop at the sign and then slowly
approach the ;crossing and if necessary
stop again until all traffic was clear,
whether they were making a right or left
turn or going straight across.
i hope that I am ,making myself clear,
that a stop signshould be placed at least
ten feet before the crossing.
Yes, this is just me writing. This one
person., but my experience with driving
inspectors was such that this law must be
obeyed, so that it was a point that I
strictly enforced durii g the instruction
I understand that the council did apply
for an extra grant for paving streets and
were denied.
While I believe fully that our village
does need extensivestreet repairs and
replacement, I still think that the council
as a body having been elected by the
people, should take care of the small
things with even more vigilance that the
large ones that really cost money.
Those things that I have mentioned
wduld conic putof the. to payers pocket,
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