HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-09-12, Page 24'Rage 24—Lactmow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 12, 1979 /TS EASY TO HUY-SELL-RFNT- ii/RE f//VD WIT#/ ��.. John. nti,, i UW.EMC .QEwc.. J M 1,3 .,u S,UAD 1. Articles for sale CHROME TABLE and chairs. Phone 528-3837 or 529-7741. —37,38 CUCUMBERS. for sale,; Daniel D. Stutzman, R. R. # 2, Lucknow. —37,38 UTILITY SHED, 8' x 8', solid construction. Priced reason- able. Phone 529-7619. —37,38 WOOD BURNING parlour stove, 1 year old; Findlay coal -wood burning stove. Phone 395-2791. —37x 24 FT. CABIN CRUISER, 6 cyl. Chrysler engine, depth sounder and trailer. Needs some repair. Phone 5297348. —37nc HONEY New honey, bring own con- tainers. J. R. Fear, R. 2, Wingham NOG 2WO. Phone 357-3656. -35,36,37 FIREWOOD SPECIAL - S125.00 for 5 cords delivered, wood approximately 14" long; also furnace blocks. This offer is good until September 1 at which . time the price will go up for fall and winter handling. Deliv- ered within 40 miles of Paisley. Phone 353=5046 af- ter 6 p.m. —34-37 HAVE YOU GOT MOIST AIR IN YOUR. HOME? THEN TRY A DEHUMIDIFIER' From Greer T.V. & Electric Lucknow Phone 528-3112 —27tfar BEEF By the Quarters and Halves CUSTOM KILLING On Tuesday and Thursday Cut and wrapped to your specifications Quick Freezing Available BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET LUCKNOW Shop 528-3009 Res..528-2119 -40tf DRESSED SPRING chickens. Orders taken. now. Allan A. Miller, R. R. 1 Lucknow, 528-6540. —36,37 FOR SALE - oil stove. $50.00. Phone 528-3116:-37x USED oil furnace and tank, duct work and. pipes. $200.00 or best offer. Phone 528- 3116.-37x 1972 NORDIC Skidoo, 1973 Yamaha; 1973 Rainbow trailer, ' covers for both. Phone 528-2030.-37,39 GEESE ready for Thanksgiving. Heavy rosters. Order now. Live or. dressed. Phone Carl Seeger, Auburn 529-7514.-37,38 WHITE sewing machine in good`- condition. Mrs. John Kreutzweiser, phone 528-, 3613.--37 LIMITED numb -d cement wedges. Phone 357- 1291.-37x 4. Articles wanted WANTED TO BUY Western saddle, 15" seat. Phone 395-3259. If no answer call 395-2826. —37x DEAD STOCK We pay highest cash price for fresh animals over 500 lbs., smaller animals picked up free. Radio equipped trucks. Call 881-3459 or 1-800-265-3011. Graf Animal Foods Ltd., R. R. # 1, Chepstow. —26tfar 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1969 DODGE dump truck, 318 Chrysler motor. All re- built except transmission. Good truck for farmers, in- expensive to maintain. Make an offer! Phone 528-2072. —371 1977 CHEV BELAIR, auto- matic, power steering and brakes, cruise control and tilt steering wheel. Price $3600., safety checked. Apply Box R. The Lucknow Sentinel. —37 CAR FOR SALE 1977 Monte Carlo, 14,000 miles, 6 cylinder, in like new. con- dition. Phone 395-2737.-37 7. Real Estate: for sale 2 RIVER LOTS on quiet - street. Phone 528-3234 or 529-7272.—29tfar 3 BEDROOM HOME, ,32' x 34', 11/2 storey. Front porch 12'x6'. Large living room, dining room. Carpet in all. rooms except kitchen bath- room. Situated -in new hous- ing area. Owner, will carry mortage. Must sell. Elgin Street north, near Nursing Home. A. G. ` Rowe, 528- 2836. —36tf !!1 9. Accommodation to rent 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT available immediately, 4 pc bath, electric heat. Phone 529-7477, —17tf FURNISHED BED -SITTING room, heated. All utilities paid. Phone 528-3723, Oliver Glenn.—34tfar 1 BEDROOM FURNISHED and 2 bedroom unfurnished apartments in Ripley. Also 2 bedroom unfurnished apart- ments in Lucknow. "Phone Glennhaven Apts., 528-3234 or 529-7272.—35tfar • 3 BEDROOM FARM HOUSE on Highway 86, near' Am- berley. Phone 395-5220. —37tf HOUSE west of St. Helens. Phone 528=6193. —36tf 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT Main Street, Lucknow, avail- able immediately, 4 pc bath, electric heat. Phone 395- 5593. —17tf THREE BEDROOM house with 4 pc. bath in Ashfield Township. Phone 529-7488. -30tf DUNGANNON HALL for rent. Contact Randy Kerr, phone 529-7680.—35-38ar HOUSE for rent in Lucknow from November 1. to April 1; completely furnished. Phone• Omar Brooks 528-3839.--37tf SMALL furnished apartment in Lucknow. • .6vai1able October 1. Phone 528-2174 or 395-5596.--37tf 12. Help wanted REQUIRED Immediately, diesel mechanic (minimum 4 years experience), top sal- ary. Also diesel fuel injection specialist. Contact Dale Hoar (403) 343-2238 (collect). Deermart Equipment ` (Red Deer) Ltd. —37nc TWO STOREY HOUSE arid 4 acres of land, Ashfield Town- hi Dri in shed 24' x 48' and two storeyhen house 18' x 24'. For more particulars call Milvert Reid, 150 Keays Street, Goderich, 524-7529. —36,37x 8 ROOM, white aluminum sided house, 3 •. bedroom s upstairs, 1 bedroom and 3 piece bath downstairs, situ- ated in quiet location on lot approx. 158'. x 65' in Luck - now; fairly new oil furnace, attractively decorated within, Reasonably priced, immed- iate possession, Phone 528- 3101. —37,38x DUNGANNON three bed- room mobile home, partly furnished, landscaped lot, 66' x 132', completely serv- iced. Give us an offer. Phone 529-7923. —37,38,39 -11/2 STOREY, 2 bedroom brick house in quiet area, at the edge of Wingham, on extra wide lot. Currently being renovated, close to main highway, with yearly taxes under $200. , Asking $38,000. Phone 357.3824 after 6 p.m. 37,38 ORGANIST rquired at Luck - now Presbyterian Church: Send applications or enquir- ies to nquir-ies,to Linda Cranston, Luck - now, Ont.,. phone 528-3549. 37,38ar PAPER BOY or girl to deliver Kitchener Record in Lucknow. _Phone. 528-3941 after 6 p.m. -37 PART TIME and full time help needed in retail outlet. Experience preferred,' especially in yard good's. Apply to Box 960, Lucknow, NOG 2H0.-37ar, BOOKKEEPER wanted. Apply in writing to Box "B", c -o Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow., NOG 2H0.-37ar Newspaper advertising can make a big difference...ask any successful businessman. He's learned through experi- ence that the best way to reach people and bring in. customers is through news- paper -advertising. NeMNN 1,44, Ng.'" M" ,' II t.,. e * .. k)t�I ml.v H 1,,neninVi1 EE►Enrc ,n 4noon.nonni Ai Aqcy, NA/ K 17. Auction Sales 17. Auction Sales CONSIGNMENT STOCKER SALES at, Lucknow Community Sale MONDAY, OCTOBER 1,15, AND 29 400 HEAD Phone 528-9912, or 395-5230 —35-43 \. AUCTION SALE Wingham Auction Centre SATURDAY, SEPT. 15, 1979 11 a.m. Furniture and Effects from Kincardine and Wingham District:6 pee. dining room suite, including china cabin- et; 2 chesterield suites; chest drawers w. 2 short bow -front drawers and 3 Icing; winged mirror dressing table and bench; pine flat -to -wall bot- tom cupboard; sideboard bottom; : small wash stand; old pine stand; wooden bed w. box springs and mattress; baby crib; baby buggy; set bar bells; antique press back chair; 2 hip ' rest chairs; 3 bentwood chairs; dining room arm chair several other wooden chairs; step tables; kitchen table w. 4 chairs; parlour table; up- holstered swivel chair; rose upholstered vintage arm chair; wringer washer; elect- ric stove; Lewt canister. vac- cuum; Hoover upright vac- uum; Hoover kitchen broom; 2 wooden medicine cabinets; guitar; lantern; bottles;. box-) es of books; butter mould; butter press; bake board; antique steeple clock elect- rified; T.V., b.&' .w.;. table. lamps; floor lamps; coal oil lamp; 2 old electric fixtures;, 21 jewel Waltham pocket watch and display case; hand tools; garden tools; 2 horse collars; 2 sidewalk bikes; dishes and glassware' of interest, including . almost full set of 8 -Limoges France "Bird ' of Paradise" dinner- ware; 4 demitasse cups - Coalport A.D. 1750; several pieces depression glass; stemware; leaded cut glass pieces; large I Blue Willow platter; chest w. Community Plate; silk er; kitchen ware, pots and pans; braided mats; patchwork quilts;. other' mis- cellaneous items. Preview; Friday Sept. 14 -2-5and'7-9 JACK ALEXANDER Auctioneer, Tel. 357-1442 —37ar AUCTION SALE Household' Effects And Antiques will be held for MR. TED COLLYER Lot 22, con. 3, .Kinloss Twp. SATURDAY, SEPT. 22 at 10:30 a.m. AUCTIONEERS Grant McDonald, Ripley Phone 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Phone 392.6170 AUCTION SALE Household Effects, Antiques Farm Machinery and Sheep will be held for MR. AUSTINMART1lN Lot 3, Con. 4, Huron Twp. THURSDAY, SEPT. 27 at 10:30 a.m. Grant McDonald, Ripley Phone 395.5353 Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Phone 392-6170 —37ar AUCTION SALE Of Machinery and Antique Household Items Will .be held for CHESTER FINNIGAN Lot6, con. 6 Ashfield Twp. 1 corner north of Dungannon and 2 corners West or 4 corners south of Lucknow and 2 corners west SATURDAY, SEPT. 22 at 12:30 International W4 tractor; disc; 5 section harrows; P.T.O. hammer mill on wheels; plow; seed drill; 27'x4" . grain . auger; New Idea manure spreader; New Holland 268 baler (good); 28 ft. skeleton ' elevator; hay conditioner;. hay loader; bale stooker; bale stook loader; scales; fanning mill;, hay fork; grain cradle; turnip seeder; Massey 26 combine for parts; emery; team harn- ess; 2 cutters; high tops; 21" horse collar; fence stakes; Hisman . piano..witil bench; parlour . tables; rocking chairs; pictures; lamp; couch; antique settee; round extension table; set of chairs; press back chairs; Findlay gas stove; fridge; Daisy churn; butter dish and ladle; drop leaf table; Beatty wash- er; wash ' board; antique chest of drawers; spool bed; chamber set; wooden beds; several wash stands; high chair; jars; numerous an- tiques. TERMS CASH FARM SOLD Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents George Powell, Clerk Brian Rantoul, Auctioneer —37,38 HELP WANTED Person to do clean -outs' and burner service work on oil furnaces,', starting immediately, Will consider either contract or salary arrangements. Please apply To Manager, Lucknow District Co-op . Box 10, Lucknow, Ontario 18. Services available AUCTIONEER SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Llcensed'Auctloneers Sales of all types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-6170 —40tfar BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing Crat- es, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. 3 Holyrood, , phone . 395-5390. -40tfar EXCAVATING, GRADING AND TRUCKING ' topsoil, sand, gravel of all types and fill. , Phone Robert Symes Contracting, R. R. # 5, Lucknow, phone 528-3047. —29tfar HORSES -BOARDED. Do you have a place to keep your horse this winter? If not phone and: reserve a stall for now orthis fall. Only three left, Phone 1-482-9960 after 6 p.m, —33tfnc WHITEWASHING AND barn'disinfecting. Phone Jim Moss 529-7650. —24tf LYNN.LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD: Amberley PHONE 395.5286 CLAY • Silo Unloaders, Feeders, Cleaners, Stabling, Leg Elevators, Liquid Man- ure Equipment, Hog : Equip- ment. BUTLER - Silo Unloaders, Feeders, Conveyors. FARMATIC Mills, Augers, etc. ACORN : Cleaners, Heated Waterers: WESTEEL-ROSCO - Gran- aries. B. & L - Hog Panelling. 40tfar , Cecil Cranston • R. R. 2 Auburn Phone 529-7691 AIRHAMMER BACKHOEING —'5tfar RONWIN CONSTRUCTION Additions, exterior and inter- ior renovations, ' cedar decks, rec. rooms etc; For free estimate PHONE 395.5450 — 13tfar ' DON THOMPSON T.V. & APPLIANCES Admiral Sales and Service Tower and Antenna Installation 395=3393 or 395-3466 RIPLEY — 15tfar APPLIANCES REFRIGERATION SERVICE Lucknow Appliance Centre Luclmow Phone 528.2946 —32tfar COURTNEY'S Sewing Machine SALES & SERVICE 395-5341 POINT CLARK R. R, i Ripley -34,35,36,37