HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-09-12, Page 20Pae. 2O-Lwclaow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 12,. 1979
Purple Grove WT' meets in communitycentre
The community ex-
tends congratulations to
Mr: and Mrs. Jim Farrell
who Were married on
Saturday in Dungannon.
Grove Community
Centre, Mrs.. Harvey
Needham gave an
teresting demonstration
on how to make
Mrs. Farrell ' isthe for- homemade bread and
mer Fran 'Logtenbeerg buns, There was a good
and Jim is the son of Mr. turnout for an interesting
and Mrs. Jack Farrell of meeting. Plans. were
made f'or the Falb Fair
display, .catering to the
Lions Club banquet and
there was a discussion on
the signature quilton
display • at the Bruce
County Museum in
Spending the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Farrell were: Mr. and
Mrs. Darryl Gopaul and
girl's, ".:Mr.: and. Mrs.
CourtneY. MacDonald,
Janice. Farrell, George
Miller, all of; London,
the 12th • . concession. A
large number from the
area attended their
reception in the Lucknow
Community Centre on
Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian
Boyle spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs.
The community wishes
to express sincere
syrnpathy to Mrs.
Maurice Hodgins and
family on the, sudden
passing of husband and
Mrs. Catherine Tulip of Kathy Farrell of Calgary,
Los Angeles, California and Mr. and Mrs. Garry
was a recent visitor with • .Fared and Sara. Mr: and
Mr. and Mrs. Burton ' Mrs.- Bill Hutton returned
Collins and the Bell home. to Edmonton and
relatives in the area. She, Susan MacDonald and
and Katherine , Collins Janice Farrell left.
visited. with Mr. and Mrs. Sunday for two weeks in
Sam Wismer in Waterloo. Calgary and area. '
The September Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
meeting of the Purple .Rhody and family have.
Grove Women's Institute moved to their new farm
was held on Wednesday on the tenth concession of
evening in the Purple. Kinloss:
Mr,. and Mrs, Harold
France of Wingham
visited on Sunday with
Mr.. and. Mrs. Don
Miss Heather Boyle is a
university student this
fall at Waterloo.
Mr• , and Mrs. Cecil.
Sutton held a Men For.
Missions conference at
their home this. weekend.
The/members and their
W,enjoys. lm
ori art by I�ux+�lek
On September 6, 1979,
Dungannon WI rnet•at the
home of Mrs. Hugh
Mc'Whinney • for its
.meeting on Cultural
The 'president,. Mrs.
George Errington; ex-..
'tended -a.. welcome to :19
members and visitors,
and Opened. the meeting
using the Opening Ode.
followed by the Mary .
Stewart Collect.
As convener for
Cultural Act-.ivities. Mrs.
McWhinneyasked each
to write what that means
to, her, and the varied
answers were in-
teresting; i.e. art, music,
sculpture etc. Our in-
terest in cultures differs.
"Beauty . is in the eye of
'.the beholder: •
A film on art by Wm.
Kur.elek shows in his
paintings the story' of his
parents who , left the
Ukraine to settle in
Alberta, then in Manitoba
and ;later near Hamilton,
Ontario. Mrs. Mary Bere
ran the projector for the
film. Mrs. McWhinney
read an article on
Culture. "He who owns a
hobby. owns a mental
refuge." or "If youdon't,
take time to do it right the
first time, when are you.
going to find the time?
In • the businessperiod
the 'minutes were read,
and the financial report
The Rally 'is at Elim-
ville, Monday, October 1,
with a pot luck dinner.
Delegates are to be. Mrs.
Mary Errington and Mrs.
George Errington. It is
Huron West's turn to
}name a secretary for the
i Rally:
' The Area Convention is
to be, in.. St. Marys.
November 1 and 2, .;to
which one delegate is yet
to be chosen.
A donation was made.
toward a gift for Mrs. Bea
Gosselin, former home
economist. in Huron
County,, who has gone_ to
Middlesex County.
Arthritis campaign in,.
this area . will be . Sep-
tember 10 to- 15 with local
canvassers , calling . on
A course -in Indoor
Gardeningand making a
Macrame hanger is being
offered' . by ' the )Some
Economics' 'Branch,..
Mrs. Graham McNee
spoke of the New Horizon
meetings at K4ngsbridge.
Mrs. Wm. McWhinney •
repotitec on. the Canning
seminar <.. she attended..
Mrs. Warren •Zinn
asked for more material.
to be prepared for`,
publishing our book.
•A contest on naming
nuts was enjoyed,. and
prizes , given by Mrs.
McWhinney. Mrs. Grace.
Black displayed . t`wo
albums of beautiful
snapshots taken by her
niece,.. , Phyllis Hoy, in
Amsterdam, Switzerland
and Africa.
Courtesies, -singing The
Queen, and W.I: •grace
concluded an interesting
meeting. Lunch of san-
dwiches and relishes with
tea or coffee was in
charge of Mrs. `'Lorne
Ivers,. Mrs Cecil Blake,
and Mrs. H. McWhinney.
Lucky cup winners Were
Mrs. George Errington
and . Mrs. Wm.
wives and the 'Bervie
council of Men For
Missions were supper
guests at the Suttons' on
Saturday, They also met
in Kincardine with the
field advisors from
Mr: and Mrs.. Sam
Green of Arthur . visited.
last Weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Collins and
Frances Watke and
Marlene, visited recently
with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Ben Scott: '
On Sunday Mr. and
Mrs. Don Dore visited
Mr.. and Mrs. Wood in
Mr. Harry Burr from
Indiana .was, billeted with
Mr. and Mrs,. Francis
Boyle' for 'the ' Men for
Missions. meeting. Mr.
and. Mrs. Murray Sisson -
from: Napane'e spent the
weekend with Mr. and
Mrs, -Cecil Sutton.
Mr. Russell Collins is a
patient in Kincardine and.
District Hospital, We
wish' him a speedy
Some young people
from• this area attended a
Youth - Rally at Silver
, Lake on. Saturday.
No need to try -there's only one places to buy
We can save you.moneyl
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