HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-09-12, Page 1• • .41i,
Jban Hamilton was crowned Miss Lucknow Fair by last year's queen, Sherri
Jerome, Ashfield at a dance held by the Lucknow Agricultural Society Friday
night. Joan, the daughter of Al and Gladys Hamilton,, Lucknow, represented the
Lucknow Leo Club in the pageant. Runners-up in the competition were Michele
Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cook, RR 3, Lucknow representing Loree's
Ladies' Wear and Pam McIntosh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob McIntosh, RR 3,
Lucknow, representing the-'Lucknow Sales Barn. Miss Hamilton will represent
the Lucknow Agriculture Society in the Miss Mid -western Ontario pageant to be
held this weekend in conjunction with the Lucknow Fall Fair. Miss Mid -western
Ontario will be crowned by Miss Dominion of Canada, Catherine MacKintosh.
(Photo by -Sharon Dietz)
Joan is Queen
cifethe fair -
Joan Hamilton, Lucknow was
crowned Miss Lucknow Fall Fair at a
dance held by the Lucknow
•Agricultural Society Friday night. She
was crowned by last year's queen
Sherri Jerome, Ashfield.
Joan represented The Lucknow Leo.
Club in the contest and is the daughter I.
of Al and 'Gladys Hamilton, Lucknow.
She is presently working as assistant
manager of the Mayfair Restaurant in
Joan will represent Lucknow in the
Miss Mid -western Ontario pageant to
be held in conjunction with the
Lucknow Fall Fair this weekend. Miss
Dominion of Canada, Catherine
Ma,cKintosh will attend the fair to
crown Miss Mid -western Ontario.
Runners-up in the Miss Lucknow
Fair pageant were Michele Cook,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cook,
R.R. 3, Lucknow, representing Loree's
Ladies' Wear and Pam McIntosh,
daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Robert
McIntosh, RR. 3, Lucknow,
representing the Lucknow Sales Barn.
Eleven ladies took part in the
pageant to choose tucknoW's fall fair
queen. The other participants included
Turn to Page 2*
5ingletopy 25c.
Evervine's invite
Everyone's invited.
The 1979 edition of the Lucknow Fall
Fair begins this Friday under the
• auspices of .the Lucknow Agriculture
Society and offers activities for all
ages. , • ,
This year's rendition of the Lucknow
Fall Fair offers a myriad of exhibits,
contests, team activities, a parade,
exhibits, a rodeo, variety showsand
entertainment and the climax of the
two-day , event, the crowning of Miss
Mid -Western. Ontarioby. Miss
Dominion of Canada.
The Fair will be held at Caledonia
Park,' Friday, September 14 and
Saturday, September 15. The exhibits
and contest will be held in the Lucknow
Arena while the concert, entertainment
and crowning of the queen will be
staged in the Lucknow and District
The grounds and exhibit hall open for
the placing of exhibits from 9 a.m. to 12
noon, Friday. Judging in the arena will
take place from 1 to 6 p.m.
The public will get a chance to view
those exhibits Friday evening from 8
• p.m. to 10 p.m. Local entertainmeriti
• will also be feafured during the evening
' and a log sawing competition will take
place. Special guest, JIM Reed, host of
CTV's W5 show, will also be present.
• On Saturday the grounds will again
open at 9, a.m. for the placing of
livestock and poultry exhibits and the
grounds and building. will be available
to the public at i0Et.M.
A light horse show will begin at 10.30
a.m. and the judging of poultry and
pets is scheduled to begin at 11 a.m.
One of the main highlights of the
Fair; the mammoth parade, will begin
from the east end of town at 1 pkm. The
parade features Miss Dominion of
Canada, the ,contestants vying for Miss
Mid -Western Ontario, the LucknoW
Concert Band, the Hanover Pipe Band,
floats, decorated bikes and horseS and
will proceed down Campbell Street to
the fair grounds.
• 1
Following the parade the opening
ceremonies will be held at the fair
grounds with Master of Ceremonies,
MPP, Murray Gaunt. Thefair will be
officially opened by Jim Reed, co -host
of the CTV -W5 news show. Many
reeves and members of parliament will
be in attendance and the Miss Mid -
Western Ontario beauty pageant
contestants will be introduced to the
Following the opening ceremonies'
there will be .j.udgirig and band en-
tertainment as well as judging of the
livestock at 1.45p.m. At 2 p.m. Norm
Dunsrnoor of. Kincardine will provide
entertaiment and the McArthur Shows
midWaY will open for the children.
•The baby contest Will, be held at 2
p.m. and the tug of war, 'climbing the
pole and wheelbarrow race com
petition will follow at 3.30 p.m,
The rodeo will begin at 4 .p.m. and
exhibits can .be ,removed from the
grounds after 4.30 P.m.
On Saturday evening there is more
entertainment in the Community
Centre featuring the ,Paul Brothers and .
Shirley, the Miller Sisters and Norm
Duns moor
Miss Mid -Western Ontario will be
crowned in the Community Centre at 10
p.m and at 10.30 dance music will be
provided by Norm Dunsnioor.
Federation wants to
prevent foreign ownership
M-etribers of • the Huron County
• Federation of Agriculture took their
campaign against foreign ownership of
• Ontario's farmland one step further at
their regional meeting in Beigrave
Federation members from the north
of the county strongly supported a
resolution put forward by Vince Austen
asking that "the Ontario Federation of
Agriculture request the Ontario
government to act quickly to prevent
furthet purchases by absentee foreign
The resolution said • absentee in-
terests are purchasing farmland as an
investment and "Ontario residents
cannot compete with them in money
• Markets for the capital they require to
'purchase land" and "foreign absentee
ownership of large parcels of land in'
any given area causes deterioration of
• our rural community.",
The resolution will be forwarded to
the next meeting of OFA directors in
• Toronto, and a report on their action
•,will be brought back to Huron county
members at their annual meeting in
• Brussels on Oct. 19,
• Before presenting the resolution,
audience members had challenged
guest speaker Floyd Jenkins, the
regional assessment commissioner for
Huron and Perth counties, to defend
statements he had made earlier in the
week. Mr. Jenkins had been quoted as
saying he felt the issue of foreign land
ownership in Huron County has been
exaggerated in the press.
Mr. Jenkins told the audience any
foreign ownership purchase of land by
a non-resident of the country is subject
to a 20 per cent land transfer tax, and
that a iurVey of land transactions
Turn to page 2*
• •
I SEE . . .
By The Sentinel
Reed opens fair
Jim Reed, formerly of.
the, Lucknow-Dungannon
area and now co -host of
CTV's -W-5 news show,
will officially open the
Lucknow Fall Fair,
Saturday. Jim attended
high school in Lucknow
before attending
,university and making
his m -ark in Toronto.
Story and picture on Page 4
• No horses
Assessment com-
missioner, • Floyd
Jenkins, spoke to Huron
Federation of Agriculture
• members last Week about
• tax cqu al i z a tio n factors
and said somebody
• organized a ,horse race
before there" weso any
• horses. Story on Page 5
• 4 •
Kingsbridge wins
Kingsbridge won the
area 'league slowpitch
—championship in
• Dungannon Sunday with
. a victory over the Junior
Farmers in the tour-
nament grand cham-
pionship. Eleven teams
participated in the two-
day tournament in
Lucknow and Dungan-
non. Story and picture on $
page g
' 1 . • .... • • .