The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-09-05, Page 9••, • • . . Muriel Klie of Hanover, past president of the Ontario, HOrelcultural Society, official! y opened • the Lucknow District Horticultural Flower Show • and Tea August 29. Thirty4ke 'exhibitors entered 294 exhibits In the show Which Was. one of the best displays of summer flowers In recent years • , [Sentinel Staff Photo] Luelmow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 5, 1979—Page 9 Visit in Whitech-urch *from page 88 Tobermory on ths Chi-Chee- maun and home around by North Bay. Recently Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tiffin and Joey and Mrs. Orville Tiffin spent a day at Shelter Valley near Goder- ich, where Mr. and Mrs. Bill Snowden and Bill Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Dave McGlynn, Janet and Wayne had cabin. On Sunday, Mrs. °Mlle Tiffin visited with her sister, Mrs. Gordon Jamieson and Mr. Jamieson and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tiffin and Joey attended the tournament where the BP team were playing and won. Visitors on the holiday weekend with Mrs. Cassie Mowbray were Mr. and Mrs. Bill McIntyre, Michael and Mark, of London and Jack McIntyre of Wingham, Mrs. Clara Cleghorn o ngham, Mrs. Jack Stacey,Wbighaq and her •sister, Mrs. Bill Richard and Mr. Richard of Orillia, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne 'Etienne, London, Paul Fal- coner, Sarnia and his friend, Robert Filton, London. On Sunday Paul took some young people to Toronto Exhibition in his Winnebago. We are pleased to repOrt that Mrs. Ella Johnston of Winghamwas able to return home on Wednesday from Wingham Hospital. Nelson. Bell and sons, Brian and Richard of Tim-. mins. arrived on. Thursday to 'visit with 'his parents, Rev. and Mrs.'.John Bell. Mrs,-NelsOn Bell came on Saturday to Toronto from. Tiinniins and Was 'net by her husband and brought to spend the weekend' with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. JOhn Bell. Quite a few from White- church vicinity attended Mr. ' FRIDAY • SATURDAY . SUNDAY ONLY SEPT. 74-9 • BOX OFFICE OPENS - SHOMITIME BRUCE 1 CHALLENGES THE UNDERWORLD IN HIS LAST AND GREATEST MOTION PICTURE AINENTLIRE. ,Sept. 7th - 13th FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY TWO SHOWINGS 700 & 9:00 SUNDAY TO TUESDAY ONE SHOWINO$ P.M. ONLY You can't turn this mob. Over to the cops, They ire the cops. • COMIHIRA PICTURES Priments A RASTAli HORT ENOELIMG Prockleten DOM SUZANNE JERRY. DeLUISE PLESHETTE REED E SQUARE Pretreat E524411 ,bwt1 ruosett • "1"P* CARE Canada 1312 Rank St Ottawa KIS 5H7 we' lita8110111HHUMIIICFTOcH WliplOtal , ..•••••„••• , ••••••40 4 ( COLA PICTURES PRESENTS is A�334 HARVEST 414 A RAyMOND CHOP/ MODUCTION gam LEE GAME Of MPH PLUS ADDED 1991: CIVILIZATION IS DEAD. Violence, hunger and horror are rampant... There is no law! All that are lett are bands of 1E14 HWY. 8 GODERICH AT to* CONCESSION RD. 4 • • PHONE 524-9981 #5744"6- dootRicH • ' • • • I IMMIX TIME and Mrs. Spence Irwin's 50th anniversary in Lucknow Sat- urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Evans of 'Hyde Park and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Evans of Hamilton were Sunday visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans to help them celebrate their 57th wedding anniversary. On Sunday, Rev. and Mrs. John Bell, Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Bell, Brian and Rich- ard of Timmins went to Walkerton to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bell, Carrie and Robin. They helped Carrie celebrate her birth- day. • PHONE 357:1630 FOR 24 HOUR MOVIE INFORMATION! • • • • !A • • • • • ENDS THURSDAY, SEPT. 6Y11 • LYEEUtoi • CINEMA • 9 e • • • • • ut stOwnitt -r111E, . • ADULT 6.111! MAWR . AT AM 1-IWILLE -goo liORROR• :1114,I. FRIDAY -AHD SATURDAY • • SEPT. -7 caul 8TH ONE SHOWING 'DART A77:00 P.M. ONLTI He's a super •• - canine ctimputer— theworld's greatest , crituelighter VALERIE BERTINELLI •toine CONRAD BAINIr""•011 91°Iiscil SEPARATE ADMISSiON CHUCK MC CANN sr”' FOR EACH FILM LIMITED ENGAGEMENT! FRIDAY, SEPT. 7 TO TUESDAY, SEPT. 11TH — PLEASE NOTE SHOWTIMES — FRIDAY & SATURDAY AT 900 P.M. ONLY! SUNDAY TO TUESDAY AT 800 P.M. ONLYI • WINNER5 ACADEMY AWARDS INCLUDING ' BEST PICTURE BEST DIRECTOR • BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR BEST FILM EDITING • BEST SOUND ROBERT DE N 1 -K) 'A MU-IAEL CIMINO Fll M THF. — WARNING • Some gerieS end language may be offensive • Theatre Branch Ontario STARTS WEDNESDAY SEPT. 12T11 vote "ALIENh darker, e *MOW,a roUsW, e 'candler, endmide ton of lunJI AI movies were els thrilling 1 Meld happily tpind all of my time In the Melee ALIHN TOM SIGOURNEY VERONICA HARRY DEAN SKERRRT WEAVER CARTWRIGHT STANTON JOHN HURT IAN HOLM YAPHET KOTTO • • 1 u •-• • •8 . tt it • • A. ;• t •