The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-09-05, Page 1The first day at school can be a disconcerting experience but:Chris-Stevenson didn't mind quite so much after getting:a kiss from his mom, Sue. Area youngsters and teenagers returned: to school Tuesday after their summer vacation: LucknowPabiic School reported 248 students registered Tuesday; with 45 in the kindergarten classes -attending their first day of school. [Sentinel. Staff Photo] ill canvass for rvrnadQ fund The West.Wawanosh Township Federa- tione Sri re plan to canvass the township to collect money for the Tornado Relief Fund t� assist` the people , of" the Woodstock -Oxford County area; The federation which met -on .Thursday; August 30 at .the• home. of Tpny and Fran McQuail, Meeting Plate Farm, also decided to organize work crews who will go down to the Oxford area to help with the .cleanup and rebuilding. • One crew will geto the area September 7 to assist withcleanup opera- tions and other crews .will go to. the area to help with carpentry work to rebuild houses and barns. Anyone interested in joining a work crew or doing carpentry work .should contact Marybelle Cranston, 529-7691. ' The federation is working_ in connection with the Mennonite Central Relief Commit- tee which wills contact the federation . when the area is ready to begin rebuilding.^ Ten members attended'.the meeting which. also discussed a program this fall and winter for federation members including ' card parties, pot luck "suppers and other social events to allow members to visit with each. other and learn about the county and provincial federations' concerns and busi- ness. The .'federation hopes to have the first social meeting in early December with others tobe planned during _the. winter-, The 1 SEE.. By The Sentinel Slo-pitch tournament Eleven teams will participatein a Slo-Pitch' ball tournament at the Dungannon and Lucknow ball diam onds . this Saturday and Sunday. Games begin at..9 a.m. both 'days: Teams include Kingsbridge, Luck - now, Dungannon, Kinloss, Kins- men, Ashfield, Port Albert, Lanes, Junior Farmers, West Wawanosh and: Belfast. Come out to the ball game and enjoy some of the last action of. this season. 24. PAGES • Flower show The Lucknow District, Horticultural Society was honoured to have the past president of the Ontario Horticultural Society, ,.Mrs. Muriel Klie of Hanover, officially open their summerflower show and tea. Thirty-five contestants entered 294 exhib- its in one of the best shows the• society has sponsored Mr's. Walter Farrell of R. S!•Kincardine;, judged the entries: Top exhibitor was Joan Robinson, Luck- . now, with a total of: 112 points: She also. Raise. X 1,001 for. tornado -.relief fund WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, ..1979 s Singie-Copy 25c entered the mostexhibits with • 58.. entries; Mrs. Robinson. won the gladiolus section with 14 points; 'the annuals class with .28 points, . the arrangements section. with. 37 points. and . the vegetable class with 1:5 points. Belle Mole,, Lucknow, `won the houseplant -seetton with 21 points .and Audrey.MacDon- S ald, Lucknow, won the rose arid dahlia class with 11 points. The tea table was decorated with a bouquet of red . roses. Tea wasserved. by Liella Finlayson and Mrs. James Little in; the afternoon and Mrs. Harold Treleaven and 'Mrs. Harvey Mole served in the evening. Turn to, page '6••' The Lucknow and, District 'Lions Club raised $1,000 for the Woodstock -Oxford County Tornado Relief Fund at a dance on Friday night. i Donations .will still be accepted according to Lions president, Lorne Cook, 'however, donations -utast be. made before September 13 to qualify for the Ontario Provincial government's assistance .plan., Money col- lected by the fund prior to that date will be matched by the Ontario .government three to one. Donations will be accepted at Schmid's Jewellery Store in Lucknow up to September • 13. . Music was supplied by Aslan Miller and the Kountry Katsas a benefit performance. The Lions Club which organized the dance, appreciate the assistance of the . Lucknow Home Baker which supplied the donuts and the Lucknow Business Association which advertisedthe dance. ..1 • Lucknow Distriet Firemen conducted a tolll=gate canvass on highway 86 at the entrance to the village on Friday to collect money for their muscular dystrophy campaign. Over the weekend, 'they raised $1,230 in their most successful campiaign. Jerry Lewis's Telethon raised over 30 Million for the children who suffer from this disease daring his labour day campalgn.. [Sentinel Staff Photo] Jana Health Foods. Judy McMichael, Dungannon and her 'husband, Art have `opened • a health food store in Goderich, Jana Health Foods. Judy has found eating. health foods cuts the cost of grocery bills as well as providing a nutritious alternative torefined foods - which have preservatives . added and lose their vitamin content, through refin- ing. Pictures and story on page 2. Cattails fight pollution The common cattail may be nature's weapon against water pollu- tion control problems from small municipalities. According to 'the Ontario environment ministry an artificial marsh • composed primarily of cattails is to be constructed in Listowel to treat part of the community's sewage effluent. The process uses natural 'purification as its basic principle. Details on page 23.