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16--Lticksow Sentinel, Wednes4Y, August 15, 1979
Librd.r. ki honout-Od'at, rotirernott• diluter
"Miss Beth McConnell,
supervisor of the Dungannon
library since 1959, was guest
of honour at a retirement
dinner given by the Huron
County library board, Thurs-
day evening, August 9.
This bountiful dinner was
held, at the Harbour Park Inn,
Goderich, attended by some
members of the Huron COL111-
ty board and West Wawa.
nosh council.
A lovely corsage of pink,
carnations was pinned on
Miss McConnell by ""Mrs.
Bruce MacDonald, secretary
to Mr. Wm. Partridge, Hur-
on County librarian. Follow-
ing the dinner, Mr. Partridge
thanked her for work as
libarian and presented her
with a book of poetry,
Mr.. Donald McKenzie, a
former board member, re-
called early library days
when the local schools con-
tributed numbers to the
annual library concert, an Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mc -
interesting means of sup- Whinney and Mr. and MN.
porting the library. Graham McNee have return-.
Miss McConnell expressed ed from a three week con -
her appreciation in a fitting ducted bus tour to the West
reply. Coast. Robt. Sherwood was
Miss McConnell's retire- the most capable bus driver.
!trent is effective August 1 On the trip out they took in
and Mrs. Amy Wiggins the Calgary Stampede •and
assumed this position, with. while in B.C. they visited the
the library being moved to Butchart Gardens In Victoria,
her home. and the Columbia ice fields
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ribey, among other things. On the
Paul and Mary Anne of Port return trip they all enjoyed
Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Jim the 'festivities of the Klondike
Hayden, Laurie and Linda of Days in Edmonton; Alberta.
Port Albert visited with Mr. He and hi uncle have spent
and Mrs. Graham McNee on some time in Labrador the
Sunday. On Monday their past week: His aunt and
company was',Mr. and Mrs. uncle reside in Newfound -
Allan McNee, Edward and .land.
Paul of London and Mr. and . Mr. and Mrs. Art McMich-
Mrs. Kitchener Finnigan of ael are opening a new store
Goderich... ' in Goderich, featuring bulk
Laurie Hayden and Brenda items for, Shopping convert:
McNee are. enjoying this ience, Best wish% on your:,
week at Camp Menesetung,, new venture.
north of Goderich. ° Mrs. Florence Berry ac -
Olivet youth returns
from Europe tri
London Airport.
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Black-
well returned home last
Wednesday from an extend-
ed visit out west with, mem-
bers of their family.
Nancy McGuire and Carol
MacKay visited for the week- •
end -with Patti MacDonald of
Kingston. •
Mrs. Olive Vogan and Len
of Ripley visited on Sunday
evening with. Mr. and Mrs.
' Walter Black, Joyce and Jim:
Dwayne Rivett finally ar-
rived at his destination in the
Maritimes after a mix up at
the airport in Nova Scotia.
held on Sunday afternoon V'
the Bill Park residence to
help Marie celebtate her
birthday. All the family were
This week in
byMarie Park
comparned her daughter, Is-
obel and husband, Larry
Brennan .of London, to. Cin-
cinnati, Ohio for the week-
end, when Larry competed in
a bowling tournament. She
and •daughter, Donn,a, just
returned from a 10 day
northern trip, mainly in the
Madawaska area.
A family gathering was
home, and Mrs. Thos.. Park
and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ash-
ton of Goderich, as well.
patient in Alexandra Marine
and General Hospital since
Friday. Patti, Kevin and
Tammy are spending the
days with friends at Kin -
On Wednesday night the
Dtingannon "Beez" lost to
Kinloss 27 - 17 in a game
played in Kinlos$. The A's
were defeated by Kings-
bridge in a. 28 -3 game
played at Dungannon.
In local soccer action on
Thursday !light, Dungannon
beat Colborne by a 4 - 1 score
at Colborne. Jeff Gibson
,scored twice, with Paul Jer-
ome and John Curran each
scoring once.
In the soccer game at
Lucknow, Lucknow defeated
Kingsbridge 5 - 3.
• • •
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Black
and Joyce were pleasantly
surprised on Sunday evening
when their min, Jim return-
ed from a two month trip
overseas. Among the places
he visited Were Greece, Italy,
Britain, Germany, Austria,
Switzerland, Belgium, Den-
mark, Sweden, Norway, Lux-
emburg, France and Hol-
Our deepest sympathy is
extended to Mrs. Raymond
Hamilton and family on the
sudden passing of her hus-
band last Thursday after-
Miss Joan Osborne return-
ed home last Sunday:I-rpm
Regina, Saskatchewan where
•she had been visiting as -a
:4-H exchange student. Mr.:
and Mrs. Robert Osborne
and family. met Joan at the
Also in Sto
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Lorne Maeck,
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'FrankMilier, -* •
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Larry Grossman, \
Ontario Minister of Indugtry and Tourism
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