HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-08-15, Page 11Sout Unknow SeetI oI, Wednectd*Yo Angina 15, 1979 --Page 1.1. tT..' BY RUTH BUCHMEIER Mr, and Mrs. Bill Searle and Linda and Sandra Exel visited in Wiarton with Mr.. and Mrs. Stuart Jamieson and Glenda. Sandy Maclntyre returned home last week with Mrs. Alex Maclntyre to Alliston for a few days' holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard. Clark and Julie and Mr. find Mrs. James Montgomery visited . at South River and with Laurie at Lake Magnet- awan. A reception was held at Holyrood Hall for Mr. '' and Mrs. Jack Mali on Friday night. At lunch . time Allan. MacDougall read the address. and George . McBride pres- ent.ed.the newlyweds with an envelope of money. Jack and Doreen live on the .6th concession. Heather Maclntyre and Olive ;Needham visited with Olive's daughter; ' Mr. and Protector. f °eg seedlings ,Mrs. Vic Fenton of• Sarnia:. Mr, and Mrs. Dan Rose Markdale and Mrs., Vander- Schilden of Amsterdam were visitors with Mary Macln- tyre. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Maclntyre. andfamily last week were Mr. and Mrs, Paul Higgins acid girls of Don Mills who brought ' Sandy home with thein; Helen and Alphonse Murray of Palmer- ston and .Michelle Banner- man of .Kincardine;. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mac- Intyre, Margaret, . Maryline, Sandy and Maryenjoyed the. wee1 end'at Woodland Beach and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Maclntyre , and girls at their cottage.. • • [Intended for last week] Mr, and Mrs. Earl Stever returned. . home from their four week .trip to the Calgary Stampede and on to Victoria. Besides other friends they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bud Crowston and family of Lytton,. B,C. and . with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh, Jansen and family of Cochrane in North- ern Ontario. Both these families are formerly of this. area. Bonnie Clark and Carol Buch meier returned 'home from ;'iheir trip out, to the • "coast: Theyflew' "to "Calgary to the, Stampede and visited with relatives and friends there. Then they went to Vancouver by bus to• visit with Carol's aunt, They returned to Calgary again by train and. flew ' back to .. Toronto. .They were" gone three weeks. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ` Allan : and , family were .Mrs. "Ron , Baker and boys of Shelburne, Shelly Wilson • of Limehouse and Mrs. Mary Whitney of . Mil- ton. Mrs. Nancy Maclntyre, The Ontario, cour. • yside is humming with harvest activ-, ity,but already some farm- ers are planting forage crops .. 'for next year. Summer seedings of alfal- fa or legume mixtures re- quire the same preparation as spring .planting, says Prof. R. S. Fulkerson, 'Department., of Crop Science, University of Guelph: Although spring, seedings' of new hay Or pasture meadows are super- ior. to those. seeded in sum • - mer, circumstances some- times' dictate that: summer seedings be made. In such cases, an early seeding. date.: is important to establish. the crop. • "Sow early, • at least a month before ' the ' normal seedingdate for winter wheat," says Prof. ,Fulker- son. "Early August seedings must`have:sufficient , leafy growth and rootal.* tostore food• for winter." A well -worked, firm seed- bed is essential 'for good ... germination •'To :achieve, weed control, . summer fal- lowing .Is recommended a few weeks before: seeding. When planting forage. crops in .summer,,:a' com- panion oator barley crop should never be used.; Lack of moisture often means that the hardier; fast-growing grainsstifle the forage crop.. "Never cut or . graze sim- mer seedings' the same year,", : warns Prat., Fulker- son. "At least 0.3 m (1 foot) of top .growth is necessary. to store food .reserves in the roots and to provide'.if 1ta- tion from low temperatures during winter. This .encour- ages persistent stands and high yields in following years." To prevent winterkill of. established forage stands, the farmer must not allow cutting or . grazing in those fields after the critical fall harvest date in his area. Ontario Ministry of Agricul- ture and Food Publication 296, 1979.Field Crop Recon- mendations, contains a map indicating -the dates applic- able 'to farm locations throughout the province. It is available from local agricul- tural representatives. +1•IIY�Eif1111Y`t11YWr�'•.....:'.•.iYt .•. ....:. 1979 FORD F 100, pickup 1978 ASPEN, 2 door, 6 cylinder automatic. 1977 FORD LTD., 4 door with air 1977.GMC, 1/2 ton pickup, V8 , standard transmission 1977 GRANADA, 2 door with air. 1977 BUICK LA SABRE, custom, 4 door with. air. • 1977 GRANADA, 4 door. 1977 ASPEN, _4 door V8 with air 1977 PONTIAC PARISIENNE, 4 door with air 1977 CAMARO 1977 PONTIAC LeMANS; 2 door with air 2 1977 GMC, 1 ton pickups, 1977 PINTO, 31 door runabout 1977.CHRYSLER, 4 door 1977 DODGE, van • 1977 DODGE ASPEN, stationwagon, " V8 with. air 1976 FORD CUSTOM 590 1975 FORD . LTD, 4 door 1975 FORD F150; .pickup 1115 DODGE CORONET, "4 door 1975 DODGE •ROYAL •MONACO, 4 door hardtop 2 - 1974 BUICK CENTURYS, 1980 Polaris Snowmobiles in Stock FREE FOR. FALL DISCOUNTS • SEE THESE AND OTHERS ON OUR LOT SEVERAL OLDER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM 1 CAR saes: cru. BL1fTN - PHONE X23.4342 Helen and Heather, and Mrs, Olive Needham return, ed home front their enjoyable trip out west. They flew to Calgary, then went to Van- couver by busand then flew home frgm there,' They were visiting at the Zoo in Calgary when.:they, ran into Bonnie. Clark and Carol Buchmeier. They also took a tour ovel. to Victoria. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Maclntyre and family were Mr. and Mrs. Alex Maclntyre. and family of Alliston. Congratulations to Mr,, and Mrs. Bruce Colwell on the birth of their little boy, Gavin Bruce, a brother for Chris and Tarrin. Also congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D.oel- matkon the birth of their first child, a son, another grand- son for Mr. and Mrs. Brian Doelman. Congratulations to Mr,. and Mrs. Norm Le Claire of. Toronto, -(nee Eileen; MacGil- livray) on .the arrival of their little giri, Tammy, a sister for Donna, born on August 2nd. Barb Nickel and Shauna and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nuefield and family visited. with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Breutagam, and family of St. Catharines. They also visited Don .who is employed on the John E,,ul~, Misner, Mr. and Mrs', Rod Mac- Kenzie and Michelle of Tor- onto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacKenzie and Mr. and Mrs. David Eadie and Matthew. • IN THE MATTER of The Expropriation Act, R. S. 0:1970, Chapter 154, as. *leaded. AND IN THE MATTER of an appiicationiiy-The Munlcipalteorporation of the County of Bruce for approval to eiproprlate lands being Part of Lots 18, 19, and 20, Range 2, South of the Durham Road, in the Township of Kinks*, and Part of Lots 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, and. 212, according to. Registered Plan 240 -for the said Township of Kinloss, all in the County of Brice. . N�tiC,ofAppIicqtl�n for, Approval • to Expropriate Land NOTICE IS. HEREBY GIVEN that .application has been made for 'approval to expropriate the lands described as follows: ALL AND SINGULAR those certain .parcels or tracts of land situate,- lying and being in the Township`of Kinloss, in the County of Bruce, more _particularly described :as follows: 1. Part of Let -20,: Range 2, S. D. R., more particularly described.as, Part 1 on Reference Plan, .3R-2434; 2. Part of Lot 19, Range 2, S. D.. R., more particularly described as Parts 2 and 3 on Reference Plan 3R-2434; • 3'. Part of Lots 18 and 19, Range 2, S. D. R., more particulary describedibas Part 4 on. Reference .Plan 3R-2434; 4: Part of Lots 206, 207, 208 and 209, Registered Plan • 240, more particularly described 1 as Part 7 on . Reference Plan .3R-2434; 5. Part of Lot 1:8, Range 2, S. D. `It,; Part of Lots 204, 205, and. 212, Registered Plan 240, more particularly' described. as Part 8 on Reference Plan 3R-2434; 6.. Parsof Lots 18 and 19, Range 2, S. D, R., more particularly described as Part 16 on Reference Plan 3R-2006; - 7. Part of. Lots 18, 19 and 20, Range 2, S. D. R•., more particularly described as Part 17 on Reference Plan '3R--2006. Any owner of lands in respect of which notice is given who desires an inquiry into whether the taking of such land is fair, sound and reasonably necessary. in the achievement of the : objective of the expropriating authority shall so notify the approving authority in writing, (a) in the case of a registeredowner, served personally or by registered mail within thirty days after he ;is served with the notice, or, when he is served by publication',. within' thirty days after the first publication of the notice;' (b). in the case..of an owner who is not a registered owner, within thirty daysafter. the : first publication of the notice: THE APPROVING AUTHORITY IS The Municipal Corporation of the. Couisty of Bruce, County Buildings, 215. Cayley Street, WALKERTON, Ontario. NOG 2VO NOTES: 1. The Expropriation Act .provides. that: (a) where an inquiry is requested, it shall be conducted by an inquiry officer appointed by die Minister of Justice and Attorney General; (b) the inquiry officer, (i) shall give every party to the inquiry an opportunity to present evidence and argument and to examine and cross-examine witnesses, either personally„or.by his counsel' or agent, and (ii) may recommend tothe approving authority that a party to the inquiry be paid a fixed amount for his costs of the inquiry not• to. exceed 5200.00 and :the approving authority may in its discretion order the expropriating authority to pay suck ousts forthwith, 2. ' "Owner" and "Registered Owner" are defined in the Act as follows:. "Owner" includes a mortgagee, tenants, execution creditor, a person edited too limited estate or interest in .land, a committee of the estate of a mentally incompetent person or of a person incapable of managing his affairs, and a, guardian, executor, administrator or trustee in whom land is vested; • "Registered Owner" means an owner of land whose ihterest in the land is defined and whose name is specified in an instrument in the proper .Land Registry Or Sheriff's Office, and includes a person shown as a tenant of land on the last revised assessment roll; 3. The expropriating authority, each owner who notifies the approving authority that he desires a hearing in respect of the lands intended to be expropriated and any owner added as a party' by the inquiry officer are parties to the inquiry.