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Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, August 8, 1979
Mr. and Mrs. :Bradley
John Lewis are residing in
Kitchener following their
wedding. Saturday, June 30,
at 3.30 in the Dungannon
United Church. Rev. C.
Westhaver, assisted by Rev.
Ron Baker of Wingham,
performed the ceremony am-
id: a .floral setting of pink
Romance roses and lighted
tapers in candelabra sur-
rounded by pink gladioli and
white single mums. The
same flowers formed a pretty
table arrangement on the
communion table and a
matching arrangement ad-
orned : the church entrance.
Mrs. Lewis. is the former
Betty Lou Culbert, daughter
of Mr. and. Mrs. Howard
-Culbert., 11 R. 1 Dungannon
▪ Parents of the. groom are Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Lewis, Wing -
Mrs. Judi McMichael was
organist . and accompanied
the soloist, Debbie Culbert,
sister-in-law of the . bride,
who sang ".I Believe", "1
Can't Help Falling In, Love"
and, "The. Wonder of You
The bride was given in
marriage by her parents and
chose a formal gown of white
jersey with pleated skirt and
guipure lace trim edging the
Queen Anne neckline and
empire waistline. Her hat of
white nylon with matching
guipure lace featured, a.two-
tiered fingertigveil, held
with a soft pink rose. The
bride carried a .cascadebou-
quet of deep pink roses and
baby's breath.
Mrs: Cathy Fisher of R. R. •
4 Goderich, a close friend of
the bride, was matron of
honour and bridesmaids
were three sisters of the
bride, Miss Joanne Culbert,
R. R. 1 Dungannon, Mrs.
Dorothy Bete, Dungannon, /
ani Mrs. Barb Snowden, St.
Helens. They were gowned
alike in soft pink jersey
,gowns in fthe new cocktail
l :ngth. The dresses were
fled with blouson bodices
• ?: shoestring straps, gulp -
• e: lace inserts and .accord-
_ - ti pleated skirts to match
the bridal gown. They wore
large pink picture hats cov-
ered with matching pink.;
chiffon,, with guipure lace.
trim A large white flower
arrangeinent at the back of
eachhat completed the en-
sembles ani they carried
nosegays of medium pink
roses, white carnations and
baby's breath.
Flower ;girl Kerrie Snow-
den of St. Helens, a niece of
the bride, wore a pink; jersey
dress with a Swiss dot
pinafore edged in lace. She
wore a white Swiss dot
picturehat with white eyelet.
ruffles and pink satin ribbons
that fell from the back. She
carried a miniature nosegay
of flowers similar to those in
the senior attendants' bou-
Dave Dolgos of Teeswater
wasgroomsman andushers
were Brian Martyn of Listow-
el, Preston Ledietn, ' of Wing -
ham and Jim Brooks, Wood-
stock. The bride's nephew,
Douglas Culbert of R. R. 1
Dungannon, was ring bearer.
The groom and his attend-
ants wore light grey tuxedos.
Following the wedding, a
reception was 'held at the
Lucknow and District Com-
munity Centre where ar-
rangements of pink gladioli
and white single mums ad-
orned the tables; Doug Fish-
er of Goderich, friend of the
couple, was master of cere-
monies. Guests attended
from London, Harriston,
Wingham, Goderich and Tor-
onto. Honoured guests in-
cluded the grandmothers of
the. groom, Mrs: Olive Lewis
of Wingham and Mrs. Beat-
rice Cook of R. R.1.Belgrave.
The -bride's .mother. wore
an offwhite . cocktail length
gown with a corsage oftwo
white and pink cymbidium
orchids. The groom's mother
chose a wrap -style warm rose
champagne cocktail length
dress with a corsage of pink
Sweetheart roses and baby's
The bride was entertained
at several showers prior to.
her marriage. A shower was
hosted by Linda Sudyk of
Goderich for Zehr's staff.
Mrs. Olive Lewis, grand-
mother of the .groom, held a
shower in Wingham for rela-
tives and friends of the
family. Acommunity shower
was held at Dungannon Unit-
ed Church. The couple was
•also feted at a Stag and Doe
• held by Dave Dolgos at the
Wingham Legion Hall and
Cathy and Doug Fisher held
a barbeque and party at their
home for friends of the
Dungannon are. A champs
at slo pitch tourney
Dungannon population
swelled to about five times
its normal size on the week-
end when the 3rd annual slo
pitch' ball tournamentwas
held with 16 teams seeing
' .Goderich Paper Leafs were
declared Grand Champions
by defeating Dungannon.
Dungannon were declared -
"A" champs with their four
consecutive wins while Win-
throp were "A" runners ; up
with 3 wins and 1 loss to
The "B" champs were the
Signal Star Paper Leafs with
3 wins and 1 loss. The "B"
runners up were Belfast with
2 wins and 2 losses..
Friday night, August 3rd
the actionstarted at 6:45
with Lucknow over Kinloss 7
- 6, 1863 I.A.M. defeated
Tickers; Brickers. 16 - 1,. and
Dungannon over'Stothers 12
Saturday, August 4th saw
the games commence at 9
a.m. with CKNX Try Har`ds
over. the Signal Star Paper
Leafs '4 2; Kingsbridge over
Lanes 14 - 2; Port Albert over.
North Ashfield 22 - 9; W.
Wawanosh defeated Goder-
ich Oldtimers 5 -, 3; Winthrop.
over Belfast 8 - 3; .Kinloss
over Tickers 10 7; 1863
I.A.M. over Lucknow 9 7;
Paper, Leafs defeated Stoth-
ers by an 11 - 8 Scor' ;
Dungannon over CKNX 10
9 and N.A.'over Lanes 10 - '6
in a game played in the rain.
Sunday morning, August
5th the . first, game between
Kingsbridge and Port Albert
saw the P.A. Pirates lose to
Kingsbridge by a 17 - 6
score. Belfast defeated the
Oldtimers 7 - 6; .Winthrop
over West Wawanosh..-21 5
and Paper Leafs over Kinloss
5 - 3. Dungannon defeated -.
1863 I.A.M. 10 - 5 and
Belfast over'N,A. 6 - 4. In the
most evenly matched game
of the tournament Winthrop
defeated.Kingsbridge by a 12
- 11 score.
Dungannon and Winthrop
met to see who would be
"A champs with Dungan-
non proving victorious by a
17 - 11 score.
The "B" champs were the
Paper Leafs with a resound-
ing 26 -. 2 win over Belfast.
Following the games, the
trophies and cash prizes
were awarded in the Agri-
culture Hall. ;: Bob. .McNeil
presented the team captains
with their team trophies. Rob
McWhinney accepted for
Dungannon and George Van-
derburgh for the Paper
Leafs. Belfast captain, David
Caesar, and Winthrop cap-
tain, Don Jewitt, accepted
their cash awards as runners
The Paper Leafs also prov-
ed to be \grand champs by
defeating Dungannon and
each player received a beer
mug compliments of Mol -
son's Breweries.
The most valuable player
award was presented to Al
Fuhr of the . Winthrop team
by Murray Gaunt.
Company with Mrs. Lynn.
Wall and children on. Satur-
day were her sister, Lois,.
husband George Graham and -
daughter, • Jennifer of Scar-
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Fancy, • Patti, Kevin and
Tammy spent the• holiday
weekend in Niagara Falls
visiting old friends and their
We welcome to the village
two new families, Mr. and
Mrs. Doug McDougall who
have moved into the Sher-
wood apartments at the
south of the villageiand Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Irwin now
reside in the home formerly
occupied by A. J. and Cora
Several parents and inter-
ested persons accompanied
the local soccer team, when
they travelled by Sherwood
bus to attend a professional
soccer game in Toronto be-
tween the Toronto Blizzard
and the Portland Trail Blaz-
ers on August 1. The money
for this trip .was raised by
these young people by of
a jog-a-walkathon held rec.
ently. The sponsors who
gave their money to these
young people should know
that.itwas put to good use as
each and every one enjoyed
their day and the chance to
see a professional game.
Terry • Ashton of Huron
Haven, Goderich,spent a few
days last week with Kevin
On Thursday: evening in a
game played at .Brookside,
Dungannon were beaten 1. 0
by Lucknow. Wayne Philips
scored the winning goal. At
Colborne, Kingsbridge* de-
feated Colborne by a 1 0
On Wednesday evening in
a game played at Dungannon,
the Dungannon "Beez"han-
dily defeated the Kinloss
girls 27 - 13. On ' Tuesday
evening the Dungannon A's
defeated the Kingsbridge
Mrs. Russell Alton, `God-.
erich, was hostess for the
Dungannon Branch of W,L,
Thursday evening, August 2.
The `,• president, Mrs.
George Errington, welcomed
all and thanked the hostess..
Following the minutes and
the treasurer's report, the
correspondence was read
and the business period fol-
lowed, 'i.e. (1) plans were
made for the birthday party
at Huronview August 15 at
which we provide a program,
gifts, and cup cakes. (2) an
invitation was received to at-
tend a • • meeting at Kings-
bridge August 16 re Social
Activities. (3) a thank you
letter was received from
Miss Jean Siertsema, the
Dairy Princess, :and she also
sent a recipe booklet to _ the
W.I.. (4) a letter of appre-
ciation of co-operation from
4 -II girls, their leaders, and
the community, was received
from Bea • (McClenaghan)
Gosselin prior to her leaving
Huron County to go to Mid-
dlesex County. (5) the next
4-H club is on 'Needlepoint'
and is to be sponsored by
Dungannon W.I. The lead-
ers, Mrs. Bill Stewart and
Mrs. George Errington may,
be contacted by any girls int-
erested in taking this course.
The training classes for the
leaders will beheld at Blyth
August 30 and September
12. (6) a donation was made
to the Erland' Lee Home 'and'
also to the Save the Children
Fund. (7) written sugges-
tions for the W.I.'s';part. in
the 1980 'Dungannon Birth-
day . Celebration are to be
handed in at the next meet-
In response to the roll call,
baby pictures were displayed
on a table and provided a
guessing game. Fourteen
members answered the roll
by telling "What Makes a
Child: Happy?" One child.
was present. •
Turn to page 100
Rev.Doug Kaufman
Minister _
Joint Summer Services
At South Kinloss
' Sunday, July 1, 8, 15
<Lucknow Presbyterian
July 22, 29, Aug. 5
Aug. 12, 19, 26, Sept. 2 .1
Lucknow United Church 1
Rev.. L. Van Staalduinen
10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
Listen to the
Back to God Hour
10:30 a.m. CKNX
Rev. Wm. Munshaw
B.A. M. Div.
Joint Summer Services:
Lucknow United
August 12,'19, 26. Sept. 2
Rev. Doug, Kaufman
July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
• Minister
Rev. Wm. Munshaw
Aug. 5, 12, 19, 26. Sept. 2
Note:. Services at 10 a.m.
Wedding & Shower Gifts
Also Special Prices on