The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-07-25, Page 20Pt a 2O-1tseknow Sentinel, Wed= wish Jabs' 25, 1979 install nuclea . Ontario Hydro's Board ..of ',Directors has appwved:plans to purchase nuclear training simulators for the Bruce A and Darlington nuclear sem- crating stations. The simnlatprs, will. be rep- licas of the control rooms at Bruce and, Darlington, but instead of being attached to the actual reactors and tur- bines, they'll be `wired to a computer system which sim- ulates the generating station. Faults may be programmed from an' instructor's console to' enable the student to re- spond to abnormal condi- tions. The simulators will be installed at thte.. Bruce A and Darlington satellite, tra ping centres. "The training simu altors area very importantp rt of the total nuclear training pro- , , gram. But, they do not sub- - state MT the : other forms of classroom,`, laboratory and on-the-job•'training," Lorne McConnell,•P vice-president- Production s+y and. Trans 1s- sign, said today. ' ;Mr -McConnell added that: the Br ce .nsim atorkwilj. be adaptable to botch.the,Bruce A nuclear'generating station and the Bruce Bl'-, s a op M present, Ontario Hyro;has one nuclear training sim(ila<,- ' for which has been in service since 1976 at 'Pickering sate- llite training centre. CAE Electronics Limited of Montreal : built the Picker- ing A sim lator and the firm will buil the Bruce and Darlingtonsimulators. The Bruce A simulator :is expected to cost about $14 million and the Darlington',, ' simulator about $16 million. Instructor Gregor Hall pciints out• .fines' details of nuclear reactor operation on a control room sim�ulatus.•to trainees at the Pickering generating station. Similar'.units are on the. board's for Bruce and Darlington' nuetear stations, If you t 4.. k fl•thc,ss is a distant goal, consider this: you can v �_.. -a11 the way. /34ff.ri a trio The Canedianl movement .t4,peisonai;ti ss; World famous OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK - MONDAY TO SATURDAY JEW ELLRR AND CHINA. OWNER$: W. JOS. AND DEAN C. AGNEW FOR EVENING APPO TMENTS PHONE 528-35310R 528.3940 Nli- J. SMITH . NOW SERVING -THE AGRICULTURAL COMMUNITY * 65 YEARS We of M. J. Smith have all the requirements for handling your �a die GRAIN, .FERTILIZER, CORN, SEED GRAIN & 0 AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS at competitive pricwks!.. WE 131.1Y, SELL, STORE & DRY! i• sH,1,1) • l Aiti. •614rAN5— HWY. NO. 21 ..„.PORT ALBERT PHONE: 529-7135 or 529.7700 "ALL OF OUR 'FACILITIES, ARE TO SERVE ) 0U.BElTER"