The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-07-18, Page 20Page 28—Ineknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 1$, 1979
we rs honour Kings
A miscellaneous shower
washeld on Tuesday, July 10
in St. Joseph's School for
Debbie Maize,' daughter . of
John. and Mary. Maize. Jo-
anne Doherty, • as chairlady,.
conducted two -contests
.which everyone enjoyed. Pat
Helsic read the address to
the bride-to-be. Pat and Jo-
anne O'Neill assisted Debbie
in the opening of her gifts.
Debbie thanked everyone for
the many lovely gifts. Lunch
was served by her. cousins,
Joanne and Anita Doherty,
On Wednesday, Carl and
Fran Riegling and grand-
children, arrieand Carl,.
enjoyed 'the trip to Bramp-
ton, st`opp'ing'at a camp site
fartPa picnic in Grand Valley
on the'w'ay, the ;only cool spot
on a very -licit' day, then cbnr-
tinuing,on to Brampton to the
home of the. children's par-
ents, Judy and Bill Belrose
and visiting with them before
returning home,
A miscellaneous shower
was held. on .Wednesday,
July 11 in Dungannon United
Church basement for Sherry
Boak; daughter of Jim and
Phyliss Boak, Ruth Winter-
mute was. chairlady introduc-
ing those who took part in the
most enjoyable program:
Frances and Melissa Logten-
berg' sang a duet "Who's
that in the cucumber patch
with Sherry" . with Frances
accompanying on the piano.
' arsha Boak, Sherry's sist-
er, gave a humorous reading
"He was there and so was
I". Marsha also tap danced
with her mother accompany-
ing on the :piano. Mary
Luanne Clare sang "Eidel-
weiss" and "Getting to know
you" . accompanied by Phyl-
iss Boak. The address was
read by. Fran Logtenberg
followed by .Mary Clare
playing "Here comes the
bride",Sherry led. ,by her'
attendants ` proceeded to' the.
seat of honour and• opened
the many lovely gifts ` she
received:' She very approp-
riately thanked everyone, A
lovely lunch was served.
Recent visitors with Susan'
Marshall were. Gerry MarshMarsh-
all and family of Kitchener.
Mr. hand Mrs. Larry Szyd
iowski and family of Troy,,
Michigan, visited their aunt,
Mrs. Bernadine Kinney.
Thirty-three people travel-
led by bus on Friday, July 13
to the Shrine of Our Lady of
th?e- Rosary at St. Mary's,
Ontario. Included in the
group.. were people , fro'ni
Goderich, Lucknow, St. Aug-,
ustine. and Kingsbridge.
Father Pat Moore and Father
Ed Dentinger concelebrated
Mass at the Shrine. The
statue of the Pilgrim Virgin
of Fatima was on display and
after' lunch the Statue of Our
Lady of Fatima was carried in
procession • around • the
grounds followed . by the
large crowd reciting the
rosary. This Shrine was built
in 1958 by Father MacDonald
• of Scarboro Missions and
there are 50' trees pianted
around the small Shrine' to
denote each . bead of the
Rosary. Fr. Moore has trav-
elled around the world 17
times with the Virgin Statue
and has reached all parts of
,the world. He has travelled
for 32 years since he began
this Mission. It was a wond-
erful outing for all who
participated, Future pilgrim -
,age dates for this summer
are: August 13 to 22 'inclus-
Glen Tigert, son of Jack
and Rita, received his Bach-
elor of Arts degree (Honours
Degree) from University of
Western Ontario.
Lucille Frayne, daughter
of Don and Rose, graduated
frorn. Fanshawe College hav-
ing completed its Mental
Health Worker Program.
Congratulationsto these
students aswell as to all who
graduated from the various
Diane VanRooy, daughter
of John and Jean, has :been
named as an Ontario Scholar
for her average of, 80%.
-:Congratulations to her for
her fine work.
Remember the annual Par-
ish Picnic will be held at
North Ashfield Park, Sun-
day, July 22.
Marie Judge of Jackson,
Mighican and granddaught-
er, Jody Kim Bentley are
visiting the Courtney. famil-
ies -- Vivian Hogan and Con,
Joe Courtney and Teresa,
Grace Austin and John and
Marcella Courtney. Joe
Judge visited for the week-
end with the Joe Courtney
The garage sale held in
Kingsbridge Church Hall on
Satttrday past wasa..huge
success. The home baked
goodies disappeared as fast
as they came in, some buyers
following the ladies, bringing
their baking into the hall; A
lot of work, but also a lot of
fun too.
Marcella Courtney of God-
erich, is spending her holi-
days in the area. She visited
Saturday at the Ken Chester
cottage at Port Albert. She is
staying at her brother' John
O'Connor's home in Kings-
bridge, and visiting her own
°family., and relatives.
Gary Courtney Construc-
tion has completed erecting a
pole barn on. Reis Milten-
burg's farm on the 9th
concession. • Interesting to
drive down. the 9th andsee
all the, new homes and build-
ings going up and new-coni-
ers to the -area, living on the
Jim and Kathy (Dalton)
MacDonald, Julie and
Shawna of Chilliwack, B.C.
are spending two weeks with
Ray Dalton and the Dalton
!ge brides
Carl and Fran Riegling were
Carl's niece, Debby Field
and friend, David Slote of
Kitchener after touring the
Huron County Goal and other
tourist attractions in the
- This week 'in
families as wellas with Mr.
and Mrs. Pete MacDonald
and members of their., family
in •Lucknow. •
Kerry and Diane Hogan
and sons Todd and Chad of
Glencoe are holidaying at
Con and Vivian Hogan's,
Kerry's parents, and visiting
friends and relatives in the
, Father Houser of St. 'Louis'
Parish, Waterloo is spending
`a few, days' visiting at St.
Joseph's Rectory with Father -
Ed Dentinger and Brother
Carl Voll:.•
Sunday dinner guests with
Recent visitors with Max"
and Helen Riegling and four
sons were.. Phil and Evelyn
Evers of Kincardine, Darryl
and Colleen Morrison of
Toronto and son, Denny.
Sharon McClenaghan and
family of Clinton spent Fri-
day with the Rieglings. Gav-
in remained for a few . days
holidays. Max, Helen and
family spent Sunday visiting
the McClenaghans in Clin'
ton. Matt and Ursula Rich-
ardson and Laura of Goder-
ich also visited at. the Rieg-
ling home during the '.week,
• Pat and Sam Cino and two
children of . Hamilton have
bought a summer cottage at
Port Albert, Pat isthe
daughter of Alma (O'Brien) ,
Stephenson'of Ingersoll and
a granddaughter of the late
Dan O'Brien of Goderich.
Stan and Marjorie Bolger
and six children of Cam-
bridge -Galt from St..Pat-
`rick's Parish re spending
summer holid flys at Point.
Clark. ,..,
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Whaley, formerly of Goder-
ich, now residing in Florida,
are spending the summer in
one of the cottages owned by
Stan Doherty at Port Albert.
The Whaley's attend church
at St. Joseph's, Kingsbridge
and were part of the crowd
who attended the garage
Spending the weekend at
the Howard summer' cottage
at Buchanan Beach, just off
highway 21, were Donna
Frayne, Faye 'Hildebrand,
Rosemary• Crawford and
Anne Marie. Howard.
Visitors at the Dirk Log -
Turn to page 21 •
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