The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-07-04, Page 14.5!
Page 14,--Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, July 4, 1979
Ripley District
Awards were presented to. these graduates at the RlpIey District Sack row are Debbie Lamb, acirdUinic; , Gary .Rutledge,. academic;
School grade eight graduation on Tuesday, June 19. Recipients. were Frank .MacLennan, academic. Cathy Fluddet,•profleleney and French
front row, left to right, Eric Vander Glas,. academie; CALI Fair, and Janice: Needham, pro/14610 and class valedictorian. •
progress;• Kathy Boyd, proileleney and .school spirit; Joe Nugent, ' • [Photo by Sharon Dietz]
academic, 0111e LIddle, proficiency and French; Susan Low, pregresi.
.1 Art. 94,
• .
The *Wind*/ c1u at,Kipley District Scheer hickadei left to right, front row, Mike, Were,
OIUe Liddle, Tens hrribt, Part; Erie Vander CIa., Larry Colling; Joe.' Nosent, Otto
Linde, Derek Mffier, Jeff Duvall; aecond row, Debbie Roberts, Rhonda Watson, lee filtiodell.
John Van• Kooten, Kevin Irwht, Mr. Turiral, Mr. Stanley, Dan Smeltzer, Gary Rutledge, Guy
Dahmer, Debbie Iamb, Shari •Chunibitt; thh'd row, Anne Marie Cleaver, Nichols Stafford,
Frank MacLennan,Wilfred Janlinie, Hill Metre*, Kevin Hackett, Dasid. Gamble, Doug
i3enisanin, Andrea, Farrell,. Ste've. Valli fourth row, Cathy Plodder, Susan Penner, Kim
Dalton, Janice Needham, Mike Inifier,'. Kevin Hoyle, Ken Elliott, Jeff Scott, Susan Low,
Nathalie Mears, Kathy Boyd; back row, Miss Hooper, Mrs. Henderson, Mr. Armstrong, 1\1r.
Brown, Mts.. Marlyn. and Mrs. Mink.