HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-06-27, Page 114,
Imi* .w $.4.110sel, Wedaeaday, Joao 27,. 1979 --Pigs 11
Area youths seek workout west
Miss Ruth Schmidt of
,-.Tavistock visited on Sunday
with Mrs. Mary Bere and
Dick and Anne Kilpatrick
of Wingham spent Sunday
with Mrs. Cecil Blake.
Miss Pearl Tideswell and
Lewis Johnston of Clinton
called on Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Park on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rich-
ardson returned on Friday
from Montreal where they
had attended a funeral.
A community shower was
held at Kingsbridge on
Thursday night for July
bride -elect, . Elaine. Stewart.
Four area youths Tim Hod-
ges, Brian Jefferson, Jim
Kinloss. On Thursday night
the "Beez" suffered another
loss in a hard fought 22 - 17
battle with the Kingsbridge
On the s10 -pitch circuit
Dungannon. defeated Helm's
Welding by 'a 31 = 9 score in a
game played in Lucknow on
Tuesday evening.
On Sunday afternoon at
the local diamond the
"Beez" ladies team played
the Goderich men's Optimist
Club in a fun game. Plenty of
laughs were had by all con-
cerned and only one slight
mishap occurred when an
umpire received a bloody
nose. _,,!
This week in
by Marie Park
Cranston and Murray Lyons
left on Tuesday evening for
employment in northern Al-
berta. In a phone call receiv-
ed Saturday evening they
were in Edmonton.
Company with Beck and
Harvey Culbert for the past
two weeks have been her
niece, : Linda Krogan and
friend, Maureen Keller of
Regina. While here they
have visited .with other rela-
Jim and Joanne Durst of
near Goderich spent Sunday
with her ` sister, Judy and
Art McMichael and family.
Bob. Stothers is.a patient in
University Hospital, London,
following surgery. He is
reported to be progressing
very well.
Mrs. Margaret Pritchard
(Pentland) visited in our area
on the weekend and attended•
the decoration day services
at tungannon Cemetery.
The ' Huron Trail Riders
Saddle, Club held their sec-
ond club show of the season
with ideal weather condi-
tions. The judge for the day
was Roy Baeurman from
Moncton. The next club
aetivitY is a trail ride on July
lst. A fun show for ' horses
and , riders on July 15th will
round out the activities for
the month of July.
In house league soccer
play last week Colborne
defeated Kingsbridge in .a.
well played contest at :Col-
bo ne..Central School. The
lone goal was scored by
Steven MacDonald of Col-
borne while the shut out was
recorded by Matt Wilkinson.
On -'Thursday, June 21 at
Brookside School the Dun-
gannon squad defeated. the
Lucknow boys, who were
playing short handed, by 'a 2
- 0 score. Both goals were
scored .by John Curran.
In the ladies soft ball on
Monday evening the North
Ashfield Nuts defeated the
Dungannon "A"s by'a close
24.21, while the Dungannon
"Beez" suffered a loss to the
Port Albert .Pirettes, played
in Port Albert, On Wednes-
day evening Dungannon
"A"s made a comeback by
defeating Kinloss by an 11- 3
score in a game played at
On Friday, June 22nd the
Dungannon men's slo-pitch
team were represented by
five of its membersat the
bed race held in Lucknow in.
conjunction with their Sum-
merfest. Push power was
provided by Dave Dawson,
Ed Godfrey, Gord Riley and
Al, Nivins, while, Ron Olson.
rode to a 2nd place finish.
Congratulations. •
Sunday service included
the presentation of Sunday.
School Awards and Tyro
Flashes. Rev. C. G. ` West -
haver 'preached the fifth in
his. series on Genesis, "The
Sin of Cain and its Punish-
ment". The choir sang the
anthem, "Who at my door is
standing?", led by organist
Mrs. Jean Elliott.
Those receiving Sunday
School awards were 24 out of
the 45 enrolled and the
awards were given for 34 or
more Sundays attended out
of a possible 38 since last
September. Five year. awards
- Heather Curran 37, Susan
Curran 37, Martha Curran
37; -four year awards, Sherry
Hodges 36, Shannon McNeil
37, Johnny Wright 37, Jim-
my. Wright 37,, Murray Cur-
ran 36, Craig McNeil 37,
Annette Curran 36, Lavoine
Curran 37; three year
awards, Dennis Park 37,
Allison Curran 37, Michael
Curran 36; two year awards,
Kenny Logtenberg 37, Tanya
Hodges 36, Joel Wright 38,
Matthew Sproul 38, Timmy
McNee 38, Dana Park 36,
Melissa Logtenberg 37; one
year awards, Larissa Sproul
37, Linda Hayden 36, Laurie
Hayden 36.
Congratulations to these
children and to all who
attended_ and keep the aver-
age attendance high. The
teachersof the Sunday
School are to be highly
commended for their faith-
fulness and dedication Sun-
day after Sunday.
The congregation met
briefly -after the , service to
pass a motion, as required by
the rules ' of the church,
empowering .the Official
Board to act on behalf of the
whole membership in the
setting • .up of a Pastoral
Relations Committee to see
about getting a new minister.
On motion by ' Mrs. Mary
Bere, seconded by . Freeman
Olson and approved byy the
congregation, this power was
givento the official board
which will meet at Dungan-
non on Tuesday evening with
Rev. Norman Pick of Clinton
in' attendance.
Tyro Boys who received
Flashes were Craig McNeil,
Jini;Wright, Murray Curran,
Kenny Logtenberg, Donnie
Carmichael. Also receiving
Flashes but absent on. Sun-
day were Larry Henry and
Bradley 'Black. These red.
Flashes are to be worn on
.one sleeve of the new uni-
forms the boys are getting on
Tuesday evening.
Dungannon U.C.W. met
on Tuesday evening, June
19, at the manse with 14
ladies present. Mrs. Bessie
McNee opened the meeting
with a reading; "When You
Pass Through Troubled Wat-
ers". Mrs.; Cecil Blake play-
ed the piano for the, hymns
and Mrs. Evelyn .Westhaver.
read the scripture and led in
A meditation from the
book, Inspiring 'Devotions, -
was read by Mrs. Bessie
McNee, followed by a poem,
"1 have a friend who knows
my name". The Bible Study
was in the form of a skit put
on by Mrs. Amy Wiggins,
Mrs. Elsie Irvin, Mrs. Donna
Alton, Mrs. Helen Dawson
and Mrs. Evelyn Westhaver
followed by .a discussion led
by Mrs, Bessie McNee.
Mrs. Amy Wiggins chair-
ed the business part of the
meeting which included min-
utes of last meeting, corres-
pondence, treasurer's re-
port. Mrs. Helen Dawson
informed the ladies that all
the plates were sold. Mrs.
Amy Wiggins reported on a
workshop at Camp Meneset-
ung which was attended on
Monday by four U.C.W.
members, Mrs. Wiggins,
Mrs. McNee; Mrs. Dorothy
Pentland and Mrs. Blakey-,
The U.C.W. were asked in
a letter from Muriel Coultes
of Belgrave to support the
boycott of Nestle's Products
to protest their sales push in
Third World countries which
is to the detriment of child-
ren's health.
There was a letter from
Huron -Perth Presbytery
mentioning the possibility of
splitting the Presbytery into
two and asking for opinions
on the matter. Mrs. Jean
Errington made a motion
hold the packing of the used
clothing bale until fall. Those
who have things before that
may contact the Christian
Fellowship members or take
their donations to -Huronview
if suitable. Discussion was
held, on ' catering for upcom- •
ing weddings. Rev. West -
haver mentioned that Mrs.
Jean Elliott wished to the
know if the ladies would
approve of cleaning the choir,
gowns before the anniver-
sary. This was left to the
music committee. Mrs. Dor-
othy Pentland and Mrs. Jean
Errington served a delicious
rey Ox group mee
Supper guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Graham on
Saturd,y,.w.ere_ Rennie Gra-
ham and Sandy Nicholson of
Toronto, Alex McMurchy of
Whitby, Mrs.'Elizabeth Mac-
Donald of Ripley. ,and Mrs
Annie Mac1ntyrei' of Luck -i- =
There was a meeting of the
Grey. Ox corner group held at
the Kairshea Hall on Satur-
day, afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mac-
Kinnon and Sean of Guelph
and Mary . MacKinnon ` of
Goderich were weekend vis-
itors with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon
and Murray_ .
Mr. and Mrs; Herb Mc-
Quillin of Salmon visited a
few days last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Dick McQuillin and
Ron. Mr. and Mrs. Bob
MacNay of Amberley were
Sunday callers with Mary's
School is overfor another
year and the graduates of
grades 12 and 13 are going
out into the world for a new
start in life. We wish them all..
the best. For the other let us
wish them a good summer.
Some of the teachers are
going to summer school,
others are .travelling • from
Worry is today's mouse
eating tomorrow's
Brookside wins pennants
at baseball tourney
On Wednesday, June 20th
Brookside had their annual
baseball tournament. Rob-
ertson, Victoria and Colborne
schools took part in the
tournament with Brookside.
In the senior boy's division
Brookside did quite well by
winning the pennant. The
coach was Mr. Jewitt and the
captain was Paul Martin.
The junior girls, also ' won
the pennant. Their coach was
Mrs. Graham and the captain
was Wilma Vantdervelde.
On. Friday, June 22 Brook-
side started their Fun Day
but because of the weather it
was cancelled and will con-
tinue the next sunny day.
On Tuesday, June 19 a
group of four actors from the
Huron County Playhouse
came to the school to talk
with the students: about.
acting. They performed a
piece of the play they will be
performing this summer en-
titled Sleeping Beauty.
On Thursday, June; 27,
Brookside students went
swimming at Lucknow Pool -
Grade 8 girls, Grade 7 girls
(Miss Trezise's , Pys. Ed.
class), Grade 5 and6 girls
and boys from Room 9 with
supervisors, Mrs. Graham
and Miss Trezise. In the
afternoon Grades I - 4
enjoyed a swim accompanied
by their teachers.'
you're whistling
in dos dark.
. if you-ha"ven't had your
blood pressure checked
lately. You could have high
blood pressure and not
know it. It Can lead to
stroke, heart and kidney
failure, See your doctor --
only he -can tell.
here to there. Be it to
England or to the western
part of Canada or just the
little ,trips to the cottage at
the lake, it is a holiday. So
have a good summer for one
and all and 'travel safely,
The Lucknow, School Band
put on :`a.. very enjoyable
evening performance at God-
erich again this year. A few
brave souls sat out on the
lawn to watch and listen but.
there were a lot sitting in the
cars because it was so cold.
However this didn't bother
the members of the band.
They still did a; good job. _...
1979 FORD F 100, pickup
1978 ASPEN, 4 door
1978 CHRYSLER CORDOBA, with air
1977° GRANADA, 2 door, with . air
1977.,GMC 3/4 TON, pickup
1977 BUICK LA SABRE, custom
1977 CHEV BELAIR, 4 door
1977 PINTO, 3 door runabout
1977 CHRYSLER, 4, door ,
1977 DODGE, 4 door stationwagon
1977 DODGE, van
1977 ASPEN, 2 -door, 6 cylinder automatic
1977 DODGE ASPEN, stationwagon,
V8 with air •
1976 FORD CUSTOM 500
1976 HORNET, 4 door, 6 cylinder
1976 OLDS CUTLASS, 4 door
1975.FORD LTD, 4 door
1975. FORD F150, pickup
1975 DODGE CORONET, 4 door
PHONE S23-4342