HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-06-13, Page 28MAtid^•N.�hlsA
Page 28—Laclosow Sentinel, Wedaeada +,, Jtute 13, 1979
holden wedding
Tom and Tillie Hackett,
Lucknow, formerly of Ash-
field; "celebrated their 50th
wedding anniversary on
Thursday June 5; 1979..
Their family, grandchildren
and great grandchildren at-
tended a fainily dinner in
their honour held at the
Lucknow District Community
Centreon Sunday, June 8. A'
reception and dance Was at- '
tended by family, friends and
neighbours at, the Lucknow
and District Community' Cen`-.
tre .on Friday., June .6.
Married in London in 1929
they .were . attended by Til -
lie's sister Millicent. Bpwles
and her husband, Alvin of
London. Rev. J.,Bryce .Hunt-
er officiated .atthe ceremony.
Tillie is the daughter of the.
late Mr. and Mrs. ; David
"Hackett, Ashfield and Tom is
a son : of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Alex (Sandy) Hackett,
Ashfield. '
.T.heyFbave a family of: eight
chit ren, who were all pres-
ent.for the, golden wedding
celebrations:: Don `of Ash-
field; Donalda, ,Mrs. ,`Earl
Jamieson' of ' Wawanosh;. Al
Mrs. Wm. Hewat of El-
mira, . the former Frances
Thompson of Lucknow, was
guest of honour at a Retire-
ment Tea held at Mahood
Public School, Elmira, on
Thursday, June 7, Many
parents, pupils and friends
attended. Among those . at,
tending were: Helen 'Thomp-
son, Lorna Campbell, . Mr.
and. Mrs. H. D. Thompson,
Mr. and' Mrs. Don Thomp-
son., Susan and Donalda, all
of Lucknow; Mr. and Mrs.
Murray Hunter, Jennifer and
Matthew of Wingham; Mr.
and Mrs. David Thompson,
Allison and Amberley of
Guelph; Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Mayhew and Shan-
non ' of Kitchener; Mr. and
Mrs. Don Robertson of R. R.
3 Ripley.
lana_ Lucknow; Freda, Mrs.
Doug Langton, Winnipeg,
Manitoba Lots; ' Mrs.' La -
Verde Cunningham, R. 5
Goderich; 'Barry, Ashfield;
Joyce, Mrs. Ken Elphick, R.
3. Lucknow; and Kathleen,
Mrs. Ken Ackworth, London.
The couple have 30 grand-
children and four great
The 'children ' . presented
their. ,parents witty -a. gold
watch for. Tillie and a gold
pocket watch' for Tom. The
randchildren ave a oId
g g g.
engraved picture:frame.
Mr..H'ackett has operated
an. Allis Chalmers dealership
in . the village and still re-
active: in .the family
I:'larv. and Belle Mole manied 42 years
Harvey and Belle, Mole
were guests of their families
Don and Kay Mole and
family, Courtright and Mar-
ion and Rick Goatbe and
family, London at St. Peters
Parish Hall in Lucknow on
June 3 to celebrate their
42nd wedding anniversary.
Belle's sisters and their
families gave them a money
tree which is always accept-
able. There were many other"
lovely gifts.
Relatives began to gather
about three o'clock to enjoy a
social time and 95 guests
later enjoyed a smorgasbord
dinner with. Rev. Ure Stewart
This Week in
Visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. G. Hunter. on Sunday
were Misses Helen Wilson
and Ethel Brown of Brant-
• ford. Ethel is the daughter of
the late Rev. and. Mrs. A. W.
Brown; Rev. Brown served
on Ashfield charge some 50
years ago, ministering to the
former Zion, Hacketts and
Blakes. United Churches. Lat-
er the Brownsretired to
Brantford. The atnalgama-
tion of . these three~ former
churches now serves under..
". the name of Trinity United
Church, which was formerly
Hackett's Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Con Hogan
of Ashfield visited with their,
daughter, Fay in London on
Thursday. Fay attended a
• two day 'seminar in Toronto.
She wasaccompanied by her
mother, who visited with the
Fred Courtney and Tome
Bryant families, Con visited
in Glencoe with his son Kerry
and family.
J. J. Houston, Missis-
sauga, and Hugh. . Houston,
Millarville, Alberta, visited
with their parents on the
weekend. Hugh returned to
Alberta . on Monday.
Miss Margaret Smith of
Regina, Saskatchewan visit-
ed recently with Chester: and
Bell Hackett of Ashfield ' and.
with her Vint and Campbell
relatives in this area.
Mr. • and. . Mrs. Harold
White of Hanover and his
sister, Mrs. Orley Cooper,
attended the funeral Satur-
day of their brother, Hers- •
chel White of Stratford, who
died; suddenly last week. Mi.
White was the senior partner
of Moffat and White Con-
struction 'Company of Strat-
ford: He is survived by his
wife, .two daughters and a
son, all' of Stratford.
`onoured on
th - anniversary
business since selling it to
his sons, Allan and Barry..,
Mr.. and Mrs. Hackett lived
in 'Ashfield until -..1961 when
they . moved into Lucknow.
Mr. and. Mrs: Howard 'Cul-
bert, Dungannon wish to
announce the engagemeit of
their daughter Betty Lou to
Bradley John, son of Mr: and
Mrs. Jack Lewis, Wingham.
The •marriage will take place
June 30, 1979 at 3:30 p.m. in
Dungannon United Church.
John Van Osch, Waterloo,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Van Osch, Lucknow, receiv-
ed his Masters of Science of
Education at the annual
graduation exercises of Niag-
ara University; Niagara, New
York, on Sunday, May 27.
John also has a. Bachelor of
Arta degree from Sir Wilfrid
Laurier University, Water-
loo: He is presently Principal
of St. Anthony School, Kit-
• Mr.. •and • Mrs. ; Harvey
Houston, Willoughby Street,
Lucknow, were guests .of
their family at .-the Hartley
House, Walkerton, June 8th,
on the occasion of their 40th
wedding anniversary: The
actual wedding `. date was
Julie 5th, 1939. They; receiv-
ed many •lovely gifts.
Twenty-two relatives and
friends attended from Mis-
sissauga, Millarville, . Alber-
ta; Paisley, Wawa, Owen
Sound,, Walkerton, Pinker
ton, Wingham, Watford,
Ripley, and Lucknow:
Harvey and Else have a
family 'of . four . sons; James
John, Mississauga; ' Hugh,
Millarville,. Alberta; Ken-
neth, ..
en-neth,., Hoiyrood; Wallace,
Ripley (presently in New.
Brunswick), and five grand-
Attending locally were Mr.
and Mrs. Allister Hughes:
Rata Hendr ke, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hend-
riks, graduated from Georg
Ian College of Applied Arts ink Hendrlks, :daughter of
echnology, with a .dip- Mr. and."Mrs. Marti
my 'fiend
of Mental Retardation riles, graduated from Fut-
Counsellor. She is preseptly shawe College,'London with
working at Mdskoka•Centre, a diploma of Hotel Ind Rest-
Gravenhurst. aurant Management.
of Seaforth, who is a cousin
of Harvey and $elle, saying
grace. The anniversary cake,
which represented an open;,
anniversary card, was made
by a nephew, Walter Mole of
After dinner, Don Mole
read an address to his par-
ents on behalf of the family
and relatives, extending.
good wishes and happiness
for many more years and
good health to enable all
present tb help them cele-
brate their SOth anniversary.
Belle and Harvey were
then presented with many
congratulatory cards and
gifts. The McWhinney and
Mole relatives presented
Harvey with a gold ring with
a garnet stone and Belle
received .a lovely gold ring
with two pearls which will be''
cherished by both.
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Senior Citizens
June 17-23
To, recognize the contribution of Senior
Citizan�s to the Life and Character of.
Onta ro Communities.
George W. Joynt