The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-06-13, Page 21Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, Jane 13, 1979 --Page 21
Horticultural Society flowers._
Recently Mr. and
Mrs.. Martin Phelan,
daughters Tracy and
Becky of Ripley returned
home from a vacation
with his folks at his native
town of Chapeau.
Last Tuesday -evening
the flower ° beds at the
street corners along main
street including Gore
Park and at the Royal
Bank were planted by the
Ripley and District
Horticultural Society.
Some of those in the work
crew were Edith Smith,
Elizabeth Fair, Frances
Godfrey, Anne Huber,
Marjorie MacLean and
Joan McLeod. Slides will
be shown at the Society's
next meeting on. June 20
in the Ripley Huron
Legion Hall.
On Monday of last week
Lois and Donald Craig of
Kincardine township and
Mrs. Donalda . Gossel
attended the, graduation
of Donna Gander in
Alumni Hall at Western
„ University in London.
Donna is the daughter .of
Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Craig and the grand-
daughter of Mrs. Gossel
of Ripley. The following
day Donna's. husband,
Geoffrey, also graduated
in ` the Alumni Hall at
Western University.
On Wednesday evening
Fred . Canting of
Orangefield, .Texas, and
his brother . Sid of
Kinloigh'calledin Ripley
to visit, Mrs. Mary
Fludder. Fred lived for
while in one of Mary's
apartments on Malcolm
Former member or
Ripley Women's Institute
who returned for the 75th
Anniversary were Mrs.
Wm. Harris of London,
Mrs.. Dunc. MacArthur
Walkerton and Mrs.
Wheaton Thompson of
Walkerton. Mrs. Roy
High School Auditorium
sponsored by, the Ripley
Agricultural Society.
On Saturday evening
Gordon Patterson as
convenor of the grain
committee held a
meeting .to discuss this
year's field crop entries.
This week in
by Ab Wylds
Daviq Mt. Brydges, Mrs.
Marjorie McDonald St.
Catharines, Mrs.•.Bill
Graham,„,Lucknow, Mrs.
Myrtle McLean Kin-
cardine, , Mrs: Yvonne
(Morgan) Mileham
Brampton, Mrs.. Rey.
Bryd:on Southampton and
Mrs: Doug Middleton
on Friday Lester
Farrell of ,the 12th con-
cession west in Huron
was rushed from Kin-
cardine to a London
hospital. An ambulance,
equipped with a special
unitalong with a doctor
and nurse are reported to
hav-e - conte- up: from
Landon and ` back. Area
folks are hoping : for
Lester's recovery.
Community Singers were
in the Ripley District
These should be made,
immediately by con-
tacting secretary Don
MacTavish in. Ripley.
Present at the meeting
which was held at Gordon
and Ruthe Patterson's
home on Concession. 10
were Bob Rutledge, Don
MacTavish, Hugh. Mason
and Ab .Wylds. Other
members of the com-
mittee were unable to be
Home from Western
University in London. is
Miss Barbara Grubb.
Both . ` Elwyn Pollock
and •Mrs. Clara Shiells
have given some in
-formation on the 1-Iappy
Hearts bus trip held last
Friday. Going .north from
Ripley they visited , the
Bruce County Museum in.
Southampton and then on
Nketfor coffee claque
A coffee "claque was • • This being phe "Year of Nick Peet demonstrated
held at Mrs. Nick Peet's the Child, child care is in tying scarves in various
home when the Ripley the foreground. A plaque ways.
Wornen's—Institute' met will be placed—in the Mrs. Ross. Marty n gal
g ..
courtesies °�
to lunch in Harriston
Park in Owen Sound.
After visiting several
more spots of interest
they arrived back in
Ripley in the early •
evening from an en-
joyable outing.
Attending theDistrict
A9, which includes
Ontario, Quebec, and
Labrador, Lions Con-
vention in Niagara Falls
from Fri., June 1 to 5
' ere the following
members from the Ripley.
and District Lions Club:
President Harry and
Evelyn Colling, Gerald
and . Judy Coiling, ' Jim
and Marj. MacTavish,
Blaine Carruthers and
friend, Bernie' and
Shirley Twolan, Ron and
Lynn ,Nicholson, Charles
and Barbara Liddle,
Wally and Elaine
Pollock, Don and Anna
MacTavish, Howard and
Marj Hodge . and Doug
Coultes. .
Relatives from a
distance attending the.
Gtilden, Wedding
Anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. `Redvers ("Meff")
Johnson were Mr. and
Mrs. A.G. Guest and.
Steve of London, Mr. and
Mrs. Steve George and
Mandy of Ajax, Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Walker of
Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Sid
Johnson of Toronto and
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Groves •
of Niagara Falls. Present
—at the 'ea casion
Eva Small, sister, f Mrs:
Mildred Johnson, who
was the bridesmaid fifty
years ago.
Mr.. and Mrs.. Sam
Friday morning, the chief Ripley Medical Centre �
topic of conversation was indicating the donation of
the 75th .• Anniversary the laryngoscope when it An , executive meeting
celebration when arrives at the hospital:
Honourable Pauline This is an instrument
McGibbon was the guest needed for examining the
Mrs. Walter Lock,
President, • thanked all
who assisted with the
event. A. letter of thanks
will be sent to Lorees
Ladies Wear for the,
beautiful floral
arrangement received.
Leaders .' for the . 4-H
Homemaking club on
"Needlepoint" will be On June 5, Unit 2 of St.
Mrs. Nick Peet and Mrs. Andrew's UCW had a pot
Barbara Gamble. Names luck supper in the church
must be submitted by and 35 members and
June 25 for the Bruce guests sat down to a well
County Tartan award. To laden table.'•
be eligible a person must After the meal Mrs
be between 16 and 30 1 Minnie Henry presided
years of age and must for the worship service
have contributed a great and read the scripture.
deal of effort to the Mrs. Violet McKenzie
community. Mrs. Francis accompanied the hymns
Gemmell and Mrs. and also Marilyn John -
James Kirkpatrick are ston's ,solo. Lois Pollock
responsible for sub- read "The Litany of
mitting a name for this Mission" ' ` and the
award. A laryngoscope members responded.
will be purchased. for Scripture and comments
Kincardine and District on "Service to others”
Hospital~ in honour of the was given by Janet
Lieutenant .Governor's Nixon. Prayer by Mrs.
visit on the 75th Ralph Hunter was
Anniversary. followed by Mrs. Culbert
to plan the `year's
program was held at Mrs.
Ross Martyn's home, the'''
larynx especially • in hostess served a delicious
children. Mrs. dessert.
St. Andrew's UCW
has pot luck supper
reading several poems
•relating to our theme,
"The "Child" and keeping
happy. Julie and'Jennifer
Johnston took the of-
fering and. Christena
Robertson didicated it.
Violin and piano music
was enjoyed by Mrs.
Chester Emmerton and
Eilleen Nesbitt. . Marcy
Culberttihen gave a fine
talk on "Children's
Rights", and explained
o r duties and privileges
ward bringing up our
hild en for a happy and
wort "while life.
Ja Culbert played the
pian ` and everyone was
pleased to have children •
taking part . in the
Christena Robertson
gave the Courtesies, and
the business period
Emerson of Ripley spent
the weekend in Stratford
with Mr. and Mrs. John
Beirnes and family.
Johnny MacKay is . a
patient in the hospital.
Miss Gertie Kidney is
home from Kincardine
The Macnish Distillery
Pipe Band - one of the
world's finest 'and also
one of 11 Grade one bands
in Canada, will be in
Bruce county. -This
Saturday, June 16, the
band under its new Pipe
Major Bill McLeod of
.Kincardine, will.. •be in
Port Elgin and on June 30
it will be in Kincardine.
Its organizer and pipe
major for 20 years has
been Gordon Tuck who
owns and operates the
Tuck Aluminum factory
in St. Thomas making
storm doors and win-
dows. Its sideline under
Gordon Tuck a champion
piper is making hundreds
of finely tuned chanters
for its bagpipes and for
orders as well. The 20
players in the band in-
clude a 16 year old high
school boy from Toledo,
Ohio, a 21 year old win-
dow fitter from Detroit, a
35 year old professor of
French from Western
University in London. Of
the many Pipe Bands
there are about 40 Grade
one - 18 of, "them in
Scotland. And the band
has a different tone-- the
Macnish sound.
Retireement Party
In Honour Of.
Mrs:. Katherine Collins
Mrs. Isabel Mprtyn
SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 1979
In the Ripley District
High School Auditorium
Everyone Welcome
Refreshments will be provided
General Welding. Fabricating, andRepair
For Farm and Industry
Lincoln and Miller Welders
Victor Cutting Torches
- Oxygen; Acetylene & Helium
- Save Rental on Own Custom -owned Tanks
- Runningboards for all makes of Trucks
PROPRIETOR - Ron Nicholson
RI PLEY - 395-5944 -