HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-06-13, Page 16• 477....4:444.!.....o • . . • hir4---140[Dow s•utina, WeidneedaY, June 13, 4979 Mary O'Malley and Fran McQuall, right, both sold plants at the Farmers Market on Saturday. The Market will run every Saturday morning from 8.30 - 11.30 a.m. through September 15. Home baked goods, crafts, Plants and garden and farni produce are sold at the market which opened SaturdaY tor the 1979 season. participate.• nv mass BY RITA HOWARD • Sunday afternoon this area was favoured with, a most welcome rain shower. -- just what garden and field crops needed. • Knights of Columbus from Goderich, St. Augustine and. Kingsbridge participated in the 10.30. Mass, on Sunday, June 10th at St. Joseph's Church, Their Annual Com- munion Breakfast followed in the Parish • Hall with about seventy partaking. At head table were Father Ed Dentinger C.R., Brother Carl Voll, Grand Knight • their .help and presented the following with gifts: Pauline Jacques, Ethel Gaudette and Peggie Stokes. Eugene Frayne then intro- duced the guest speaker; Mr. Bob Allen, Superintendent. of Education in Huron County the last seven years. His theme was the tendency to be too serious about child- ren. He was thanked by Mike Moriarity. Glen Tigert graduated with an Honours Bachelor of Arts ,Degree in Geography from Viiversity, of Western Ontario. His parents, Mr. • • This week in. KI Gaetan Jacques, and Mrs. Jacques, Pat and Connie Os- born, Bob Allen and ,Eugene Frayne M.0 Father Ed led , in saying graoe before the. delicious breakfast served by . St. Joseph's CWL. Richard • Brenner thanked the ladies on behalf of the Knights and -President Pat Howard repli- ed. •Father thanked all ,who participated and all the guests for coming. Gaetan expressed thanks for all the support throughout the year. He congratulated the pastor on his 36th anniversary in the priesthood, and Tony Wisser of Zurich on his 59th year as Knight. Absent were Ben Chisholm and John Redmond who have each completed 25 years. Also introduced was Mrs. Connie Osborn, Presid- ent of National. Alliance for Life. Gaetan commended Mike Moriarity for his help given refugees from South Vietnam and\ asked that he be supported in this work. District Deputy Pat Osborn thanked the ladies for all and Mrs. Jack Tigert, attend- ed the graduation ceremon- ies 'on Tuesday, June ' -Sth. Their daughter, Judy, who has completed her second year in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program at McMaster University, spent a week of holidays at hers home. She has returned to Hamilton .where she will be employed for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Van Diepen and family had cous- ins, • Mr. • and Mts. Bill Spearey of Lorraine, Ohio spend the weekend with them. Also home were Harry of Tillsonburg, and Johannah of Clinton. Congratulations to . Mr. and Mrs. Tony Knoop who were married at St. Joseph's Church Saturday, June 9th. The bride was the former Elizabeth Walton of Goder- ich. The Spring Senior Citiz- ens' Birthday Party will be held on Wednesday, June 13 at 2 p.m. in ffie Parish Hall. Everyone is welcome to come to this party. it iker,thok **La it.61..&t.4.43'4“14.141aVs6 1,41w.liag fa a. .1. ea& .d aa.i. 4, a la ft a • .11‘. • Olson's Gravel Pit DUNGANNON, ONT. 529-7942 WHOLESALE • 100 T. 1, B 1 Gravel 40 B .2 Gravel 35, C Gravel 30 Fill 25 600T 400 T 200 T LOAD 60 65 70 75 60,, 65 70 60 65 60 Above price include delivery up to 3 Kin. • Below prices include delivery up to 4 Km. 140.145 140 145 150 155 140 145 200 205 • ' Sand; S'.Dust Crushed. Gravel Cement Gravel 110 • 4" Under Stone 100 • 3/4 stone 160 • For further prices cal Freeman Mon Dozer and Scraper available for a good job done TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS DESTROY WEEDS .Notice is hereby given to all persons in possession of land, in. accOrdance with the Weed Control Act 1972, Sec. 4, 14, and 20, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the Municipality of Township of Kinloss are destroyed by date of June 25, 1979 and throughout the season, the Municipality may enter upon the said lands and have the Weeds destroyed, charging the costs against the land In taxes, as set out in the Act. The co-operation of all citizens is earnestly solicited. WEED INSPECTOR LORNE ROBINSON R. R. 2 KINCARDINE PHONE 396-7632 MUNICIPALITY OF TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS •11 ft • a 4.. • : ''''' • '''' ''' ' ' ' , „.41, ''''' • • ''''' „ • 4 Guaranteed Investment Certificates Now Annual !nterestiorOneYear VG:VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST Sincel844 Contact our office: 100 Kingston Street. Goderich ' 524.7381 • Member: Canada Depdsit Insurance Corporatidn • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 'V • ',;:•• '44 '41,7 . 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