HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-06-13, Page 12Page 12—Lackeow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 13, 1979
Hydro off in Langside on weekend
The hot days of last week
ended Sunday evening with
some rain after, which the
weather turned cooler.
The hydro was off here for
an hour on Saturday evening
and Sunday morning it was
off for another hour.
School trips are quite
prominent now that closing
time is near. Lucknow Grade
8 went to Ottawa last week
and this week grade six are
going to Huronia and grade 3
and 4 o Teeswater are going
. to Southampton and other
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Wynne spent last week at
their farm home and return-
ed to jitchener on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wall
of Wingham attended the
graduation of their son,
Douglas in London last
Thursday and on Friday flew
to Manitoba for a visit with
relatives there. Mr. and Mrs.
Wall formerly lived at Lang -
side before moving to Wing -
Russell Young and Debbie
Ferguson of Toronto spent
Saturday and Sunday with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Young. Other visit-
ors at the same home were
Wesley Young, Mrs. Donald
England, Nancy, Kathy and
Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Chester
WI have grandmothersmeeting
The St. Helens W.I. held
their Grandmother's meeting
on June 7 in ,St. Helens Hall
with 13 W.I. grandmothers
present as well as six visiting
The roll call "an old fash-
ioned remedy I still use" was
well responded to, showing
there are still some of these
things in use.
UCW unit 2
Mrs. Chandler gave a de-
tailed report' of the District
Annual meeting held in
Ho1mesville. Guest speaker
at this meeting was Helen
Allen of "Todays Child" who
stated since the start of this
organization, 10,000 children
had been given homes.
The District received
S666.66 from the Internation-
al ploughing match, of this
$100 was being sent to the
Erland Lee Home and the
remainder divided among.
the branches of the District.
Miss Beatrice McQuillin
was in charge of an inter-
esting program for grand-
mothers. Several prizes were
drawn.. Winners were Mrs.
Chandler, Mrs. Chas. Mc -
Take charge of joint meeting
Lucknow United Church
Women, Unit 2 held their
June meting at the church.
Mrs. Gieson read a poem,
"Springtime". There were
16 members present.
The treasurer's report was
given by Mrs. Andrew Rit-
chie. Miss Ada Webster
reported on the visit . to
P.inecrst Manor: Mrs. .Chas.
McDonald gave the report on
the.: banquet ' and thanked
everyone for. helping. The
offering was ' dedicated . by
Mrs. Gibson: After the- sing-
ing of "Blest be the tie that
binds", accompanied by
Mrs. Harvey Webster, the
meeting closed with prayer.
Unit 2 was' in charge of the
joint meeting which follow-
ed. Mrs. Gibson welcomed
units 1 ' and, 3. Mrs. Raynard
then took charge.'
The theme of the meeting
"was God's Love is Over All".
Prayer- was given by Mrs.
Eldon Ritchie. Mrs. Clarence
Irwin read ..the scripture.
Mrs. Glen Walden gave. the
St.. Mary's
12 members from St.
Mary's met in, the rectory at
St. Joseph's, Kingsbridge on
Tuesday., June 5th for the
last meeting of the season.
Fr. Dentinger 'opened ' the
meeting with League Prayers
said in unison.
Mrs. Raymond Leddy,
president, welcomed all by
reading a poem, "Murphy".
Mrs. MacDonald read the
minutes and, correspondence
and Mrs. _ Smith' ; gave the
treasurer's report.
. Two readings were given
by Mrs.. O'Donnell, Lazy
Man's Song, and My Prayer,
and Mrs. Brophy also read a
poem, Song of., the Sparrow.
It was decided the league
give Fr. Dentinger money to
buy himself a new Chasuble.
Mrs. Hogan adjournedtthe
meeting and following the
closing prayers the members
met with the St. Augustine
and St, Joseph's. Councils in
the church parlour for a very
successful Flower and Plant
sale, followed by a very
lovely lunch.
meditation which .compared
the. protection of God's love
for christians to the shelter
given us by our building from
from weather.
Mrs' . Ackert introduced
the guest speaker, Miss
Edith Patterson, who gave ' a
very interesting talk on the
origin of the Middle East
Christian. Outlook
(M.E.C.O.). She also spoke
of her experience in .Lebanon
and her years of teaching in
the English` Mission College
in Cairo. She was thanked.by
Mrs. Greta Johnston.
Mrs.Ackert and Mrs.
Houston sang "In. the Gard-
en with Jesus", "accompan-
ied by Mrs. Greta Johnston:
Lunch' was served by the
committee following the
South. Kinloss W1VIS
The June meeting of, South
Kinloss W.M.S. was held at
the home of Mrs. Herb Buck-
ton. Mrs. Philip Steer pres-
ided. Eighteen ladies an-
swered the roll call with a
Bible verse using .the word
Famine. ' .
The Bible Study, The
Prodigal Son, was well pre-
pared and given by Mrs. Ted
Collyer. Mrs: John Mow-
bray, Mrs. Fraser' MacKin-
non and Mrs. Alvin Schmidt
took part in ..the . Prayer
The Mission Study chapter
on China was presented ;by
Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall. The
offertory prayer was by Mrs.
Harold Howald.
A note of thanks was read
from Bonnie Clark expresr
sing her thanks to the ladies
for the gift of a charm, on the
occasion of her graduation
from C.G.I.T. Also an invita-
tion from Knox Church, God-
erich was' accepted, to their
95th anniversary . of. Knox
Courtesies were given by
Mrs. Ted Collyer and the
closing prayer by Mrs... Frank
Refreshments were served
by the hostess and directors,
Mrs: Lloyd MacDougall,
Mrs. Ted Collyer and Mrs.
Harold Austin.
Wingham Pro life meeting
Wingham Pro-life group
met at the Wingham Bible
Chapel on June 6:
In her education report,
-Sally Campeau commented
on the Voice for Life Com-
Program held June 1
in the Lucknow Christian Re-
formed Church. Mrs. Cam-
peau, George Brophy, Dr.
Leahy and Rev. W., Mun-
shaw answered questions
following the film, Abortion,
How it is, which was pres-
ented at the program.
Sally Campeau and Col-
leen Shink presented the
same film to the grade 12 law
class at F. E. Madill Second-
ary in Wingham. A panel
discussion -between the stud-
ents, Dr. Leahy, George Bro-
phy, Rev, Ball and Mrs.
Campeau was held the fol-
lowing evening.
Mrs. Campeau reported
the slide presentations she
gives when speaking to com-
munity and church groups
and students, elicit such
comments as "I had no idea
abortions are 'Iso cruel"; "I
didn't realize until I saw ' the
slides it is really a Human
being"; "Do you mean to say
we have allowed over
350,000 Canadian babies, to
be killed in less than 10
Official statistics cause the
greatest shock, other than
the slide presentations said
Cailtpeau. In 1977, 57,564
abortions were performed in
Canada. Of these,. 27,782
were done in Ontario. Thirty-
one per cent or 17,845 of all
abortions were performed on
teenage girls. The number of
Canadian servicemen report-
ed killed or missing during
all of World War II, in six
years, was 39,319. During
I 1977, 57,564 abortions were
Pinnell, Mrs. Ethel Holmes,
Liane Young and Kim
Mr. and Mrs. Midford
Wall went on a bus tour on
Friday, June 1st to Oquaga
Lake in New York State and
returned home late Monday
night. They reported a very
enjoyable trip.
Jean Parker and friend,
Joanne of Hamilton,, were
recent visitors with Len and
Marg Coughlin and family.
Mr. and Mrs.. Len Cough-
lin spent Friday evening with`
friends at Lake Croker.
Donald, Mrs. Harold Cooper,
Mrs. de Boer, Mrs. Gordon
Lyons, Mrs. James Aitchi-
Readings were given by
Sybil Chandler, "Mothers "
Medicine Cabinet" and "Lit-
tle Old Lady Passing By"
and by Mrs. Cooper, "June
Thoughts and. "Grandmas
Have Changed". .
A sing song was much
enjoyed as well as a solo by
Mrs. Fern de Boer of Luck -
now, a. former member.
Mrs. Wm. Purdon had the
motto, "True wisdom lies in •
gathering the precious gems
out of each day as it goes
by". The topic was given by
Mrs. Muriel Curran . on
"Grandmothers'who stated
that 51 years ago her grand-
mother was St. Helens W.I.
president and now . she her-
self is president.
Janet McPherson won the
contest held during the pre-
paring of lunch and received
a nice prize.
A lovely lunch was served
by .the hostesses, Miss Beat-
rice McQuillin and Mrs.
Wm. Purdon.
Rev. Wm. Munshaw
10 a.m. Sunday School
11 a.m. Morning Worship
Special Speaker
Rev. Nugent from Ashfield
Everyone Welcome
Rev. L, Van Staalduinen
Morning Service
10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
Listen to the
Back to God Hour
10:30 a.m. CKNX
Rev.Doug Kaufman
10 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a,m.
Morning Worship
Sacrament of
Holy Communion
Nursery Provided
For Pre=School. Children
( Jr. Congregation for
5 8 Year Old Children
Anniversary Services
Ashfield Presbyterian Church.
Sunday, June 17 I
Services at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Rev. William Munshaw of Lucknow
Guest Minister
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