HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-06-06, Page 25Attention Fanners C. Wanted A. For sale _ !NM ,-.:- 4 BOARS, 7/8 large black, serviceable age, 4 gilts 7/8 large black. Number of pure- bred large black younger boars. Lloyd Eskrick, 396- 7717, 7 con. of Kincardine Township. Phone and in- quire. —21,23 PUREBRED HOLSTEIN cow due to calve June 25th. Walter ,>rlliott, R. R. 1 Luck - now, phone 357-1358. —23 MASSEY FERGUSON Mod- el 560 large round baler, used three seasons. Peter Edisbury, 395-2438. —22,23 For Your Complete Line Of Grain Handling Equipment BULLDOG *Grain Bins.'"''. *In Bin Drying Systems *Elevator Legs •Hopper Bins Call Doug Martyrs R. R. 3 Lucknow Phone 395-5343 BALED STRAW,. also 8 week old heavy roosters. George Detzler, 392-6486. —22 Give Your Chicks A Head Start With SWIFT CHICK STARTER Containing everything they need . for fast growth .and good feathering. We.:, also have Duck and Goose Start - Johnstone's Mobile Feed Service, Lucknow, Ont. MIXED GRAIN, barley and corn., Snobelen Farms Ltd., Ripley, phone 395-5167. --lltfar CUSTOM SPRAYING for ap- proximately 70 acres of mix- ed grain and 70 acres of corn. Phone 528-2104. —23 -'MEM 0E1=0 s• T.. -w..1••--- 17. Auftion 'Sales AUCTION. SALE Of Household Furniture and ' Effects of Interest WINGHAM AUCTION CENTRE SATURDAY,JUNE 9,1979 11 a.m. Selling for Estate of late Mrs. Sarah Fischer, Brussels, Ont. and also residue of a Gorrie home. Partial listing antique, vintage and modern items. Vintage Armoire w`:.r double bevelled 41ass mir- rors; sideboard w; leaded glass doors; dining table w. pineapple legs; 6 press back chairs; Victorian lounge .w. back rest; vintage couch; weight clock coffee grinder; large pine blanket box; pint table; wash' stands and dres- sers ; .Quebec stove; box stove;' several odd chairs and rockers; 2 treadle sewing machines; modern Sklar 2 - pc. chesterfield, like new; 15' chest 'freezer; 2 bedroom suites;'. 2 kitchen sets; -pro pane kitchen stove; ladders;. odd .chairs; tables; pictures; mirrors; lamps clocks; elec- tric clocks; 2 B&W ' televi- sion; Hi-fi set; end tables; odd cups and saucers; dish- es; kitchen ware; trunk; 528-3534 crocks; bedding; several ' box-. —22,23x garden tools. PUREBRED HAMPSHIRE This will be an interesting boars. Paul McNally, Wing- auction. ham, 357-3724. —22,23 Auctioneer: Jack Alexander Tel. 3574442 es; clay flower pots; sealers; TOWER KING PRESSED Stave silos:. Ideal for storing. sileage, haylage or high 22; Lost and found moisture grain. Also oxygen limiting silos with or without Laidig bottom unloader for kernel corn. Also liquid manure tanks. Representa- tive Francis Boyle, R. R. 3 Ripley. Phone 395-5088. —18tfar —23. 1 7/8-- LIMOUSIN bull . ,of serviceable age. Phone 528- 2075 after dark. —23,24x 30 ACRES of standing hay, trefoil and timothy, lot 12, concession 2, Kinloss Town- ship. Jack Button, phone 528-5405. -23tf JOHN DEERE 510 tractor. Jack Button, phone 528- 5405.—23tf J.D. # . 5 power take ' off mower, 7 ft. cut. Phone William Philips, 529-7257. —23,24x GOOD STRAW, 80c a bale; 40' windmill tower. Phone ' 529-7861. 23,24. GbOD QUALITY first cut baled hay. - 75c per bale. Phone after 5 p.m., 529- 7517. —23x 80 HOGS to finish, 70 - 140 lbs; 22young laying hens. Phone Ripley 395-5866. —23 SERVICEABLE AGE, York- shire, Hampshire and Hamp X York boars, Bob' Robinson, R. R. 4, Walton, 345-2317. —23,24 \ CLEARIN.G. ESTATE AUCTION SALE 150 acre farm with buildings, farm machin ery, antiques, furniture, appliances, etc. to be held for • The Marr Shaw Estate at Lot 3 and 4 Colborne Township, 31 miles north.of Goderich on Highway 21. SATURDAY, JUNE 16TH At 10 a.m. Real Estate consists of 150 acres good level farm land of which there is approx. 143 acres workable, Buildings consist of 11/2 storey, 5 bedroom cement block house with basement, oil furnace, 3 piece bathroom and attached frame garage. The barn is a timber frame, board barn with cement foundation in good, condition [approx. 2700 sq. ft.]. Drive shed is a quanset style with-, cement foundation [approx. 1700 sq. ft.]. Located close to Goderich on a main highway, this isa desirable property for anyone to own. Property will be offered for sale In one tot at 12:30 noon. Terms being 10% down day of sale, balance due hi full in 60 days. Property is behkg offered subject to a reasonable reserve bid and conditions of sale. For further Information and viewing of property phone Richard Lobb Auctioneer . Clinton 428-7898 or . MIKE AND ANN SANDERSON AT GODERICH 524-6734 Full list on furniture and machinery next week. —23ar )U. ttc tt: tt _ =:Xl CLEARING AUCTION SALE • Of Household Effects and Antiques Will be he held for MRS. ZETTA HENDERSON Lot 308 Stauffer Street, Lucknow on SATURDAY, JUNE 9 at11:00a.m. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS & ,ANTIQUES 2 chairs with Ottomans; occasional chair; leather arm chair; diningroom suite - console, folding table and 8 chairs; light Mahogany dinette table, 54 x 35, 2 leaves 14" wide; table and 4 chairs; 2 end tables; coffee table; FOUND on Campbell Street, Lucknow, ladies ski jacket. Phone 528-2822 and identify for return.-20tfnc pie crust table; telephone ' table; oval oriental rug;, oriental rug [Canadian] 9' x'12'; rug 9' x 7'; rugs and scatter mats; light green oriental rug and pad 9' x 12'; foot stools;small table; 2 smoker stands; oval top trunk; trunks, crukberry glassware; Malcolm 4 piece bedroom suite; qualtity of antique dishes; numerous. ceramic I: pieces,;,;,kitchen cabinetr'glass top kitchen cupboard; quaMtty of small appliances - mix master, can. opener, meat grinder, coffee maker; electric carving knife 0 [new]; ' electric oven; electric .cooking pot; 2 copper boilers; 2 Aladdin brass lamps, wired with parchment shades; cabinet Singer -sewing machine and bench; table lamps; 3 card tables; leather camera case; clocks(I mantle, alarm and electric; wool cutter and wool for hooked rugs; Niagara vibrator; Westinghouse dryer; Electrolux vacuum cleaner; Beatty. wringer. Washing 0 machine; tub stand and tubs; some bedding, linens and quilt patches; drapes; air conditioner; lawn furniture; lawn metal table and umbrella; electric hedge clipper; -electric sander; quantity of garden tools; sump pump; (i other articles too numerous to mention. • 4 TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE • PROPERTY SOLD LUNCH BOOTH ON GROUNDS Auctioneers Grant McDonald, Ripley, Phone 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater, Phone 392-6170 —23ar N- .1 0= 1 k iH ii 25. To give.`8way. - 2 MALE, 2 feinite.Itittensr 9` weeks old. Phone 528-2629. —23 24 GET YOUR MAH WITH A Want Ad rr MORTGAGE MONEY DON DENOMM *BEST RATES * BESt TERMS *BEST SERVICE Call Don Collect anytime at 524=2747 ADVANCED REALTY FUNDING. CORPORATION 150 Cambria\Road N. Goderich LLOYD COLLINS CONSOUCTION 395-5240 R. R. 3 Goderich Backhoe Grader Bulldozer Sand Hy -Hoe Gravel Trencher - Flit Topsoil Lucknow ,Sentinel, Wednesday, June 6, 1979 --Page 25 31. Cards of thanks 31. Cards of thanks ,...... SHEWFELTT We'd like to take this oppor- tunity to thank everyone for making our wedding a very special occasion and for all the beautiful gifts received. Also thanks to everyone, for coming to my showers, social evening and our reception. Blayne and Patsy (MacTavish) Shewfelt —23x GILCHRIST To all those who were so . considerate of me while a patient in Wingham and University Hospitals a sin- cere thank you. Special thanks to doctors and nurses, the staff and students at F. E. Madill, Rev. Wm. Mun- shaw and congregation. Murray Gilchrist. —23 LYONS I wish to express my sincere appreciation to the ladies of the St. Helens and Lucknow communities for the beauti- ful shower gifts given to me last Wednesday evening. A special thanks to the neigh- bour ladies for putting on the shower and The lovely lunch. Lynda Lyons —23 CULBERT' Sincere thanks to neigh- bours, fronds and relatives for their expressions of sym- pathy during our recent bereavement. Special thanks to the staff at Pinecrest Manor for their efficient care of our mother; to Presbyter- ian Church ladies who sup- plied the lunch. The Culbert Family --23 ' McNALLY A special thank you to all who helped make our wed- ding a memorable occasion and to those who gave to the showers and came to our reception in the evening - thank you. Margaret and Pat McNally —23x RAYNARD — My sincere thanks for cards, visits and flowers while I was a patient in Wingham Hos- pital. Also to Drs. Corrin, McKim and . Bradley and nurses on first floor. Clare Raynard =23 RUTHERFORD, '1 would like to thank every- one who sent flowers, cards and visits 1 received while a patient at 'Wingham and District Hospital. A special • thanks. to Drs. Corrin, Mc- Kim and. Bradley, the nurses. on . the . second floor and Isabel MacPherson for look- ing after Jeff. Janice Rutherford —23 FRAYNE I would like tothank my family, relatives, friends and neighbours for their visits, cards, flowers and gifts while I was a patient in Goderich Hospital and since returning home. Sincere appreciation for the kind deeds shown my family as well. Special thanks to Dr. Lambert, Dr: Chan,. .nurses and staff on 2nd floor east. Elizabeth (Betty) Frayne -23 Free Estimates On Aluminum Siding Soffitts and Facia Windows and Doors - Local Representative . OLIVER GLENN ALUMINUM SALES LUCKNOW 1 The Workshop WI) & Dan Herrin R. R. 1, Dungannon, Ont. New Furniture Built' Old Furniture Repaired And Refinished FREE ESTIMATES Phone 529-7205. EVENING AUCTION SALE 1}of Consignments of Household Furnishings and Antiques wWbeheldinthe TEESWATER ARENA IN TEESWATER she pand sealers, on MONDAY, JUNE 11 _ ; 11 starting at 7:00 p.m. Consignments include a quantity- of dl set of antique Bavarian luncheondishes,' assorted kitchen wares, electric and kerosene lamps, pair of milk 0 glass Aladdin lamps., Tight fixtures, crocks, 'several cupboards, book case, large and small tables, rocking chairs, reclining chair, press back chair, blanket boxes, humidifiers, several wardrobes, hall trees, new bi-fold • doors, sewing machines, desk, ' cuuth, chesterfield suite, spool bed, dresser, washstand, antique picture frames, trunks, cook stove, cistern pump, lawn mowers, garden tools, outboard motor, harness homes, 14 ft., wooden boat,land many other useful items: Also a consignment of new handmade furnishings including spoon racks, small blanket boxis, sets of coffee- and end tables, trays, \nick-habk shelves, book case, mug racks, etc. _ Also the original pigeon -hole mall boxes from the Inneskillen post office. And much more. TERMS CASH NIGHT OF SALE ' . LISTING SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Auctioneers Wal ace Ballagh, Teeswater, 392-6170 Grant McDonald, -Ripley, 395.5353 —23ar • 1