HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-06-06, Page 24Page 24-Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 6, 1979 /TS [EASY TO. ,S,ly -SELL- RENTr ll/Ric F//ID W,T/ 14 ISt 1. Articles for sale 21" MARCONI, console, $75.00 or best offer. Phone 528-3201. -23x 30" USED.: FRIGIDAIRE el- ectric range, reconditioned, 585.00. Phone Greer T.V. and Electric, 528-3112. -23tfar. BARN TIMBERS. Phone 395-2665.. • -22 .24x TELEVISICN ANTENNA with 20' pole, rotor, booster, lead-in wire, 575.00 or best offer. Can take down anytime after June 15. Phone 524- 7003. -23 ►- BEEF By the Quarters and Halves CUSTOM KILLING 3n Tuesd an rsday Cut and wrap ed to your specifications Quick Freezing.Available BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET LUCKNOW Shop 528-3009 Res. 528-2119 -4Otfar COMMERCIAL floor cleaner and polisher, lin good condi- tion. Call 528-2919 days or 528-3811 evenings.-20tfnc 2. Mobile Homes 12' x 48' PARAMOUNT mobile home, two bedrooms, including fridge. stove, washer and.dryer. Phone 529-7848. -22,23 32': x 8' CONCORD. Traveller -mobile home. Phone 529- 7406. -22,23 68 x 12' . BENDIX MOBILE home,.3 bedrooms, fully car- peted, drapes and sheers,. frig" and stove,; also 28 x 6' deck. -Located near Dungan- non. Phone Dungannon 529- 7637 Or 529-7143 or .Stratford 1-271=7476. -20,21,22,23 12' ' x 58' Century Mobile home, two bedrooms, carpet, drapes, sheers, new furnace, set , up at .Huron Haven. Excellent condition. Phone 524-6354.-23x' 4. Articles wanted mem. moon: Nam.. orrre mom DEAD STOCK We pay 510.00 for fresh animals over, 1000 lb. and 55.00 for animals over 700 lb. Smaller animals picked up free. Radio equipped trucks. Call toll free 1-800-265-3011. Graf Animal Foods Limited. R. R. # 1, Chepstow.-5lrfar 5. Cars, trucksfor sale 69 CHEV 1/2 TON, certified, 5750.00; 1975 Grand Prix, A.C. P.W., good condition. Phone 395=5160. -22i-f 1975 CHRYSLER Newport custom, 'excellent shape, power seats, air condition- ing. Will safety check. Phone after 6 p.m., 529-7368. -23 1976 FORD 1/2 TON truck, automatic and certified. Phone 357-1291. -23 ice, - '00 n+ 50 .r ,t John al. r f 1 /. 41.,, i'ai tits 11 !FI 7. Real estate for sale 85 ACRES of land with or without crops. Phone 395- 5510. -22,23 - ONE 3 -bedroom new home on corner lot in Lucknow; also one 4 -bedroom new home with many extras also in Lucknow - both homes are. close to school. Phone Gerrie Glenn Inc. 528-3234.-43tfar RETIREMENT in affordable mobile home park on Lake Huron. Enjoy life in beautiful surroundings. Write: Huron - . HavenVillage, Box 128, Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Y5. -23,24nc 9. Accommodation to rent 3. BEDROOM APARTMENT available immediately, 4 pc. bath,, - electric heat. Phone 395-5593. -17 tf APARTMENT in Lucknow,. fridge and stove supplied, all utilities. Priced right. Call. days 528-2822, nights 528- 3811: -tf : 3 BEDROOM HOUSE in Am- berley. Available. June. For more information call 395- _..5305. 19tfar' APARTMENT on Main Street, Lucknow, heated, reasonable rent. Newly dec- orated. ' Suitable fo% one 'or two. ladies. Phone 528-2701. -23 MODERN 2' BEDROOM ap- artment, block and half from downtown, private entrance, private basement, glassed in sun porch, own patio. Phone 528-3936. -23tf FOR RENT large apartment, 4 bedroom or 3 bedroom and den. New '4 piece bathroom upstairs., kitchen, dining room, large living room, new 2 piece washroom down stairs. Private entrance, .priv- ate basement and garden. All newly renovated. Excel- lent location, just off --main street. Very reasonable, rent. Phone 528-3936. -2tf ONE AND rTWO bedroom apartments for rent in Tees - water and Ripley. Phone Glennhaven . Apartments, 528-3234 or 529-7272. - -23tfar 12. Help wanted PART TIME male or female. Inquire at the Manor Hotel, Wingham or phone 357-3704. =20tf FARM EQUIPMENT MECHANIC for White and New Holland farm dealer- ship. Experience preferred. Contact Ron Stanley at 395- 2434 in Bervie. -22,23 PERSON WITH PHOTO- GRAPHY experience requir- ed to do freelance photo- graphy for a weekly news- paper. -19tf 14. Employment wanted 16 YEAR OLD BOY with farm experience requires full or' part time work, has own transportation. Phone 395- 3421. -23tf 17 YEAR OLD BOY requires work. Has own, transporta- tion. Phone Colin Cameron, 528.5103 after ,4:30 p.m. -23x 18. Services available RONWIN CONSTRUCTION Additions, exterior and inter- . for renovations, cedar decks. rec. rooms etc. for free' esti- mate. PHONE 395=5450 -13tfar DON THOMPSON T.V. & APPLIANCES Admiral Sales and Service Tower and Antenna Installation 395.3393. or 395.-3466 RIPLEY -15tfar - POLLOCK MUSIC CENTRE IN RIPLEY Agent for .Heintzman Pianos and Panasonic Sound E uip- ment. Reconditioned pianos for sale; used pianos wanted. For piano tuning and repairs c 11 395-2982 =40tf CUSTOM' WORK SWATHING Hay and Grain COMBINING Wagons & Trucks Available PLOUGHING & TRUCKING Phone 529-7488 or 529-7607 -14tf • BACKHOE AND BULLDOZER WORK Topsoil and gravel Wayne Bushell R. R. 4 'Kincardine Phone 395-3320 -22tfar EXCAVATING, GRADING AND TRUCKING topsoil, sand, gravel of all types and fill. Phone Robert Symes Contracting, R. R. # 5, Lucknow, phone 528-3047. -29tfar MacDONALD SIGNS TRUCK LETTERING BANNERS - SHOW CARDS SILK SCREENING Phone 395-5347 • -40tfar APPLIANCES REFRIGERATION SERVICE Lucknow Appliance Centre Lucknow Phone 528-2946 -32tfar. 'GEORGE LUBBERS CONSTRUCTION Renovations, additions, cot- tages. Phone 357-3457, Whitechurch. -3tf { BULLDOZING BACKHOE GRAVEL LOADING TRUCKING Carl Nesbitt 523 4378 Londesboro loyd Whytock' 52 -2006, Lucknow --21tfar1 t. 76, i•wREMC E. IGENIr, .r w_iJ a� .J St S, MAP le NAI. fE€•-% Miler„N+I Y�% q,nu�NM i�ghf N11��-F!, f.irre 1'EN 11;:r.4.41'97. NLEL a ` 18. Services available LYNN LOWRY . FARM SYSTEMS LTD. - Amberley PHONE 395.5286 CLAY - Silo Unloaders, • Feeder's, Cleaners, Stabling,. Leg Elevators, Liquid Man- ure Equipment, Hog Equip- ment. BUTLER - Silo 'Unloaders, Feeders, Conveyors. FARMATIC - Mills, Augers, etc. ACORN - Cleaners, Heated Waterers. WESTEEL-ROSCO - Gran- aries. B & L - Hog Pannelling. -40tfar AUCTIONEERS SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Sales of all types Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392=6170 -40tfar BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT. Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing Crat- es, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Panelling. Contact Johnston, R. R. 3 Holyrood, phone 395-5390. 40tfar Cecil Cranston R. R. 2 Auburn Phone 529-769'1 AIRHAMMER BACKHOEING -5tfar PAPERING AND PAINTING Interior and Exterior Phone Todd Park 39575079 or Joe Allison 396-7173 -46tf STEVE OWEN AUTO BODY - Insurance, Collision Work - 21/2 miles east of Lucknow on Hwy. 86. Phone 528-2170 -5tfar . PORTABLE WELDING Will do portable welding and in shop repair work SPIN BAKKER R. R. # 5, LUCKNOW 528-2026 -13tfar BULLDOZING: Allis Chalmers 650, with 6 way hydraulic blade BILL ROBINSON R.R.#'2 Auburn 529-7857. -13tfar MAWHINNEY EAVESTROUGHING ROOFING AND SIDING Free Estimates - All Work Guaranteed Phone 528-3815 -ltfar BILL THOMSON CARPENTRY JOBS Building New and Repairing • Old Furniture CONCRETE WORK Steps, Curbs, Sidewalks Call 528-3715 Lucknow, For Free Estimate. -18tfar r•f Ancx, 12,9 W P'?:.itriv." 10 18. Services available Basement, roof, driveway and parking lot sealing.. Also tennis court, parking lot and centre line striping. JAMES SYMES PHONE 528-3233 -18tf CUSTOM MADE ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS Inside or Outside For Free Estimates. Phone 357-2429 -23-30 SANDBLASTING AND BRICKCLEANING Free Estimates Contact WHITE'S SANDBLASTING SERVICE Wingham 357-3637 before 12 noon -23-28 CUSTOM WORK Swathing, Conditioning " And Baling Hay, Combining Wagons Available. Wayne Fitzgerald. Phone 395-5133 -23-26 .. 19. Notice to creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER` OF THE ESTATE : OF ANNIE JEWITT, late; of the Village of Lucknow; yin the County of Bruce, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to The Trustees Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late. Annie Jewitt are required to send particulars ` of their claims, duly verified to. GOODALL, CAMPBELL . & BROPHHY., Solicitors for the Executors of the said Estate,' on or before June 27th,:- 1979, and that. after such date the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said .Estate, having regard only to: the claims of which they shall then have had notice.' DATED at Lucknow; - Ont- ario, this 31st day of May, 1979: Gordon Jewitt, David HenryJewitt, Executors of the Estate, By their solicitors, GOODALL, CAMPBELL AND BROPHY, Box 190, Lucknow, Ontario. -23,24,25ar 20. Public notices PINELODGE REST HOME A . supervised retirement home taring for your person- al needs 24 hours a day. Lucknow 528-3703.-50tfar Car Show, Summerfest, June 22,23 and 24. Peopleinter-\ ested inshowing cars or trucks (1900 to 1969) please contact Tom Andrew, Luck - now: 5282001 or James Montgomery 528-3007. 23,24,25ar 20; Public notices Would the person or persons who took the figurine with lantern from the property of Wm. Humphrey in, Lucknow, on Sunday night, please return same. -23 Anyone wishing to' enter the -- field '_field crop competition for the Ripley Huron Agricultural Society, please contact Don- ald MacTavish, 395-51,61 -23,24ar' ,�.,...f„ ,.. HAVING ..A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881.3655. -40tfar ATTENTION PROPERTY OWNERS OF HURON TOWNSHIP Check . allmunicipal drain outlets and catch basins. Report damage to drain inspector, Jack J. Button, phone 528-5405..-20-23ar LUCKNOW SIHPPER TO • UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPT. TORONTO :" Ship your livestock with BILL TAYLOR R. R. 3 GODERICH Tuesday and Thursday are. shipping days from Lucknow Stockyards . CALL DUNGANNON 529-.7310 or. ' LUCKNOW 528-3119 Tuesday or Thursday by 7:30 a. M. for prompt service ASK BILL FOR REQUIREMENTS OF REPLACEMENT CATTLE -ltfar HILRAY FARMS LTD. ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD The best in Home Grown, Dry Fed Beef. Try. our Fresh Home Made, Sausage. Cus- tom killing by appointment, Phone 528-2132. =40tfar Will Sell' by 1 Auction Entire Estates or Single Consignments call Paul Cummings; C, Collect 524-9064 LOGS WANTED Standing Timber For top prices and instant cash Call your local sawmill CRAIG'S SAWMILL - AUBURN Bill Craig. Phone 526-7220 Al Craig Phone 526.7512 1