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CarroilMcKbny lefty Beaver Division commissioner presented Bev Thompson, right, Mabee
District commissioner; with a service pin for her contribution to Guiding over the' past 10
years. Bev has served as a Brownie leader, a Guide leaderand for the past three years as
district commissioner. She has just accepted a two year extension to her term as district
commissioner. [Sentinel Staff Photo]
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The mother and daughter • P. Duggan replied. some "hum6rous comments.
banquet- fdi the Lucknow Girl Mrs. Margaret Cameron The evening e seri with
Guides, Rangers and Brown- read the minutes and gave a Taps.
ies.was held in the basement financial report. 'Mrs. Linda
of the Lucknow. United
Church on June 1, 1979 at
6.30 p.m.
Mrs. ruce Rayiiard met,
•corned everyone and Helen
/viacIntyre accompanied the
group in singing 0 Canada:
A. toast was made to the
Queen. •
Marion. Raynard accon-i-
•panied during the singing of
the "Word Hunger Grace".
A delicious turkey dinner
was served by the Lucknow
Mrs. Bruce Raynard intro-
duced: Mrs. Carroll McKim,
Division Commissioner for
BeaverDivision; Mrs. Bever-
ly Thompson, District Com-
missioner for the Maitee
District; Mrs. Barbara Helm,
Badge Secretary for the
•Lucknow Company, Deputy
District Commissioner for
the Maitee District and Pub-
lic Relations Advisor for the
Beaver Division; Mrs. Ilene
Greer, Training Rep. for
Maitee District, and Pack
Holiday Advisor for Beaver
Division; Mrs. Diane Hack-
.ett, Secretary Treasurer for
Beaver Divison.; Mrs. 'Barb-
ara 'VVilson, Public Relations
Repfor the. Silver Birch
Area; . Kathy 'Wilson, who
accompanied her mother to
the Lucknow banquet; Mrs.
Pat Duggan, Ranger Guider;
Marian Raynard, Jr. Leader.
for Guides; Mrs. Lloya Nich-
olson, Brown Owl; Mrs.
Elaine teer, Tawny Owl;
Mrs. Lihda Owen, Snowy
Owl; Mrs. Ruth Pritchard,
Grey OwI, and Susan Thomp-
son, Packie. Kathryn Mc-
Kim, Packie, was unable to
be present at the dinner.
Mrs. Carroll McKim spoke
briefly and presented Mrs.
Beverly Th6mpson with a
Long Service Award and pin
for ten ' years of service.
Beverly replied.
Lyndale Cross proposed a
toast to the mothers and
Mrs, D. Cross replied.
Lori McKim proposed •a
toast to the Guiders and Mrs.
Emrnertowseconded the mo-
tion. ,
ivirS.:iNiiyrnarcRayttard 'ex-
• planed expense and the
need for executive mexnbers
hn the committee. Mrs. Del-
ores .Cross suggested the
Guides,' Brownies and Rang-
ers in the area take .part in
the- Lucknow Fall Fair. par-
Susan Thompson gave a
report on Cookie Day which
took place on April 28, 1979,
Mrs. Nancy Maclntyre
thanked Beverly Thompson
• and Barbara Helm for extra
effort on behalf of the
Lucknow GUide • .COtnpany
during the past year.
After a break in the pro-
• grann-Mrt Raynard thanked
Mrs. Linda Emmerton for the
table decorations.
Brownie . Badges were
presented by Linda Owen,
Susan Thomp,son, Lloya
Nicholson, Ruth Pritchard
and Elaine Steer.
Beverly Thompson spoke
briefly about the new pro-
grant coming up in the fall.
Beverly Thompson and
Marian Raynard assisted
Barbara Helm in Guide En-
rolment and' presentation of
• badges:
• Helen Matlntyre present-
ed Julie . Davies, Michelle
Gardner, Mae Raynard and
Donalda Thompson. Laurie
Emmerton presented Diane
Wilson. and Heather MacIn-
tytie. All six girls were
enrolled by Barbara Helm.
Badges were presented fol-
lowing enrollment.
Mrs. Carroll McKim in-
troduced the guest speaker,
Mrs. Barbara Wilson, who
spoke briefly and showed
slides. Susan Thompson
thanked Mrs. Wilson and
Cindy Enimerton presented
her with ,a Lucknow
"spoon". Josie den Boer
presented her with some
baking from the Lucknow
Home Bakery. Mrs. Wilson
thanked the girls and made
Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, June 0, 1979.41ie
eedlOr. service
'from Page
Social Services, Family
and Children'S' Services,
Cancer Society or by
priVate individuals. In
order to keep the fees at a
reasonable cost, ad-
ditional funds are
required," she said.
Mrs. Cardno said any
resident can buy the
services of a homemaker
•or a -home helper on a
private basis.
Linda Young of the
Wingham association,
showed slides to illustrate
the many facets of care
• available in the county.
She said there is a field'
'worker who assesses, the
needs of the client, and
she described the
homemaker as someone
who has been trained in
three-month course on
givirig personal care,
getting meals and special
diets, bed baths and other
light housekeeping work
needed to maintain the
client in the , home. She
said a homemaker
always woi:ks with a.
professional per -Son such
as a nurse or,
ph ys loth erapi '
0,0\ther 'services
. provided are by a group
a workers called Home
Help, • including house
cleaners'and handy men ;.
hairdressers, barbers
• people who will provide
transportation. ° services,
do friendly visiting,
provide sitter services for
the elderly and han-
dicapped and sitter
serVice in a crisis.
By caring.for people in
then' ho*es where
possibl,e, rather than
being in hoSpital, Mrs.
Young estimated the,
savings in Huron to date
as $1,148,152,
There are about 90
homemakers and home
helpers in Huron County
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