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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-05-23, Page 19
Obituary ROBERT ALEXANDER NIACGREQOR Robert Alexander MacGregor of Ashfield Township died suddenly at his home on Highway 21, one-half mile north of Kintail on Wednesday, May 9 at the age of 57. He was born on June 21, 1921 in Detroit, Michigan, the only son of Cohn and Mae (Drennan) MacGregor. He moved from Detroit to Kintail with his, parents in November of 1926. He received his education at S.S. No. 3 Ashfield and at Lucknow Continuation School which he attended for five years. After the outbreak of World War II, he enlisted 'with the Royal Canadian Air Force. He graduated from the Canadian Air Force Training Centre at Centralia in 1943 and received his wings. He then served at different RCAF bases in western Canada. Following his military service, he returned to. Ashfield Township, to work the 100. acre MacGregor Homestead located in the front section of lot number 25, Lake Range. About 15 years ago he purchased the. adjoining 50 acres, He worked as a cash cropper for more than three decades. He was an adherent of Ashfield Presbyterian Church. After his father's death in 1958, he became Kintail Cenietery Superin- tendent, a .position he filled until his own death. He was appointed municipal drain in- spector some years ago by long-time Ashfield Township Councillor, the late Jack Bradley. Before becoming Ashfield drain inspector, he had acquired several years experience as a ditching - drainage contractor while in partnership with Kintail neighbour David McKenzie. He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Jean Finlayson and Mrs. George (Anna) Lead- better, both of Goderich. A funeral service was held on Sunday, May 13 at 2 p.m. at the McCallum Funeral Horne in Goderich. The Reverend Hugh Nugent of. Ashfield Presbyterian Church officiated, Interment was in Kintail Cemetery. Pallbearers were Donald, Doug and Jack Drennan all of R.R. 3 Goderich, - ordon MacGregor of London and George and Sandy MacGregor of Dundas. SKELTON MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER SIXTY YEARS WALKERTON PHONE 881-0234 ONTARIO A large stock of monuments at fair prices.: Av.' fr evening appointments •\ LuaI Farms Now Available Seed corn, chemicals, fertilizer, spread- er -chains, water bowls, farm gates, pig feeders, big rouhd and square bale feeders, cattle 'mineral .feeders. Allan Miller R. R. 5 Lucknow 528-2299 AMSERVICES MANAGEMENT Here is a Business Management Seminar on two very common problems faced by rapidly growing Small Businesses FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK Lneknow Sentinel, Wedne9 aday May 23, 1979—Page 19 To keep quackgrass down, you have to let it grow up. Before you till quackgrass this spring, let it grow until it's at least 8 inches high. Then; apply Roundup®. You really can get ready to control quackgrass by letting it grow undisturbed this spring. Dop't touch it or till -it, until it's actively growing and most weeds are 8 inches high —(3 to 4 leaf stage). Then, apply Roundup® herbicide by Monsanto. Tillage may break up and spread live rhizomes throughout your field and all plants may not re -grow to the proper stage in.tim for treatment with Roundup. Roundup however, controls emerged quackgrass above and , below ground, when used properly, Roundup is so effective, that many \ farmers, using it as the keystone of their quackgrass control programs, have been able to achieve manageable control for up to 3 years after one application. And since Roundup has no residUal soil activity, • you can till and plant wheat, oats, barley; corn or soybeans only 5 days after treatment, without risk of crop injury. In those infested fields you plowed last fall, quackgrass may not be ready for Roundup before planting, If so, we recommend you wait to apply Roundup as a spot treatment in the crop — or after harvest, when quackgrass has regrown to the proper stage. See your dealer soon about Roundup. Roundup controls quackgrass --but you have to let it grow up a little bit first. Monsanto ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW THE LABEL FOR ROUNDUP Roundup's is a registered trademark of Monsanto Co. Monsanto Canada Ltd. Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancoje RCN -249 ©Monsanto Company 1979. Cash Flow Difficulties Whether or not to Incorporate There's never been - a herbicide like this before. • A Management Seminar • AT . The Royal Canadian Legion Hall, Wingham• 9.00AM to 4300M ON June• 6th, 1979. REGISTRATION 8.30AM Would you like to attend? If so, please complete the coupon anckreturn it. with your cheque, to the address, below. For further information. please contact Pete Huxtable,.Tel:271-5650 [collect]. MI NO 11111 NM lin The Manager • • \. 1036 Ontario Street, Stratford • Fedetal Business Development Bank 111 I will attend the business management seminar at on Name(s) 111 Address Rental Code Tel.: The Registration Fee of 1•30.00 per person Includes luncheon