HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-05-23, Page 2Page 2—Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, May 23, 1979 Plant sixth mernorial.tree onArbor Celebrating Arbor Day at St. Joseph's School, Kings- bridge on Friday, May 18,• included the sixth memorial tree planting ceremony with Mrs. Bernardine Kinney, president of the Kingsbridge Genealogical Society partic- ipating. Arbor Day was first cele- brated on April 10, 1865 by J. Sterling Morton, a newspap- er man and later Governor of the State of Nebraska. Mr. Morton was born in Michi- gan when 90 per cent of the state was covered with leaf bearing trees and huge white pines. It became the largest lumber producing state until 1900, and provided lumber for the rebuilding of Chicago in 1881. When Mr. Morton moved to Nebraska it was almost a treeless prairie. He induced the Board of Agriculture. to proclaim April 10, 1865 Tree Day. Encour- aging other states to join them, on that day over one million trees were planted. The idea spread to other states and other countries. Taken from the Goderich Signal 1888 - on the first Friday of May Arbor Day will be observed by the schools throughout the province. At the request of the Hon. Mr. Ross every teacher especially in the rural areas should begin now to inculcate in the minds of children the beauty of the trees and flower planting, and it will always be remembered by them. There would never be a scarcity of lumber' and the deplorable results if tree planting was .properly obser- ved on every farm. It would also be a great benefit to the country at a small initial cost. The National Women's Jewish Organization had planted over one million trees in Israel by 1973. By giving a tree certificate on special occasions as birth- days, anniversaries;—wed- dings and memorials for a contribution to send a tree to Israel. Mrs. Kinney, who donated the tree for Arbor Day planting at Kingsbridge said "Could . not something be done here in Kingsbridge for tree planting?" The moun- tain ash tree is donated in loving and grateful memory of our O'Loughlin ancestors, Mrs. .Kinney said: `Brian -O'Loughlin, his wife, Bridget • • Kitson, our great grand- parents, who migrated to the Gore from Ireland in 1847. Later they- moved to St. Augustine to the farm of Murray Gaunt MPP. Also in memory. of Patrick O'Lough-• lin, his wife, Mary McCann,. our grandparents who lived on the next 100 acres. They built a frame house in 1870 which . is still in use, the Humphrey farm. In memory also of my parents, Joseph O'Loughlin and May Griffin, who lived on the 9th conces- sion, Ashfield Township from 1904. This tree planting will be the first activity of the O'Loughlin Reunion which will take place in Kings- bridge June 23. and 24th. In closing she quoted a verse from an old Scottish hymn: Think of a world •without flowers Think of a world without. trees. Think of a sky without any sunshine Think of the air without any breeze. We thank Thee Lord for flowers, trees and sunshine. We thank Thee. Lord and praise your name, CP Lu That's What You Will Get When You Buy a Used Car Or Truck From MONTGOMERY MOTORS Ask James About These • Used Vehicles,... 1978 LTD, II, 2door 1977 CHRYSLER CORDOBA, air conditioned, speed control, AM/FM/8 track 1977 PONTIAC CATALINA. WAGON 1975 FORD CUSTOM., 2 door hardtop. 1975 PONTIAC SPRINT, 2 door 1974 DODGE STATION WAGON 1974 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN, 4 door MONTGOMERY MOT0RS.LTD. PHONE 528-3007 LUCK$OW • FORD i� LUckfl�w.S�ntinel Get More Out of Living Start with a it Test Here's a great op , rtunity toa d ,out what shape you're in and how you can ,--improve your general level' of .fi&ss. A few minutes of activity and consultation with the qualified fit teat counsellors, and you can start: on the road to a better feeling. To Be Held Friday, May 25th 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Lucknow Community Centre Henderson Lumber Ltd. Have Luxaclad Glacier White Aluminum Siding and accessories 4 inch Drainage Tubing Perforated and Non -Perforated 100 ft. and 200 ft. Roils St. Lawrence Cement Portland and Masonry In Stock . - Do Yourself a Favour Call 528-3007 for an appointment Fitness Ontario En forme Sponsored by Lucknow Recreation Committee 11 ohn W. Henderson LumberLtd. Luck.. 12118gligiANOV M Ab