HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-05-09, Page 231'
Dungannon s
Irene Martin, a member of
the Goderich Collegiate con-
cert band, took part in the
exchange student program
sponsored by the govern-
ment. Irene stayed in Haut-
erive, Quebec from Wednes-
day. until Saturday. Christine
Hudon, a ,Quebec exchange
student, had stayed with the
Peter Martin family from
Saturday until Tuesday:
Congratulations to Don
and Becky Richardson of Port
Albert, formerly of Dungan-
non, on the birth of their
second daughter, weighing 8
lb. 31/2 oz., on Thursday,
May 3, a sister for Valerie.
Congratulations to Larry
and Melba Park on the birth
of their second .son, Taylor
MacKenzie, on Tuesday, Ap-
ril 24th in Victoria Hospital,
London, a new brother for
Sympathy of the commun-
ity is extended to Mrs.
Wallace (Vivian) Wilson on
the death of her brother, Bill
• Tiffin in Wingham Hospital
on Thursday, May, 3rd.,
.Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Culbert and Lynn, Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Ohm and Trisha,
Dorothy Ziegler *:and Eldon
•Culbert motored to Windsor
• on Friday to attend the
• marriage ,on Saturday of
Sheila Kersey and Barry Cul-
bert. Trisha was a flower'
girl.. The dinner and .recep-
tion were held at the Wind-
sor Yacht Club.
.Heather and "Robbie Ohm
• spent the Weekend in: Wing -
ham with their grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ohm,
Richard And Rosie.'
Harvey Culbertand Eldon
Bradley left On • ,S nday for
Toronto to •atte sales
convention •for -Glen Green
seed salesmen.
Karen Linton and children
• of Edmonton visited recently
• with her' parents, Mr. and
Mrs. K. Dawson while her
• husband, John, took a course
in Toronto.
• Mr.. and Mrs; Ed Godfrey
moved to Lucknow on the
Mrs porothy.. Bere and
• Joanne Culbert attended an
Art.Courie in Mater Colours
at Clinton on the weekend.
Bessie and Graham Me -
Nee accompanied Donna and
Jim Ilaytien'and girls to visit
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ribey and
family near Underwood on.
• MarYhelte and. Dwight
Aldham, :Johnny, Greg and
Larissa of Inglewood visited
Mrs: -Mary Bere on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Irvin
attended Mr. and Mrs. San-
dy Doig's 40th anniversary
•dinner at Seaforth on Sun-
ried on Saturday at the
Londesboro United church.
• A bridal shower 'for bride
elect, Joanne Mole, arranged
• by her aunts, Lois Walden,
Tammy Skidmore of Kit-
chener visited on Saturday
with Wanda Park.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hallam
of Auburn visited with Ver-
na's mother,. Mrs. Gertrude
Parit, on Sunday.
Mr. and ' Mrs. Robert
• Stothers have returned from
a holiday in Calgary and
• southern B:C. While in Cal-
• gary they visited with their
• daughter, Kathy.
Congratulations to Debbie
Vella and lan Hulley of
Londesboro ' who were mar-
Lucknow Sentinel, Wedueadny, May 9,. 1979—Page 23
Jeanette Juniper ' and Nancy
Philips, was held on Satur-
day at the home of Joanne's
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Mole. There were 36
guests which were Joanne's
neighbours and relatives.
Relatives were present from
Chesley, Kincardine, Exeter,
Clinton, liensall, Meneset,
Lucknow, Auburn and Dun-
Mrs. Willetta McWhinney
read the Address to Joanne.
AndreiVs, Meneset and her
little daughter, Katie.
Rev. C. G. Westhaver
• preached an -excellent serm-
on on the subject, "Is Life
Abused?" The children's
story was, "The little green
door". The choir sang the,
anthem, "Amazing Grace",
led° by organist Mrs. Jean
This week in
several songs and dances
from different countries us-
ing the theme, "It's a small
world"; Kindergarten, class -
.es land 2, with teacher Mrs.
Farrish sang "Farm Animal
Songs','; Mr. Hazlitt's Grade
7 gave an imitation, of the
Gong Show called, "Search-
ing for Talent"; Mrs. Wor-
sell's Grade 3 sang, "Songs
of the Sea"; Mr: Cameron's
Grade 8 and Mr. Liddle's
Grade 7 gave a variety
number called, "A Humor-
ous Version of Canada".
From May 7 to May 18
next year's kindergarten
pupils.• ,will each come to
by Marie Park
Mrs. Betty Mole, the bride
elect's mother, read a very
appropriate reading; "Moth-
etof the Bride". Joanne's ,
Mary, a bride
of • one week, and sister,
Dianne Mole assisted her in
opening the gifts.
Joanne thanked all present
• for the beautiful gifts and for
So many coming out to make
her shower such •a happy.
occasion. Joanne invited ev-
eryone to come and visit
them when they ger settled.
While ' lunch was being
organized a scrap bOok was
passed around which had a
• number of childhood pictures
,and other humorous -clip
pings with remarks about
each one.
, Lunch was served by aunts
and cousins.
One family had four gener-
ations 'represented, • Mrs.
Harvey Andrews, Exeter,
her daughter, Mrs. Frank
McDonald, Clinton, her
• daughter, Mrs. Colin (Judy)
Next Sunday will be Chris-
tian Family Sunday (Moth-
er's Day) and it isanticipated
that five couples will be
presenting their children for
infant baptism.
On April 25th Anton Lendi.
• from SWitzerland came to
Brookside to talk to the
students about the country of
Switzerland. • He showed a
film, told many interesting
things about life in. Switzer-
land, modelled some tradi-
tional costumes on students
and answered student ques-
tions. Both groups (Gr. 1 - 4
• and Gr. 5 - 8) found his
presentations.' most interest-
.0n Thursday night, Brook- •
side held the annual Spring
Concert. Karen Beecroft was
announcer for a varied pro-
gram which included the
following numbers: Grade 1,
led by Mrs. Wilson Igave
Charlie Farquarson was there to read the news in a
comedy sketch at the Brookskle School Spring variety
'concert last Thursday. Steven Alton played the popular
Canadian personality In a presentation', "Canada",by
the grade eight students. [Sentinel Staff Poto)
• school for one day. There will
be 4 children come each day.
On May 9 and 10, Grade 7,
Room 8, will be going on an
overnight camping trip to
Menesetung Camp, just
north of Goderich. They will
be doing different studies
connected with their science
The staff of Brookside
School found the Profession-
al -Development Day program
at - Exeter High School on
April 27 to be well planned,
comprehensive and very
worthwhile. Many talented
personnel from Hamilton and
tendon Boards of Education
were on hand to share their
views and experience on
.Moral -Values Education.
. While some of the individual
topics were more 'relevant to
urban areas the nverall goals
for developing values within
the classinoin which will
carry over into' everyday life
were well worthy of study by
teachers, and parents:
• Stompin' Tom Connors [Cecil Little] entertained at the
Brookside School spring variety concert last Thursday
evening. Mr. Cameron's grade.eight class did a comedy
• • sketch entitled "Canada''',. featuring Well known •
Canadian characters.• •[Sentinel Staff Photo]
iscuss Year of the Child
On May 3, 1979, the
• Dungannon Branch of VVom-
en's Institute met at the
home of the president, Mrs.
Geo. Errington. There were
17 members and two visitors
present for the program. on
• Education.
president extended a
welcome to all. Mrs. Gordon
Finnigan was pianist. •
• The .minutes were -read .by
the secretary -treasurer, Mrs.
Harry Giryin, who also gave
the financial report and read
• the correspondence. The fol-
lowing events should be
noted: • A visit .to Pinecrest
'Nursing Horne ,is to be in
October; Needlepoint • for
Seniors' Achievement: Night
is to be held in May at
•Wingham with Rev. Arnold
Proud of Teeswater as guest
speaker; an invitation was
• received to attend theAturan.
County Historical Society
meeting at Zurkh in May;
transportation for the Home-
bound Survey was discussedt
• Following the business the
roll call, "News clipping ab
out a foreign country"
brought current events about
Turkey, India etc. and helped
the group to realize how
fortunate we are in Huron
Mrs. • George Errington
expressed her thanks for her
W.I; pin received from Mrs.
Lorne 'vers.
The motto given by Mrs.
Jack Clements was, "It is not
the hours yOu put in, but
what you put into the hours"
was well illustrated by two
'hunaorous poems.,
Mrs. Clements, convener
• for education, • then intro-
duced her guest speaker,
-Mrs. Carol Egener; from
Goderich 5he based her
informative talk on Interna-
• tional Year • Of .the Child
(IYC), and • "Children DO.
Have Rights", stressing ac-
• ceptance of each child as he
is, socially and emotionally.
Mrs. Egerier teaches in the
St. Mary's School in Goder-
ich, and understands the im-
portance of proper child care..
Mrs. Clements expressed
• her tha.nks ancl gave ,her a
token of appreciation.
Collection arid Pennies for
Friendship were, received,
followed oby singing Happy
Birthday to -Mrs. • Graham
McNee. Further plans were
'made for pattiCipation in the
:District Annual. •
The delegate to the Offic•
ers' conference, May 1, 2, 3
in Waterloci',- was Mrs. Elmer •
Black,Ciirator.of our Tweed-
smuir History. She gave a
• splendid detailed report, and •
expressed her appreciation
of the opportunity to attend,
along with 600 other dele-
gates from Canada.
• .
courtesies were given by
the president, and hostesses
were Mrs. G. Errington, and e'
Mrs. 'Lorne Ivers. VVhiIe
enjoying sandwiches and rel-
ishes the disCussion on.
I.Y.C. continued, bringing a
Worthwhile meeting to 'a