HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-05-09, Page 14Page 14—Lneknow Sentllnel, Wednesday, May 9, 1979
Bernice Kemp re-elected 6:30 bowling league president
The Ladies 6.30 Bowling
League held their annual
banquet and' social evening
at the Anglican Parish Hall
Tuesday, May 1.
Each lady received candles
and dish from their league
and novelties donated by
Royal Bank, Bank of Mont-
real, Loto Canada, Wintario,
Avon, Bains Groceteria,
Kemps General Store and
pop from Pepsi Coloa.
A bu-siness meeting was
held with president Bernice
Kemp presiding. The' treas-
urer's report was read by
Joyce Adamson. Nomina-
tions were held for officers
for the 1979-80 season since
all offices were declared
vacant. Officers re-elected
are , president, Bernice
Kemp; treasurer, Joyce Ad-
amson and secretary, Isobel.
Miller. Joan Livingston was
elected in as vice-president.
The presentation of troph-
ies and gifts was conducted
by past vice-president, Pat
Livingston with Joyce Ad-
amson and Isobel Miller
The winning team of the
regular season's bowling was
the Trilliums and the captain
Joan Livingston was present-
ed with the Bud Hamilton
Trophy by Joyce Adamson.
The team members Joan
Livingston, Fern MacDon-
ald, Evelyn Smith, Lois Mc-
Intosh, Annie Gaunt, Edna
MacDonald, Linda Andrew
and Sandra Leddy, received
trophies of which six of them
were donated by Ernie Webb
and presented by Linda
The season's trophies
were won by the following
and presented to each by
different bowlers from each
Bernice Kemp won the
high average with 193; Pat
Livingston won the high
single with 315; Fern Mac-
Donald won the high triple
with 737; Pat Livingston won.
the high single with handi-
cap with 348; Joan Living-
ston won the high triple with
handicap with 894; Elaine
Steer won the most improved
bowler with 23 pins above
her last year average.
The winning team in the
playoffs was the Poppies and
were presented with trophies
by Pat, Joyce and Isobel. The
team members are captain,
Bluejays Jean Phillips, Nancy Brooks,
Robins &Lynn Culbert, Olive Warren,
Betty . Finlayson, Colleen
Eedy, Greta Johnston, Rob-
• erta . Whytock and Mary
league w /i n e rs Maize. Thplayoff trophies
were won byl the following -
- Pat iyivingston won the high
Marie Park;vice-president, single with 306; Anne Ander-
Anna Johnstone; secretary,' son won the high triple with
Marg .Montgomery; treasur- 726; Bertha Olson won the
er; Wilma Blake; team cap- high single with handicap
tains, Joanne Searle, Linda with 350; Anne Anderson
Sticklend; Kay Crawford,.. won the high. triple :with
Anna Johnstone, Dianne handicap with '840.
Carter, ,and Barb Tyler. The presentation of the
After the business was
completed. Mary Lou Raym. --
ard entertained with a music-
al interlude while
usic-alin'terludewhile the card
tables were set up. A game
of progressive euchre follow- '
ed with prizes for high ted
card, Isobel Tiffin; •hi
white card, Sharon Cuiller-
ier; low red card, Chris
.Sticklend; low white card, : 7
Tena Gardner.
It is hoped everyone enjoy-
ed themselves and will re-
turn next year.
9 o'clock
On Monday, May 7th the
Ladies 9 o'clock bowling
league held their banquet at
the Anglican Parish Hall. A
delicious turkey dinner was
enjoyed by all, thanks to the.
Anglican Church ladies. Ev-
eryone received table gifts
including a bowling glass, a
deck of cards, Avon samples
and note pads.
Linda Sticklend and Shar-
on Petteplace presented
team trophies for the season
to the Robins who are Marie
Park captain,, Anna John-
stone, Alene Clark, ,Isobel
Havens, Shirley Allan, Marie
Haldenby, Marjorie Hum-
phrey and Wanda Park.
Dianne Carter presented
the trophy for high average
to Joanne Searle with a 193
average. Dianne also pres-
ented the trophy for high
triple to Sharon Petteplace
with a 720 triple. Linda
Sticklend presented high
single trophy to Kay Craw-
ford with a 297 single. Marie ..
Park presented a trophy for
most im 'roved new bowler to
Karen llan who improved,
by 35 ints • this season.
Sharon tteplace presented
the tro 'hy for the most
improve bowler from last
year to Kay Crawford who
improved 16 points. `
Marie Iark and Barb gran-
ston presented trophies to •
Anna Johnstone had high
scorefor�the final bowling for
the season with single of 174
and .double of 312.
High for the men was
Harry Lavis with single of
215 and double of 400.
Team standings: Violets
18, Reds 17, Blues 16,
Greens 12, Yellows 6, Orang-
es 6.
The Reds with : captain
Tena Gardner won the play-
off trophy as runners up.
Banquet to be held in
Anglican Parish Hall on May
10 at 7 o'clock.
the Playoff champs, the
Bluejays, who are Muriel
Ritchie (captain), Dianne
Carter, Aileen Mann, Dianne
De , Groote, Isabel Tiffin,
Barb Tyler and Wilma Elli-
Linda Sticklend, presented
the playoff high single trophy
to. Dianne Carter with a 314
single. Playoff high triple
was presented by • Marg
Hackett to Anna. Johnstone
with a 661 triple.
Barb Cranston presented
Linda Sticklend with a gift for
being president and also one
to Dianne Carter as recogni-
tion . for a game over 300.
The treasurer's report was
read by Sharon Petteplace.
Neyear's officer were
elected as follows: president,
the Best Mothers' Day Gifts on FourWheels
1979.FORD F 1.00, pickup
1978 ASPEN, 2 door
1978 ASPEN, 4 door
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1977 CHRYSLER, 4 door
1977 DODGE, 4 door stationwagon
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1977 ASPEN, 4 door, 6 cylinder automatic
1977 ASPEN, 2 door, 6 cylinder
2 - 1977 DODGE , ASPENS, station -
wagons, 1 V8 with air
1976 HORNET, 4 door, 6 cylinder
1976 FORD F 150, pickup
1975 DODGE CORONET, 4 door
1975 FORD F 150, pickup
cap sans �Tu .
•BI,nH PHONE 523.4342
bowling glasses from Lucky.
wood Lanes was made as
follows.: You received a glass
for each game you bowled
during the year, over 225,
240, or 250, it depended on
your average.
For games 225 and up the
following bowlers received
one glass, Bertha Olson,
Carol Adams, Maudie Fish-
er, Isobel Miller, Joyce Ad-
amson, Evelyn Henderson,
Evelyn Smith, Grace Elliott,
Roberta Whytock 2, Joan
Livingston 4,
For games 240 and up the
following received one glass,
Marion MacKinnon, Lynn
Culbert, Mildred Cameron,
Kathleen MacDonald, Nancy
Brooks 3, Anne Anderson 3,
and Bernice Kemp 6.
For games 250 and up,
Jean Phillips 1, Elaine Steer
2, Pat Livingston 3, Dorothy
Bain 3, Fern MacDonald 3.
There is a largerglass
given for a triple bowled and
for 3 games over 650, Joan
Livingston 2. For.3 games
over 675, Anne Anderson 1,
Bernice ` Kemp 2. For 3
games over 725, Fern Mac- -
Donald 1, ..
There were 23 door prizes
won by Lois McIntosh, Kath-
leen MacDonald, Jean Phil-
lips, Sandra Leddy, Edna
Ross, Joyce Adamson, Carol
Adams, Rena McNab, Betty
Finlayson, Evelyn Smith,
Debbie. Maize, Marion Mac-
Kinnon, Becki Culbert, Shar-
on Culbert, Janet McPher-
son, Fern MacDonald, Mar-
ion Campbell, Belle Herbert,
Edna MacDonald, Aileen
Tromrner, Evelyn Hender-
son, Dorothy Bain and Annie
Marion MacKinnon ex-
pressed appreciation to the
executive for the fine work
they had done over the past
year and wished the best to
the executive for . the next
season. The evening con-
cluded with the playing of
Court Whist with Bernice
Kemp and Sandra Leddy
winning the high prizes and
Joyce Adamson and Millie
Cameron winning the low.
The names of the teams
were voted on and the.
majority voted to be called
. after fowl.
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