HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-05-09, Page 6Page 6—Lacknow Sentinel, Wedneeday, May 9, 1979
• The Chain letter disturbing
"The Sepoy Town"
On the Huron -Bruce Boundary
Established 1873
Published Wednesday
Published by Signal -Star Publishing Ltd.
Sharon J. Dietz - Editor
Anthony N. Johnstone - Advertising and
General Manager
Subscription rate, Si1 per year in advance
Senior Citizens rate, 59 per year in advance
U.S.A. and Foreign, $21.50 per year in advance
Sr. Cit., U.S.A. and Foreign $19.50 per year
in advance
Business and Editorial Office Telephone 528-2822
Mailing Address P.O. Box 400, Lucknow, NOG 2F10
Second class mail registration number - 0847
Sir William Osier, the Canadian phys-
ician who was one of the makers of
modern medicine, said this in one ,of his •
essays:. "Happiness lies in the absorption
in some vocation which satisfies the
Yes, of course. But •the kinds of
dredgery which many people today must .
face in their work are enervating and
demoralizing and terribly frustrating. For
many there is little satisfaction, little r,
fulfilment, in their. daily work. For them— 4
work is primarily an 'ordeal that must be
undergone in order to make money for
the basic necessities of life and for .
leisure time activities in which some
personal fulfilment may be found.
We who find fulfilment in our work
must resist the temptation to be over
• critical of those whose work is dull or -
distasteful, those whose work consists
mainly of routines which can put
callouses :on the heart as Well as on the
hands, those who labor merely for
existence and for the leisure in which
' they -can find their main fulfilment.
• A few years ago a team of social
scientists predicted that in the year 2000
• the general pattern of work in the devel-
Oped parts of the world will be one ofa:
seven and a half hour work day instead of
eight, with for, working days a week
instead of five an4,only 39 working weeks
per year compared a the present 50. In I
* •
the face of all that is now happening in
our society, that seems a fairly reason-
able foreeast, Our Society is already
becoming leisure -oriented in many ways.
How will we respond to .the new
leisure? Will we use it for making our
lives more humane and more fulfilling?
Already there is evidence that many of us
are succumbing to the devastating
boredom that is always a threat to those
iwho have such leisure.
1 — • ' .
Dr. Viktor Franki, one of the more
influential psychiatrists of pur. time,
points out that "Boredpm is jJw causing,.
and certaintly brings to Sychiatrists;
more , problems to solve than is dis-
tress." Bertrand Russell once said,
"Boredorne is, a vital problem for the
moralist,:since at least half the sins of
mankind are caused by fear of it."
In an age of increasing leisure fer most
people art and music and drama and
literature and sports become increasingly
significant in our spciety. 'And religion
can play a creative role here, helping
people get beyond their anxieties and
insecurities to awareness of life's deepest ."
:meanings.. And, as Bertrand Ruselrwent
on to say, "If a leisure population is to be
_happy, it 'nest . be an educated popula-
tion, and fling be educated with a•view to
-.mental enjoyment as well asto the direct
usefulness of technical knowledge.
Chief Taylor of the LucknoW Fire
Department has secured his volunteer ,
force to represent one of the contending
parties ir. the Great Russo -.lap water fight
to take place in Lucknow on the morning
of May 24. There will be no lack formusic
and entertainment on the 24th this year.
A charter was 'granted to Walkerton,
and Lucknow. Railway, empowering it to
build a line between these two points by
the Railway Committee of the House of
Commons on Tuesday. Opposition was
made to the granting of the charter by
supporters of the Huron and Ontario
• Electric Road but after animated discus-
sion, the charter was granted without
June is the month of marriages, roses
and even temperatUre and all will hdpe
that the coming June may keep up with
its old time reputation, for Lucknow has
some charming girls who will change
• • , , .
their names that month, May old Sol
shine on each oUthein when they plight
their troth:
After making us all believe summer
was just around the corner, the weather
man evidently took another whim and the
past week has been cold with ram and
snow and even some frost at nights.
Although vegetation had made a great
start, and some trees got out their buds,
no great mischief has been done yet.
Growth has' been at a standstill for some
time, Farm work has been held up owing
.to the wet condition of the ground,
otherwiSe seeding would- have been
Lucknow horse-shoe pitchers have or-
ganized a club which will be one of the
active sport organizations of the town.
Turn to page 1 I •
To the Editor:
We received this repulsive
unwelcome letter on Wed-
nesday. May 2. It was post
marked Meaford and was
unsigned, with -no name,
asking us to carry on with
this chain of 20 letters.
People of this nature must
be'firrespensible and arro-
gant, and should be stopped.
We feel it shouldn't be
carried on.
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Blackwell
R. R. # 1, Ripley.
• WAY.
The prayer has been sent
to you for good luck. The
original copy is from the
Netherlands. It has beeti.
around the world , 9 times.
The luck has now beeu
brought to' you. • You will
receive good lock within 4,
days of receiving this letter
provided you; in turn send it
back out. "THIS IS NO
JOKE". You will receive in
the mail. 'Send copies of this
letter: fo people you think
'need good. luck. DO NOT
SEND MONEY? for fate has
no price op it. Do not keep
this letter. It must leave your
hands within 96 hours after
you receive it. An RAF
officer received $70,000,
Joe Elliott received $450,000
and lost it because he broke
the chain. While in the
Phillipines 'General Weich
lost his wife 6 days after he
received the letter. He failed
to circulate the prayer. How-
ever, before his death' he
received $775,000. Please
send 20 copies and see' what
happens to you on the 4th
day. This chain comes from
Hanazucle and was written
by Saul Anthony de Caolte
missionary from South Am-
erica. I myself forward it to
you. Since the chain must
make the tour of :the world,
you must make 20 copies
identical to this one. Send it
to your friends, parents or
associates. After a few days
you will get a surprise. This
is true even if you are not
superstitious. Take note of
the following, Constantine
Dias received the chain in
1953. He had his secretary
make 20 copies and send
thern. A few daykilter he
won a lottery in -his country.
Carl Dassett, an office em-
• ployee received the chain
letter, he forgot it and a few
days later he lost his job. He
found the chain letter and
• sent it to 20 people.' Five
• days he got an even better
job. Dolan Fairchild received
the chain letter -and not
believing it threw it away.
Nine days later he died, For
no reason whatsoever should
be broken. Remember,
Dear Editor :
Rhythmic sounds of a
great jazz band filled St.
Joseph's Community
School on May 1. The
word 'exuberant' barely
describes the musicians
of the "Knights of Jazz",
They are talented and
This high school band
fro,m Kincardine is
anything but `typical'..
• The 21 members, con-
ductor and retinue
returned April 24 from a
• two week engagement in
. Invited to the Inter-
national Youth' Festival,
they performed. among
bands from 12 Countries
inclUding the U.S. and
Japan. larrogate Hall, a
1506 seat performance
auditorium, was packed
• each evening of the week
the "Knights of Jazz"
performed. Twice daily
concerts - soon brought
Turn to page •
Howard Barger enjoys a milk shake at. the Super Stoop IceeteaM Parlour which. opened
Lucknow two weeks ago. Since the opening, the parlour has become a favourite 'of many 1
the village, young hnd old alike: Operated by Diane Hackett, Barb' Helm, Jan Langlois an
Wilma Blake they boast 19 'flavours of leetreani. They also feature 25 different sundae
including a kiddies special, Diane's Delight, Barb's Bash, Jan's 'Joy and Wilma's WOnde
There is always a pot of hot coffee on and milkshakes, sandwiches, muffins or tarts if: yt
don't fancy iceeream. • [Sentinel .StaffPhot