HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-05-09, Page 5Candidates 'sup
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He said experts "tell: us CANDU reagtors.
are safer than what happened in Pennsyl-
vania." .
The candidate's meeting opened with
seven minute speeches by each of the
candidates; followed by questions directed
to candidates from the floor.
Bob McKinley told the. audience his
party believes agriculture is one of the
most vital components of society and must House of n person taking a gun in for repair
be given a more important and central role , and then needing an aquisitions permit in
in society. ; order to reclaim it. Mr. McKinley said the
The PC candidate said his party is Solicitor .General introduced an amend -
convinced greater export sales opportun- ment to the act following his question. ,
flies exist for agricultural products and Mr• McKinley said the gun control law
would put agricultural salespersons in "still has to be straightened out so it will
Canada's embassies to promote the sale of not affect the average person."
Canadian agricultural goods around the Mr. Craig said, "If you're going to shoot
world. someone, then it won't make a..difference
Mr. McKinley said his party would also that you have to go. out and purchase a
attempt tobring producers and consumers certificate first." He told the audience he is
closer together : and to promote better hopeful legislation can , be brought in
• understanding between the two groups, making On control, .less of a burden ons
Moira Couper said agriculture is import- hunters. -
ant since it is: the social fabric of the. local Moira Couper said she felt there should
community,; and without it, the community be more training available on how to use
breaks up. She said her party favors the . guns properly . and carefully. Shesaid
creation of land banks in which . the . • personally she felt the government needed
government purchases farmland and then to work to improve conditions in society so
leases or sells it to farmers at a reasonablepeople wouldn't be shooting :inanger.:
rate. . Candidates were asked for their views on
She also advocated using : Canada's the abortion question by audience member
resources to create more secondary Dirk van. der Werf..
industry, at the same time providing . Both Graeme Crai'g,'and Bob McKinley
employment for more "Canadians. said they did not agree with abortion on
She said the NDP party plans to demanid.' Mrs. Couper said she believed
establish a Fair Prices.. Commission to abortion' was a matter between a woman
:investigate items which are priced ques- andher doctor.
tionably high and to "investigate the costs ' In response to requests for candidates'
between the farmto and the consumer.." opinions on capital punishment from Biue-
,Graeme Craig toldga the audtenee while vale area farmer Bev Brown, Graeme Craig
- ,
Canada's inflation rate has been attacked, replied heunderstood capital punishment
last week itwas only nine per cent in was enforced Oily in the murder of a prison
Canada compared to a 13 per cent inflation guard or police. officer. Saying, "I wouldn't
rate in the: U.S, •.want to be the :person to pull the plug. on
He said while campaigning he hadn't someone," The candidate called . for
had as"" many questions': about Prime harsher sentences rather than the death,
Minister Pierre-Trudeau as'he•had received: Penalty
about the .competency of the leaderof the , • Bob: McKinley said it wasn't true about
Progressive Conservatives to be . prime capital punishment being enforced in the
minister of, the country: of.guards and.. told the audience that
'� caseg .
• He said the Agricultural Export Council both times•the vote on :capital punishment
announced by the prime minister, in April, ",— came u'p in the, House, he had voted, for the
will .be working with marketing boards and • retention of the death penalty and •would do
provincial -governments in the future to ' so again.
negotiate better access to foreign markets . — ' .Mrs: Couper said the NDP. party voted
for. Canadian agricultural products. against capital punishment• and said she
Mr.• Craig told.. the audience .he would believes ``we must:do something aboutthe
eventually like to see lower interest rates
for both the beginning farmer and for, small
businessmen. •
In response to .a question from the.
audience which criticized. Prime Minister
Trudeau for promising he would .cut back
on the civil service in 1968 and.tliien having
110,000 more civil servants today. •.
Graeme Craig jokingly replied, "that's
job creation! The Liberal candidate said
while government,spendinghas increased..
in the past decade, individual salaries have
also ,gone up to the same degree.
Another audience member asked each
candidate to give their views on the gun
control laws now in existence.
Bob McKinley said the PC's were
opposed to the current law, since they felt
it was too restrictive for gun collectors,
hunters and farmers protecting livestock.
He said '.he had raised the issue in the
A rrse
on dru
Four Goderichmen were among 17
persons arrested on charges of drug
trafficking following a three: month under-
cover investigation . conducted by the
RCMP, Stratford detachment. The arrests
were made on May 2 by members of the
RCMP, OPP Kincardine, Wiri ha'm Police
department and.God rich, police depart-
ment and Stra'l�ord Police Fd'rce.
Warrants re ain ,7outstanding for six
additional per nson..trafficking charges.
Those arreSfeii have been released to
appear in provincial court at Goderich and
Drugs involved include marihuana,
hash, LSD, tsilocybin (mushrooms), PCP
(angel dust), and diethylprpion (pep pills).
condition of our society...that's' where we
must start."
Tony McQuail asked candidates whether
they would. recommend that incentives be
provided to encourage energy conservation
on the farm. . .
Graeme Craig said $250 million had
already been allotted to solar,heating:
research in:Canada and that he had noticed
in his door-to-door campaigning that
people are'°becoming more energy consci-
ous in regard to home heating. He said he
doesn't know how .to. encourage energy
conservation on the faun.
Bob McKinley a; reed educational pro-
grams are needed o energy conservation
and said the province ad had a program to
encourage "farmers tr to experiment
with alternate energy so e said,
"we must stand by the triedand true
methods until . a lot more work is done."
Moira Couper. said the . NDP party
recommends an increase in the energy
research budget.
Tony McQuail said he didn't feel any of
the candidates had answered his question:
fully."As, a farmer I feel somewhat
concerned' that the agricultural industry
may be being neglected...withoutincentiv-
es" and encouragement we will never see
the development of alternatives we can
turn to."
Another member of the audience
referred to the gun control issue again. He
said a rabid coyote had been sighted near
Londesboro Thursday morning and al-
though the ministry had been notified of
the sighting immediately, no one showed
up to look into the situation until evening.
He said, "I feel we (farmers) have got to
have a gun around."
Bev Brown, second vice-president of the
federation, said she was pleased when an
Agricultural Expert Council was .formed by
the federal government bat said she was
disappointed in its advisory role. "What
r• a
Lueknow .Sentinel, Wednesday, May 9, 1979 ---Page 5
dear study';.••
we need is money spent on salespeople
overseas marketing our superior Canadian
farm products,." she told the candidates.
Graeme Craig said pians for the
committee still aren't completely formulat-
ed, but he pointed out the majority of
directors on the committee are farmers. He
said hopefully the committee will have the
same results marketing other farm prod-
ucts as the Canadian Wheat Board had in
marketing -grain oir. rseas.
Bob McKinley criticized the fact the
committee would function only In an
advisory capacity. He told the audience,
"We (the PCs) believe embassies and
trade missions already in place can play a
major part in selling agricultural prod-
ucts." he called the new committee "a
public relations operation by the govern-
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ya ry
We have a selection
of slippers and
for all Mothers
PHONE. 5284011 • : ( .
Why have so man ministers left the
cabntt?. � , ..; �
.This .has; to tette us . soimethin
Anl:effective voice.for Ontario no longer h. olds
its•proper place in federal government
decisions under.the present administration •
-.A Progressive Censer -votive
team would restore Ontario's
proper influence in decisions
that affect all of us.
-,A Progressive Conservative
government would also ensure
Parliamentary .control over
government spending which
hos not been the case since
the present Prime;: Minister
changed the rules in the House'
of Commons in 1969 by the
closure method.
Progressive Conservative
�� On May 22
McKINLEY, Robert E.
Campaign Headquarters, Zurich • 236-4351
Committee Rooms • Goderich'• 524.2149,
Clinton • 482.9494, Seaforth •'527.0979,
Exeter • 235.0133, Wingham • 357.2305
Published by the Huron•eruto ht Association
Progressive Conservative
4. .