The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-05-02, Page 1r Attain 4-11 advancec honours Advanced Honourscertifi- cates were presented to. these four gifls for comple- tion of 18 homemaking pro- jects at the Dungannon area 4-H achievement night at Brookside School, April 25, from the left, Elaine Stewart, Nancy Brim:Bey, Wihna Blake and Betty Culbert. [Sentinel Staff Photo] A jTw.,..! I h e nuc 1 • 28 PAGES WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1979 Single Copy 25c Nuclear accident possible at Bruce says secret paper A nuclearoccident worse than the recent one at Three Mile. Island,: Pennsylvania,. could happen at the Bruce generating plant near Kincardine according .to a,Bruce plant official: • The unidentified official 'sent secret Hydroreports on. recent .incidents at the nuclear station to Liberal MPP ..Eddie Sargent (Bruce -Grey).. A daily log is kept at the nuclear plant and documentation of incidents are sent to the atomic energy control board (AECB). Mr; Sargent was informed after the Three Mile Island accident that these documents were public information and available from ACES. When Sargent,_contacted the board about seeing the reports he wastold thek. were classified "top secret" information and were not available to the public: Sargent wants to know. why Ontario. Hydro is keeping this information from the public.. ; "They are telling 'us CANDU Vi�lc�ge waits arca• - •• accorng to owner The 'owner of a pinball arcade in cknow says she has not heard any re arks from local people indicating they don't want her business in, the village. Catherine Dadson, (Ripley said people have coni'e to he/ since the negative reports in the newspaper and on television, to tell het they are pleased with the type of entertainment her business provides. The 'arcade is located. in • the old Silver= wood's °building on the corner of Campbell' Street and Bruce County Road 1. It has. been open for business for about 'one. month., r The arcade has pinball machines and pool tables. Mrs. Dadson says she does not 'allow' the younger children to play pool. because. they cannot shoot poll or play the game at their age. She said she closes at 10: p.m. through the week because high , school students have school the next day and she feels 10 p.m. is late enough for them to be\out on school night. Mrs. Dadson doesnot allow gambling or betting on the games and there is no booze Or drugs allowed in her establishm'@nt. She said 'shewatches the children and . teen agers and if a child has •510 to spend three. nights a week, she will go to the parents to see if they are aware the child is spending this fli'uch money at the arcade. She encourages parents to come to see the arcade and if they feel they do not want their cfiild coming into' the 'place', she will try to restrict the, admittance u'f that child: Mrs:. Dadson has operatedi a pinball arcade in Ripley' for a year and she has a,. very good relationship. with the parents and the youth yin that community. 'She said she was disturbed by the councij report in the Sentinel which reported on the comments made by village. council members; who indicated they did not aprove sof the:. arcade opening for busines in the village. Mrs. Dadson said she did of "come in through the night", but had been inquiring, about a place to • Turn to page 4 • reactors are safe and yet a `member of the legislature. • can't , get • access to this - information, said .Sargent in an interview with the Sentinel on Monday. "If an MPP can'tsee the documents, the ordinary, citizenywon't,' stated Sargent: • The written statements by the . Bruce official said titcre are enough design shortfalls in , Hydro's Candu . reactors that "radioactive releases would'. be more substantial than those encountered" at the Three Mile Island if- .a similar accident occurred here. Sargent received the reports from the Bruce official on April 15 and they were ted in the Ontario Legislature on Friday by Opposition Leader Stuart $.moth.;, The informant who calls himself Mr.. Schultz demanded in. his letter that review 'of nuclear powet safety be oarried "oufi? immediately: The detailed account of the mishaps at the Bruce' station show several incidents similar tothose which occurred during, the Pennsylvania crisis but They did not occur simultaneously at Bruce. All 'failures Schultz documented `were well handled by Bruce "butmultiple failures have not' been looked at closely' enough," he reported;. He charged; the Bruce monitoring system which is supliosed''to tell the operatorsof excessive releases of radioactive gases has never been operational. The public should not be overly reassured by Hydro's claims that its safety systems are spperior to those in \the U.S., he added. -auth hurt in accident A . Lucknow xouth is in St. .Joseph's Hospital,'`London, With .a broken thigh following a car accident on Kinloss side road 20 on Sunday afternoon. Brent Maize, 17, Bob Street, Lucknow, was a passenger in a vehicle driven by Henry Lennips., Victoria Street, Lucknow, . when it went out of confrol and struck a tree. The cat left the road on the east side, went back onto the roadway where it rolled three times and struck' a tree in the west ditch. The accident occurred around 5.A0 p.m., just north of highway 86 on the Kinloss sideroad.. Mr. Maize also received a double fracture below the right knee but his condition is improving. Mr. Lennips was admitted to Wingham and District Hospital for treatment and was released on Tues- day. • Mr. Maize is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon' Maize, Lucknow and Mr. Lennips is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lennips, -Lucknow. 4c. Y NSM ,....„...._ Ap _ or ......T,,,,,t,, ISE... By The Sentin.eI Public 'meeting- Evasive statements made by Ont- ario Hydro concerning the Bruce plant ' accident record and radiation expos- ure of workers has prompted a public meeting in Lucknow to inform people about nuclear power. The meeting will. be held at 4 p.m. on Sunday, May 6 in f the Lucknow United' Church. Lecture series Dan Logan, former chairman •of. education, at the. Univerity of Western_ Ontario will conduct a lecture series, The History of Civilization through Art, on Wednesday nights in . May. The • lectures will be held :in the Lucknow Presbyterian Churchand will. begin tonight at 7.30 Pan: ,,. Nuclear mishap . A mishap at the Bruce Nuclear. plant. '� near Kincardine exposed two men to more than the safe "annual level of radiation while'' they were working to remove . a fuel rod from .a shutdown reactor. Story on page 4, Z3 x' 0 w Area .4-H .homemaking clubs held Achievement. Nights for presentation of honours certificates. Karen ,Doel- man.. and Lorna Boyle received their Provincial. Honours -at the Lucknow Achievement Night, and •.other certifi- cates were .presented.at the..l rookside Achievement Night. - Pi fuze are on pages 7, 8 and 16. y' y. ' • Education week Education week' at local schools saw students participating in a variety of • activities. Brookside students learned about Switzerland. . Above, . Anton Lendi, centre, presented a film on the country to the students and Ken Wilkins, left, and Robin Markham, right, dressed in Swiss national dress. to show the students. Kingsbridge school held speech contests and stud- ents competed at the Kiwanis Music Festival. Pictures are on page 21. 1 4c. Y