HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-04-25, Page 23STs EASY ro &UV-SELL-REAM- y/REQ yCt ., I.LJ°1'444' M,N•• V,MW1Poa,,Y2i•.an Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday,, April 25, 1979,; --Page 23 ifWU MCE'Ii9 no, ..r w q \. . St . s: SAD 1. Articles for sale MINIMS NEW AWNING, 8' wide, 2' drop, projection 45"; new 33" x 791/2" left hand door; 33" x 82" left hand door; 30" x ,78" right hand door; 28" x 771/2" right hand door, '/a" thickness, self storing aluminum doors. Special Prices Oliver Glenn Aluminum Sales Lucknow —17,18ar USED RECONDITIONED 20" black ' and white tele- vision. Greer T.V. and Elect- ric, Lucknow. —17ar HARD MAPLE tops, 528- 2524. —17x 19" BLACK & WHITE Ad- miral television, $60. Sid Duggan, phone 528-2579 af- ter 5 p.m. -17x RECLINER CHAIR, tan col- our, in good condition. Phone 528-2118.-17 NEW HAND -MADE crib - size quilts, $20. Great gift for new baby. Phone 528-3422. —17x LARGE CAPACITY DRYER, $50, good condition. Phone 528-3422. —17x BEEF By the Quarters and Halves CUSTOM KILLING 3n Tuesday and Thursday Cut and wrapped to your specifications Quick Freezing Available' BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET LUCKNOW Shop 528-3009Res. 528-2119 —40tfar OLD HOUSE to be moved or demolished. ' Kitchen cup- boards, hot water heater, etc., (contents), for sale. R. 5, Goderich, 524-6320. -17 APPLES FOR SALE: Phone Alex Andrew, 528-3019. —17,18x GIRL'S 20" BICYCLE, excel- lent condition. Phone Diane Wilson, 528-3617. -17 2. Mobile Homes 68 x 12' BENDIX MOBILE home, 3 bedrooms, fully -car- peted,- drapes and sheers, frig and stove, also 28 x 6' deck and utility shed. Locat- ed near Dungannon. Phone Dungannon 529-7637 or 529- 7143 or Stratford 1-271-7476. —15,16,17,18 1110•M, 111111•••• IMMO ,MMINO 5. Cars, trucks for sale 1969 GMC '/z ton pickup, PS, V8, auto, new tires, 'new exhaust system, motor rec- ently overhauled. Phone 395- 5386. —17,18 76 DODGE 6 PICK UP, rust proofed. Has Land Ranger cap; automatic; power steer- ing. Use as camper. Phone 528-2449. —17,18 1975 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass, 2 dr., radio, V8 automatic, low mileage, good condition, will certify. Serious enquiries only. Phone days, 528-2822, evenings 528-3811. —14 1965 FORD 1/2 TON, in good mechanical: condition, good for parts. Phone Roy Ember - lin 528-2724. —16,17x 7. Real .estate for pale 3 BEDROOM FRAME house in Lucknow. Private. Handy- man's special. Full price $11,900.. Down payment $1,000. Phone " Cambridge '1-622-0.988. —16,17 ONE 3 -bedroom new home on corner lot in Lucknow; also one 4 -bedroom new home with many extras also in Lucknow - both homes are close to school. Phone Gerrie Glenn Inc. 528=3234.-43tfar RETIREMENT in affordable. mobile. home park on Lake Huron. Enjoy life in beautiful surroundings. Write: Huron Haven ' Village, Eta 128, Goderich, Ont. N7A 3Y5. —17nc 9. Accommodation to rent APARTMENT suitable for one or two adults. Available May 1. Phone 528-3045. —17x PASTURE FOR 40 head of cattle: Phone 392-6269. —17,18x ONE BEDROOM heated ap- artment, frig and stove, private entrance, good park- ing. Phone 528-2113. —12tf FOUR BEDROOM house in Lucknow, available in May. Phone 528-3004 after 6 p.m. GREENWOOD TENT and Trailer Park, R. R. #. 3, Tweed,. Ontario, camping, electric -and water, propane, dumping station,, boats, store, flushies, showers, tel. 613-478-3620. —17nc 4. Articles wanted WANTED TO PURCHASE by collector, any old , shot- guns, rifles,t handguns. Any- thing to do with shooting. Call 519-848-634/ or write with details and location, P.O. Box 29, Arthur, Ont- ario. -17nc DEAD -STOCK We pay $10.00 for fresh animals over 1000 lb. and $5.00 for animals ovei 700 lb. Smaller 'animals picked up free. Radio •equipped trucks. Call toll free 1-800.265-3011. Graf Animal Foods .Limited. R. R. # 1, Chepstow.—51rfar 3 BEDROOM country home, ample shade and garden. Rent $160. Available May lst. Apply Box M, Lucknow Sentinel. —17x FARM HOUSE, 2 storey, 3 bedroom, 11/2 baths. Refer- ences required: Near Amber - ley. Phone 395-5140. -17,18 3 BEDROOM apartment, av- ailable immediately; •.4 pc bath, electric heat. Phone 395-5593. —17tf 1 BEDROOM heated apart- ment available ittmediately. Phone Ezra Stanley,' 528- 2392. —17 1 .lir•: Mn Pre^f4—til 1.4 fir at ;1I5' ItK - K �cEno.7C n 9. Accommodation to rent NON= ----, ONE BEDROOM apartment. Private bathroom, frig and stove. Also one small furn- ished apartment. Botlk avail- able - immediately. Phone 528-2174.—17,18tf 12. Help wanted PIPELINE AND,NORTHERN Development jobs.' 'Earn up to $3,000 per month - free room and board. Learn how to .secure these and other high paying jobs throughout Ontario and the rest of Canada. Send a long self- addressed, stamped aenve- lope for details regarding our services: LMES-6, Box 7810, Station A, Edmonton, Alber- ta, TSG 3G6. —17nc PERSON TO DELIVER sam- ples and take orders. $5 to $6 per hour. Phone 1-296-4646. — 17,18 14 Employment wanted BOY WANTS WORK cut-' ting lawns. Phone Scott McKim 528.-270.4."16. ,,.,.. •.. 15. Tenders TOWNSHIP OF • WEST WAWANOSH TENDERS FOR SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION TENDERS will . be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m.. TUESDAY, May 1, 1979, for the supply and installation of approximately 900 feet, more or less, of concrete sidewalk with ex- pansion joints, approximate- ly 4 inches in depth, 4 feet in width. Township •to supply gravel for levelling. Tender forms available from under- signed. Lump sum price re- quired. For information con- tact Marybelle. Cranston or -J. D. Durnin. Lowest or ` any tender not necessarily. ac- cepted. JOAN ARMSTRONG, Clerk, R. R. 2, Lucknow. — 16,17ar TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH TENDERS TENDERS; to remove and disliose of -old concrete side- walk in hamlet ide-walk'inhamlet of Dungannon in the Township of West Wawanosh, will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. on TUESDAY, MAY 1, 1979. Tender forms available from undersigned. Lump sum price required. For in- formation contact Marybelle Cranston or J. D. Durnin. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOAN ARMSTRONG, - Clerk, R. R. 2, Lucknow. 15. Tenders PAINTING TENDERS Bulk stipulated sum tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12:00 noon, Monday, May 14, 1979, for the Exterior Win- dow. Painting, Court House; Goderich, Ontario, in accord- ance with specifications pre- pared, by Snider, Reichard and March, 10 The Square, Goderich. Specifications are available from the undersigned upon deposit of $25.00 which will be refunded upon return of the documents in good condi- tion. Tenders to be sealed and marked TENDER RE PAINTING The lowest or any tender shall not necessarily be ac- -eepted B. G. Hanly, A.M.C.T. Clerk -Treasurer - Administrator County of Huron Court House, Goderich, Ont: N7A 1M2 —17ar ROOFING TENDERS Bulk stipulated sum tenders. will be received by the undersigned until 12:00' noon, Monday, May 14, 1979 for the installation of a new. roof for the County of Huron Registry Office, Goderich, Ontario, in accordance with,' plans and specifications pre- pared by Snider Reichard and March, 10 The Square, Goderich. Plans and specifications are available from the under- signed upon deposit of $25.00 which will be refund- ed upon return of the docu- ments in good condition. Tenders to- be sealed and marked TENDER R IOOF The lowest or any tender. shall not necessarily be ac-. cepted. B. G. Hanly, A.M.C.T. Clerk -Treasurer - Administrator County of Huron Court Holuse, Goderich, Ont. N7A 1M2 -17ar c' Aacy '120 W A2 13itSr„s w Attention Farmers A. For sale BALED BARLEY STRAW, 529-7489 evenings, Murray Wilson.—17,18x 300 BALES HAY. Phone 529-7585, William Irvin. —17,18x QUANTITY OF TREFOIL seed. Phone 528-3148, Bob Lyons. —17x 1500 BALES OF HAY, bales of straw. Phone 7622. —17,18x 1000. 529 - FORD 8 N TRACTOR and plough, $400.00. Phone 357- 1542. —17 J. D. 8` rov,30 inch' plate less corn planter, with trans- port. $2,000.00. Phone ,Clete Dalton, 529-7124.-17,18 M.F. #34 Swather. Phone 395-5510. —17,18 J.D ' 11 IT. 'WHEEL DISC, 36 18" plates, new rubber, in excellent condition. Phone 357-1909 after 5:30 p.m. —17,18 KONG'SKILDE cultivator, 21 feet, 3P1-1, hydraulic wings, $750.00; Int. 14" plow, 3 PH., $300.00; Case . PTO hammermill, $75.00. Phone 395-5358. -16,17x 13 FT. TRIPLE 'K' cultivat- or; 12 ft. Allis Chalmers disc; 40 plate, 18" blade, both in. good condition. Phone 395- 3439. —16;17 Attention Formers 1 A. For sale INT. 40Q. CYCLO planter, 4 row, with insecticide boxes. • Phone 529-7851. —16,17 USED 468 M.F. 4 row corn planter. Phone Leo Murray, 395-2821. —16,17x 500 BALES OF HAY, . 65c a bale. Phone 395-5510. 16,17 1000 BALES OF STRAW; four randels for Surge milk- ing parlour in good: condi- tion. Phone 529-7986. —16,17 -4- ROCK PICKERS: Rock -O- Matic models 546, 5' pick- up, medium dump; model 57, 7' pick-up, high dump; model HDW5, 20' pick-up, high dump. Windrowers models TM 20, 20' width, TM12 - 12' width. Contact •your local farm equipment dealer for prices. Distributed in Ontario by L. E. Seeley, Flesherton, Ontario, . NOC 1E0. Phone (519) 922-2389. 15,16,17nc GENERAC ALTERNATORS SALES & SERVICE 20 - 75 KW PTO models and 3000-7000 watt portable un- its, Midwest switches. Don Ritchie, R:R. 3, Lucknow, 529-7568. -ltfar TOWER KING PRESSED Stave silos. Ideal for storing sileage, haylage or high moisture grain. Also oxygen limiting silos with or without Laidig bottom unloader for kernel corn. Also liquid manure tanks. April discount now in effect pn silos. Representative Francis Boyle, R. R. 3 Ripley.. Phone 3955088.—14,15,16,17ar For Your Complete Line Of Grain Handling Equipment BULLDOG * Grain Bins • In Bin Drying Systems * Elevator Legs •Hopper Bins Call Doug Martyn R. R. 3 Lucknow Phone 395-5343 C. Wanted MIXED GRAIN, barley and corn. Snobelen Farms Ltd.,. Ripley, phone 395-5167. —I ltfar E. Farm services CUSTOM CORN .PLANTING 8 row J.D. maxi emerge 301nch rows PHONE 529.7348 —17-20 WILLITS TIRE SERVICES LUCKNOW 'Have a mobile tractor and truck tire repair unit. For prompt service call. 528-2742 —17,18,19,20 F. For rent 20 ACRS OF GRASS, . ideal for beef cows: Phone 528- 5453. —16,17 LOGS WANTED Standing Timber For top prices and instant cash Call your local: sawmill CRAIG'S SAWMILL AUBURN Bill Craig Phone 526-7220 Al Craig Phone 526-7512 ORDER NOW FOR PRING SEEDING lover, Gras Seed [Free Mixing], Seed Grain and Corn Custom Seed Cleaning and Treating ELLIOTT'S SEED MILL AND TRUCKING • CALL LUCKNOW 528-3500 Representative for SPEARE SEEDS i LTD. S IS Harriaton