HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-04-25, Page 6Page 6—Lacknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 25, 1979
"The Sepoy Town" Established 1873
On the Huron -Bruce Boundary Published Wednesday
Published by Signal -Star Publishing Ltd.
Sharon J. Dietz - Editor
Anthony N. Johnstone - Advertising.. and
General Manager
Subscription rate,311 per year in advance
Senior Citizens rate, $9 per year in advance
U.S.A. and. Foreign, S21.50 per year in advance
Sr. Cit., U.S.A. and Foreign 519.50 per year
. in advance
Business and Editorial Office Telephone 528-2822
Mailing Address P.O. Box 400, Lucknow, NOG 2H0
Second class mail registration number - 0847
The battle of the beds
The announcement that Wingham and
District Hospital will keep the 14 beds
ordered closed by the Ontario Ministry of
Health, is a positive step.
The government's heavy handed man-
ner in issuing .edicts across the board,•
without any consideration for special
circumstances or individual situations,
destroys the fabric of the relationship
between a government and the people it
governs. As the brief prepared by the
Wingham delegation which was present-
ed to Health Minister Deimis Timbrell
pointed out, "such ministerial edicts tend
to destroy man's group relationships, in
which lies the greatest sense of personal
and community responsibility."
It is encouraging to see a group of
citizens rise to the challenge presented by
the threat of bed closures at Wingham
hospital. As : Norman Hayes, executive
director of the :hospital, told the citizen's
action committee at the last board
meeting, "We frightened them pretty
badly." ment?
The negotiations will continue. The
goal of keeping the beds open and
retaining the money to operate them has
been achieved, for now. By proceeding
carefully, as Boris Milosevic, board
member, suggested, "We'll achieve
what we want."
It• is a possibility the hospital .will not
only remain as it is, but an addition
funded through the Health Service; Or-
ganization pilot project proposed by the
ministry; may see updated services, an
increase in the services available at
Wingham '`hospital and an increase in
jobs The prospect is exciting.
Theboard should be trusted to look out
for the best interests of the 'community
throughout the project if they decided to
undertake it. They deserve the trust and
the . support .of the community. They
decided to keep the beds open in defiance
of the government's edict and they have
achieved their goal.
Who- says you can't fight big govern
Chick bicycles now
In a study completed last .year, the
Canada Safety Council found ; veritable
hodge-podge of provincial laws relating
to bicycles and their operation, and
recommended many changes to all prov-
incial governments.
Parents should undertake :responsib-
ility for 'ensuring that bicycles to be used
by youngsters are checked...and now, at
the beginning of thebicycling season, is
the time to do it.
Take the 'bicycle out of . storage, check
the condition of the tires. Ensure the
brakes work properly, front and back, and
that all nuts anti bolts are tight. -Oil where
If the bicycle has gears,, it maybe best
to have a mechanic check the gears over
once a year. The bicycle saddle may
require an adjustment if the young rider
has grown during the year - about hip
height is best.
Parents should also check their child-
ren's riding habits to .make sure safety
rules have not been forgotten over the
winter. Ride .along with your child to
remind him to look and listen and to stop
before he pulls out to cross a street.
Everyone can be courteous to others
who use the road. Drive friendly.
Letters to the editor
More letters about the books
To the editor:
After reading in a letter to
the Editor by Mr. Edisbury
and Mrs. Theresa Courtney,
I wonder why our society has.
gone down to such depths of
indecency in our school curri-
culum. When I meet little
girls and boys, 'beautiful,
innocent children, and. think
that all we have to give them
is filth,; to dwell in their
hearts and minds. How can
we expect men and women of
the next generation to cope
with the responsibilities they
will have to meet? Who is to
blame? Is it mother and dad
who leave too much in the
hands of high paid officials
that take our tax 'money,
which is becoming one of
greatest burdens of our good
The little schools, the high'
standard of which no other
system of•educationhas'ever •
come up to had bible read-
ing, prayer to start off the
day and discipline if it was
needed. To me it is a great
Are schools too big?
Would smaller centres be the
answer? This is not going
backwards if we would get
I think the need is very
great for mothers and dads to
investigate and be counted.
A country is just as strong as
the morals of its leaders.
Elden Lowry,
Ripley, Ont.
To. the, Editor:
The wisdom of Soloman;'
(which is really the wisdom
of God); declares: As a man
thinketh . in his heart, so is
he. (Pro. 23:7). This is to say
that if a' man, or woman, or
young person consistently
thinks proud thoughts, it will
only be a matter of time' until
pride will • manifest itself in.
the things he says or does.
The same principal applies to
one who thinks in • rebellion,
or perversion, or 'permissive-
ness, •or lawlessness, or
unthankfulness. These are
just a few : of the negative
On the other' hand, a man
that has been taught to think
humbly, will result in a
humble man, or one that is
taught not to tell lies, will
end up a truthful man.
What is being taught in
our schools today is making a
deep impression on the
hearts and minds of our
young people.
Continual exposure to the
wtong kind of idealogy will
turn our country into a
Sodom or Gomorrah in one
As parents we should pay
attention not only to what is
taught, but also the manner
in which' it is being taught.
We are the ones responsible
for our children. Let us there-
fore, be sure that we train
our children the way that
they should go and then rest
assured that when they are
old they will not depart from
Remain truly,
E. A. Sherwood.
To the Editor,
Would your kindly_ include
in your 'Letters to the Editor'
column the following? At this
particular time, those of us
who are interested in the
return of rail passenger ser-
vice to this area would like to
remind all voters •re this
In early June of 1972, the
very important Transport
committee"of the House of
Commons in Ottawa, after
having conducted exhaustive
and expensive Public. Hear-
ings in four major Southwest-
ern cities, made an unani-
mous recommendation to the
Liberal Government, led by
Prime. Minister P. E. Trud-
eau. This committee, with a
majority of Liberal members,
unanimously • recommended
to the Government of Can-
ada, the adoption of its.
recommendationto immedi-
ately restore all rail passeng-
er service in this area which
had been unilaterally totally
discontinued on November 1,
1970. This involved trains
from Goderich to Stratford,
and from Kincardine, 'South-
ampton, Owen Sound to
Palmerston, and south to
Guelph and Toronto. The
calendar has now advanced
to the year 1979. As yet the
will of the people and of the
Committee which made the
recommendation is still be-
ing ignored by the Liberal
Government of Prime Minis-
ter Trudeau.
Now would be certainly the
time to question all candid-
ates regarding this situation.
Bear in mind: the unques-
tioned fact of rail passenger
safety, the conservation of
dwindling energy resources,
the increased employment of
people in our area, the
ballooning cost of gasoline,
etc. etc. etc. Now is the time
to get forthright answersto
these questions. Where does
the responsibility for this rest
- but with you and I and our
elected representatives. •
Yours for Equal
Robert S. Cherry,
215 Queen St. South,
Palmerston, Ont.
Teles. 343-2600, 343-2347.
To the editor,
The `Lucknow and District
Kinettes recently . held an-'
oher" successful fashion
show and would like to thank
all those who took part in
making the evening possible.
Special thanks to the part-
icipating stores as well as the
local merchants for providing
the valuable door prizes.
Thank you also, to Kinette'
Lillian Abbott for her hard
work in co-ordinating the
The Lucknow
District Kinettes.
Lucknow Paper,
Lucknow, Ontario.
The Salvation Army's Red.
Shield Campaign for funds
will be heldduring the month
of • May in ` the Village of
Lucknow beginning on Tues-
day, May 1st, 1979. There is
every evidence of reaching
the objective, according to
Turn to page 7 •
The crocuses are up