HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-04-18, Page 26Pyle. 26-. Lucknow Sentinel,, Wednesday, A►Pri1 18, 1979 Want to reassure publie, CA1NIJU is safe If more needs to be done to reassure the public about the safety features of the CANDU reactor system, Ont- ario Hydro will participate and co-operate in every way it can, announced Robert B. Taylor, chairman of the Board of Ontario Hydro last week. Taylor proposed open hearings to inform the public in the wake of the Three Mile Island accident in Pennsyl- vania earlier this month. The main concern of Ontario Two month' rent WITH A YEAR'S OCCUPANCY Brand New 2 Bedroom' Apartments in Lucknow, Teeswater and Ripley Available Immediately LIMITED TIME OFFER ' Call 6LENNHAVENAPTS. Phone 528.3234 THE MAN TO SEE IS : insINTEE HOMES - DUPLEX Willoughby St., Lucknow - both have 2 bedrooms. 2 BEDROOM HOME, nicely located on. Stauffer St., - reduced to $23,500. 3 ;BEDROOM HOME, 4 years old; immaculately kept Elgin. St. Lucknow. ST. HELENS - pyramid home, with addition 20' x 30' (family room with fireplace): DUNGANNON 3 bedroom home with 'attached garage, extra lot, ideally located. I, DUNGANNON = 3 bedroom home, 2 bath, many extras: Asking $29,500. WEST WAWANOSH4wp. 25 acres, 2 year old home with 3 bedrooms, attached garage. \ BUSINESS MAIN ST. , approx. 2500 sq. ft. with a.full basement; has oil heat and washrooms. EXCELLENT BUILDING with large ground floor area suitable for plumbing, heating business and good 3 bedroom living accommodation above. FARMS 150 ACRES in East Wawanosh; 7 room frame home; beef barn and modern farrowing barn 50' x 100'. 395 ACC -RE FARM, highway location, Lucknow area, presently feeding beef cattle. Additional land available up to 500 acres, ideal for partnership or father and son. 816 ACRES with approximately 600 productive crop land. Good brick home. Barn and siloare capable of feeding 500 beef cattle. 77 ACRES in Kinloss Twp; field stone home. Approx. 50 workable acres and 10 acres of bush and spring creek. 200 ACRE dairy farm, rnodern 3 bedroom brick home; barn for 70 cows, quota available; inquire for further particulars. 200 ACRES, 185 workable, in Ashfield Twp. For further information on these properties, Contact Warren or Terry Zinn Warren Zinn R. R. 2 LU KNOW PHONE 5 -7350 Hydro said Taylor is to allay any fears that may have been created by the recent events in the United States. The Select Committee of the Leg- islature that is already look- ing into various aspects of Hydro's operations might be one route towards achieving that objective be suggested. "We believe that we can demonstrate .to the satisfac- tion of any tribunal, and to the public, that our nuclear plants are designed and op- erated to be safe*" said Taylor. 1ICDONAGH EAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE LTD. 3 BEDROOM, brick bunga- low, paved driveway, on Ross Street. 4 BEDROOM, 2 STOREY BRICK HOUSE, newly reno- vated family room, small barn on 1 acre, situated on paved road, owner. moving. PRICE REDUCED $4,100 on a two storey, 3 bedroom brick house in Lucknow, priced for quick sale:' Asking $35,500.. 4 BEDROOM HOUSE in Rip- ley. Asking $22,500. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE plus garage on Havelock Street,. Lucknow. • 2 COTTAGES, . Point Clark area. Robert' Campbell Rea. 529-7417 Barry McDonagh Rea: 528-3821 Hutton 35 ACRES mostly workable, small bush, on County road excellent building site at the front overlooking Maitland. River. Asking $27,500. LUCKNOW AREA - 3 bed- room home on highway with five adjoining lots include . d" Home has been restyled and now has attractive family room," ,:modern kitchen and broadloom throughout. For good country living as well as future development see this property. DUNGANNON .- New home comforts in this 2 bedroom home with custom cup- boards, broadloom, new 4 pc bath and drywall interior.I Fully insulated, electric heat- ing, and ready for occupan- cy, 7 ACRES, Wingham area, mostly bush, buildingg site at the front, asking, $12,000 100 ACRES on Highway 1186, 60 workable, balance bush with creek. Excellent build- ing site on property. MEL MATHERS Wingham Phone 357-3.08 Rep. L. W. Hutton Real Estate Ltd. Broker, Kincardine 111111111111111111111111110111111111111110 :: iritd' el,b'wk .jAe The Board of Directors of Ontario Hydro has completed its review of the generation program in the light of lower growth forecast in electrical demand and decided to con- tinue on an extended sched- ule with construction of the coal-fired Station near Atiko- kan in Northwestern Ontario and with the Bruce and Dar- lington nuclear stations. The Board first heard a report on the Three Mile Island situation following a visit by Hydro engineers and Ontario Government officials to .the U.S. plant last week. In deciding to continue with the Bruce and Darlington projects, the Board reaffirm- ed its confidence in the safety of the CANDU system. The Board is examining most carefully all the rele- vant information from the Pennsylvania accident and later this week will be prov- iding comparative reports on the CANDU system to the Atomic Energy Control Board, the federal licencing agency. If the result of these and. other investigations show that any further improve- ments can be made in the nuclear operating and safety system's., that will certainly be done, said Taylor. In " the meantime, the Board feels strongly with the information it has received and with Hydro's operating experience at Pickering and Bruce, that there is no cause for concern about the safety of Ontario Hydro's nuclear plants. The safety systems, including the unique vacuum containment installations at Bruce and Pickering, have been widely described to the public during the past week.. Last September Dr. Arthur Porter and his colleagues on the Royal Commission on Electric Power Planning re- ported on the Ontario nuclear power program after more than 300 hours of public hearings, The Royal Com- mission said that "within reasonable limits the Candu reactor is safe" and called- for continual vigilance and reassessment of reactor safe- ty systems by Ontario Hydro. Thereport to the AECB this week is part of that contin- uing reassessment and vigil- ance, Taylor said. Dr. Porter has also con - eluded that nuclear energy is` air essential component of the province's total energy mix. Nuclear generating sta- tions supplied nearly 30 per cent of the electricity gener- ated by Hydro last. year. The CANDU system has demonstrated itself to be economic, reliable; and safe, and today is making a large contribution to the electrical energy needs of this prov- ince, concluded Taylor. riticize wheat board During a recent District '6 National Farmers Union meeting held in Ridgetown, of members in southwestern Ontario, there was consider- able discussion on the appar- ent lack . of marketing, per- formance by the Ontario Winter Wheat Producers Marketing Board. Joe .Casey, 'Region 3' (Ont- ario) NFU coordinator said it was reported that a Motion at, the annual wheat producers committeemen's meeting, held in Toronto last month, calling for a full investigation into the selling practises of the Wheat Board resulted in a tie vote. The tie vote 'was broken: when in a tie vote the Chairman of the Wheat Board . voted against the motion. Mr. Casey said there have been various charges by (wheat board) committeemen that certain Board members interfered with staff market- ing people to the detriment of the end price received by wheat producers. The District 6 NFU meet- ing unanimously went on "'recor.d by passing a motion demanding that the Canad- ian Wheat Board become the selling agency for the Ont- ario Winter Wheat Producers Marketing Board. "It is idiotic for the Ontario. Board to attempt to train staff in the various MORTGAGE MONEY DON .DENOMME *BEST RATES *BEST TERMS *BEST SERVICE Cali non Collett anytime at 524.2747 ADVANCED REALTY FUNDING CORPORATION 150 Cambria Road N. . • Goderith •Y• functions of marketing and transportation when the CWB. already has experts to maximize returns for western farmers, and could easily handle .the production of Ontario growers," Mr. Cas- ey said. "The Canadian Wheat Board has access to world markets, and deal in them every day not just in panic when glut production occurs. Last year the CWB directed into export some 896 billion bushels - 30 million ton - of western grains for 150,000 producers. Our top crop of Ontario wheat, 77/78 year, was 30 million bu.` Casey said the NFU first made this suggestion back in 1972.when the Ontario Board' was asking for agency pow- ers to handle Ontario winter wheat. "It is time the Ontario. Wheat Board stop- ped trying to protect its political structure at the expense and interests of wheat: producers." Mr. Casey said the 77/78 production of Ontario winter wheat was 9.5 millionbush- els and was priced at 3.25 for the domestic market, FOB the millers. The cost of marketing was 50 cents per bushel, leaving only $2.75 for producers: The remaining 20 million bushels marketed in- to export apparently only returned $2.00 per bushel net to. producers, indicated, by the final pool .price of $2.26 per bushel. "Either there were some ridiculously low prices acceptedby the board ..or the transportation and marketing costs were terribly excessive," he said. +++ Heard about the guy who filled his water bed with beer? He wanted a foam mattress.