HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-04-18, Page 2532. Coming events WEDDING ANNIVERSARY The family of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hackett would like to invite all relatives, neigh- bours and friends to a reception in honour of their parents 25th wedding anni- versary on April 20, 1979 at 9 p.m. at the Lucknow Com- munity Centre. Music by "Southern Comfort". Best wishes only, —16 SPRING TOUR• To Cleveland's House in the Muskokas. This three day tour is very relaxing. De- parture dates are June 12 and June 19. Formore information, contact Mrs. Merle Elliott, Lucknow, 528- 3500. -16ar SUPPER MEETING All members of Branch 309 Lucknow Legion are request- ed to attend a supper meet- ing, Tuesday, April 24 at 7:15 p.m. -16ar • EUCHRE PARTY Plan to attend the last euchre party this season at . the Dungannon Agricultural Hall, Wednesday, April 25th at 8:15 p.m. —16 ANNUAL MEETING the annual meeting of the Wingham Hospital Auxiliary will be held in the Training Centre at the hospital, on Monday, April 23. Pot luck supper willproceed 'meeting at 6:30 p.tn. -16 FAREWELL DANCE For Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Van Beers at the Kinloss Com- . triunity Centre, Saturday, April 21, 9 p.m. Everyone welcome. -16 SHOOT PARTY At St. Helens Hall,On Thurs- day, April. 19•,, 8:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. --r16 AGRICULTURAL. SOCIETY MEETING Lucknow Agricultural Society v, ill hold their regular meet- ing on Tuesday, April 24 at 8:30. p.m. lin the Town Hall. -16ar R'IPLEY LIONS BINGO Will be held on April 18 at 8 p.m.' at the Township Hall. Pot of Gold;' •12, ''regular games at $15,00;'Aone' share the wealth; one jackpot of $20.0.00 on 54 calls; consola- tion game of 520.00. —15,16ar VARIETY CONCERT A variety concert will be held on Friday, April 20th at 8 p.m. at the St. Mary's School, Goderich. Sponsored by Goderich and District Pro Life group. —15,16 "FAMILY FUN NIGHT" For Lucknow United Church people, Sunday, April 22, beginning with a potluck supper at .6:00 p.m. —15,16ar RUMMAGE SALE The Wingham Hospital rum- mage sale will be held in the,' Wingham Armouries on Fri- day, April 20 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. —15,16 CONSIGNMENT STOCKER SALE Monday, May 7th, 1979 at 1:30 p.m. 400 head LUCKNOW COMMUNITY SALE Phone 395-5230 or 528-9912 --13.18ar 32. Coming events BLYTH BINGO Bingo every Saturday even- ing at the Blyth Memorial Fall, Blyth, at 8 p.m, Regul- ar games, share -the -wealth and jackpot $150. First Bingo September 16.-37tfar NASHVILLE TOUR Join All Star Tours on the Easter weekend tour to Nashville, departing Thurs- day evening, April 12, and returning Sunday, April 15. For more information, con- tact Mrs. Merle Elliott, Luck- now.—13-16ar Blease Help The Wingham and Dist- rict Assoc. for the Mental- ly Retarded and Voice for Life will hold an AUC- TION SALE at ADRIAN KEET'S FARM within the next three weeks. Exact date to be announced later. Jake Kikkert, auc- tioneer will donate his. services. Partial list to follow in next week's. paper. Please bring your donations of articles' for the. sale as soon as pos. Bible. Let's make this the greatest auction sale. Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 18, 1979—Page 25. • Shop Now For Your Spring Footwear LES PETTER SHOES LUCKNOW LARNE REID SHOE REPAIR PHONE 528-2011 Agrlculturai Society Meeting Tuesday, April 24 Lucknow Town Hall Engagements JOHNSTONE • CARTER Mr. and Mrs. George Carter, Wingham,, Ontario wish to announce , the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Carol Anne to John Allan Johnstone, son of Mrs, Beth Johnstone, Lucknow, Ont- ario, and the late Bill John- stone. The marriage will take place May 5, 1979 at Wing - ham United Church. Rev. K. B. Passmore officiating. ,:•:.The Workshop. Wib & Dan Hartin R. R. 1, Dungannon, Ont. New Furniture Built Old Furniture Repaired And. Refinished FREE ESTIMATES Phone 529-720S silent phone? NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING TELLS PEOPLE WHERE... AS WELL AS WHAT.:. TO BUY The Lucknow Sentinel Phone 528-2822 Farmers and Dealers Reserve this Date Sat. ApriI'21 , 1979 10 A.M. SHARP FOR OUR ANNUAL GIGANTIC OF NEW & USED EQUIPMENT TRACTORS -.Over 45 tractors to choose; from,. some;,with loaders and cabs, up to 150 h.p. also Case skid -steer loader and: John Deere crawler loader. TILLAGE EQUIPMENT - Over 60 plows, discs, cultivators, land packers, seed drills; fertilizer spreaders, weed sprayers of most makes: HAYING EQUIPMENT - Over 30 balers, 'throwers, stookers, hay binds,: self propelled swatters, hay conditioners, mowers, rakes, elevators, hay wagons, crop choppers and zero grazing boxes. HARVESTERS - Over 20 harvesters including New Holland, self propelled, several forage blowers, forage boxes. SPREADERS'- 15 excellent spreaders of various sizes, both single and tandum axle, some with hydraulic end gates. COMBINES"- 9 self propelled and pull type combines, some with corn ;heads. CARS & TRUCKS 1960 International feed truck with hoist, blower etc., 1964 Dodge Stake truck with dual, 1974 Ford Maverick, 2 door car; 1973 Chrysler Newport car,' 1969 Cadillac 4 door, hardtop, 1973 Plymguth Fury III, 4 door har- dtop. MISCELLANEOUS - Gravity boxes, grain chopper, air compressor, tractor cabs, post hole diggers, scrapper blades, snowblower, hay feeder, wagons, grain augers, stone picker forks, snowmobile, lawn '& garden equipment, boat motor, trailers, mini bikes and Sunset Travel Trailer. List subjecf to additions and deletions. -Due to normal business, 'owner or auc- tioneer not responsible for accidentsday of sale. Selling by number only; lunch, booth on grounds. Terms cash or cheque day of sale. Trucking available. All equipment to be sold. Owneipby Wayne Ward Farm Equipment - with no con- signments. R . Please note Tractor Sale at 2:30 p.m. SHARP Auctioneer - Cliff Gilbert - R.R. 4 Wiarton Phone 534-0606 Plan to attend early WAYNE WARD FARM EQUIPMENT The Dealer That Makes The Difference Hwy. 6 Wiarton Phone 534-2980 or 534-1638 Surplus Properties 1 •• Sale By Tender ., Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until Noon, April 30, 1979 for the purchase of the following surplus properties:- t, .. 1. A 4 -room elementary school located about 27 km north of the Town of Goderich, just east of Highway #21. It is sitting on approximately 4 acres of land. The land is legally described 3S part of lot 10, Concession 12, Western Division, Township of Ashfield, County of Huron. The site is on the NE corner of the original lot and is regular in shape having about 429 feet frontage on the ' 12th Concession and about 406.2 feet on the sideroad. 2. A half ('/2) acre parcel legally described as part of lot 27, Concession 7 in the Township of West Wawanosh, Huron County. 3. A triangle shaped piece of property located at the northwest corner of lot 5, Concession 7 in the Township of Hullett, Huron County. This has a road frontage of. 297 feet and a depth- of 330 feet. I Tenders, may be submitted for any or all parcels. Tenders must be accompanied by a certified cheque payable tb The Huron County Board of Education - In Trust" for 10% of the price tendered". Cheques will be returned if the tender is not accepted or will he forfeited to the undersigned as liquidated damages if the tender is accepted and The Sale is not completed by the purchaser. The highest or any tender shall not necessarily be accepted. ' Appointments for inspection of these parcels may be arranged by contacting Mr..R. B: Dunlop at 482-3496. The Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street CLINTON, Ontario NOM 1L0 R. J. Elliott ' D. J. Cochrane CHAIRMAN ' DIRECTOR silent phone? NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING TELLS PEOPLE WHERE... AS WELL AS WHAT.:. TO BUY The Lucknow Sentinel Phone 528-2822 Farmers and Dealers Reserve this Date Sat. ApriI'21 , 1979 10 A.M. SHARP FOR OUR ANNUAL GIGANTIC OF NEW & USED EQUIPMENT TRACTORS -.Over 45 tractors to choose; from,. some;,with loaders and cabs, up to 150 h.p. also Case skid -steer loader and: John Deere crawler loader. TILLAGE EQUIPMENT - Over 60 plows, discs, cultivators, land packers, seed drills; fertilizer spreaders, weed sprayers of most makes: HAYING EQUIPMENT - Over 30 balers, 'throwers, stookers, hay binds,: self propelled swatters, hay conditioners, mowers, rakes, elevators, hay wagons, crop choppers and zero grazing boxes. HARVESTERS - Over 20 harvesters including New Holland, self propelled, several forage blowers, forage boxes. SPREADERS'- 15 excellent spreaders of various sizes, both single and tandum axle, some with hydraulic end gates. COMBINES"- 9 self propelled and pull type combines, some with corn ;heads. CARS & TRUCKS 1960 International feed truck with hoist, blower etc., 1964 Dodge Stake truck with dual, 1974 Ford Maverick, 2 door car; 1973 Chrysler Newport car,' 1969 Cadillac 4 door, hardtop, 1973 Plymguth Fury III, 4 door har- dtop. MISCELLANEOUS - Gravity boxes, grain chopper, air compressor, tractor cabs, post hole diggers, scrapper blades, snowblower, hay feeder, wagons, grain augers, stone picker forks, snowmobile, lawn '& garden equipment, boat motor, trailers, mini bikes and Sunset Travel Trailer. List subjecf to additions and deletions. -Due to normal business, 'owner or auc- tioneer not responsible for accidentsday of sale. Selling by number only; lunch, booth on grounds. Terms cash or cheque day of sale. Trucking available. All equipment to be sold. Owneipby Wayne Ward Farm Equipment - with no con- signments. R . Please note Tractor Sale at 2:30 p.m. SHARP Auctioneer - Cliff Gilbert - R.R. 4 Wiarton Phone 534-0606 Plan to attend early WAYNE WARD FARM EQUIPMENT The Dealer That Makes The Difference Hwy. 6 Wiarton Phone 534-2980 or 534-1638