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Page 18+—Lneblow Sentinel, Wednesday, April 18, 1979
Ripley area, man drowns in accident
Very sad and shocking
news from Fort Meade in
Florida was received by
Mr. and Mrs. D.A.
Campbell on Sunday
evening April 8 to the
effect that their son Bob
was missing as a.result of
a boating mishap on a
small lake in the area. It
happened on Saturday,
April 7. There were three
in the boat; Bob, another
young man, and an older
man. One made it to the.
shore. Bob was always a
willing helper and he
went to the aid of the
older man. Both were
drowned. Bob's body
surfaced on Tuesday of
last week. The other
victim was recovered
earlier. In the interval
extensive dragging
operations were carried
out. A memorial service
for Bobby Campbell was
conducted in the Fort
Meade Presbyterian
Church this past Sunday
April 15. Heartfelt.
sympathy of all those who
knew Bob is extended to
his paren .s Mr. and Mrs.
Donald A. Campbell and
family at this time of
bereavement. Our thanks
goes to Muriel and Robert
Osborne, neighbours of
.Mr. and Mrs. Campbell
on the 4th Concession of
Huron township for in-
formation .from time to
time on the tragedy.
Arriving.. back home to
Ripley this past weekend
were Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Brennan who enjoyeda
two week vacation and
visit with friends in
Florida. During. their
absence, their daughter
and regular clerk. Miss
Shelley Brennan assisted
by Mrs. Karen Wyld ran
the grocery store.
On Thursday afternoon
Ripley folks were..glad to
see. Mrs. Elaine Cote of
William Street in Ripley
upstreet. After getting
out of 'the car Elaine
aided by two canes was
able to walk a short
distance on the sidewalk
and return to the car.
Folks. will recall how
seriously ` injured Mrs.
Cote was in that highway
accident on Christmas
Eve when she was struck
hy' a car when crossing
Highway 21 at
Kingsbridge . after at-
tending Midnight Mass.
Elaine has>. spent the_
wintermonths in
IJniversity Hospital in
London undergoing
surgery and care.- She
was able to return home a
few weeks ago. All the
folks in"° the community
ish her continued
George and Jeannie
Marie MacLennan and
son Colin of Agincourt
visited ih Ripley with
Miss Florence
MacDonald for the
Easter weekend.
Mrs. Frances Nugent,
who injured her knee
ligaments a few weeks
ago, is able towalk up-
street using a cane. With
time and perseverance
and Mrs. Nugent walks
from the Knox Manse up
to the stores and back.
On Monday, April 9,
Clarence Wylds of Ripley
passed away in - St.
Joseph's Hospital in
London. Clarence suc-
cumbed to one o1 those
unsolved medical con-
ditions and as a result,
made several trips to
Kincardine and St.
Joseph's hospitals since
last summer. The funeral
service was conducted
Last Thursday afternoon
April 12, 1979, by Rev.
Jim Bushell of St.
Andrews United Church
at the MacKenzie
McCreath Funeral Home
in Ripley. In his 73rd year
he was born on November
29, 1906, at the family
farm on Concession 5
west in Huron township.
A class mate of the
writer, he attended S.S.
Number 5 public school
'on the sixth Concession
west which was located
where Mr. and Mrs. Mac
Palmer now have their
home. After passing the
Entrance•Exa-tination in
June 1923 he returned to
help on the family farm.
Later when married he
and his wife Mildred and
sons Barrie and Glen
lived on lot 21 on the
fourth Concession of
Huron Township. On
retiring to Ripley he
purchased the Tom •
Stanley house on main.
Street south. Surviving
are his wife, the former
Mildred MacLeod, two
sons Barry of Ripley and
Glen of .Concession 4
west, two grandchildren, Kitchener.
and one sister Pearl, Mrs, According to the radio
Ernie Wylds of the sixth newscast last Thursday
Concession west. To all on CKNX, Wingham,
the family relatives Donald MacKay of the
sympathy is extended at 10th Concession east in
this time of bereavement: ` `Huron township, was drie
Spring burial will be in of two new directors,
the Ridley cemetery. elected to the Ontario
Reg Moore of Ripley Wheat Board.
who recently suffered a On Monday of last week
stroke and had been a they were able to bring
patient in Kincardine and Mel Pollock home after
District Hospital was treatment in St. Joseph's
This week in
by Ab Wylds
transferred to. Victoria
Hospital in London last
Wednesday April 11 to
undergo further treat-
menu. Folks of this.
community send along
their sincere wishes for
improvement ° .in his
Home for the Easter
weekend visiting with
their parents Francis and
Margaret Gemmell on
Tain Street were Frank
Gemmell. of . Brampton
and. Mrs. Ann Smith of
Hospital in London. While
a patient there Mel was
on the 3rd floor, room 363
not far from 369 where
the writer was a few
years back. Further Miss
Joan Ferguson, RN,
daughter of Lester and
Audrey ' Ferguson of the
sixth Concession was one
of his nurses. His wife
Beattie reports that Mel
feels improved in health
after this treatment in St.
Several people were
greeting Bobby Rober-
tson last Thursday
morning along Ripley's
main street. Bobby had
just returned after a few
weeks vacation away
from the community.
With his cousin, George
Middleton, a former
native of the fourth
Concession and his wife
Mrs. Middleton of
Toronto. Bob flew from
Toronto airport for
Barbados; Here- _ they
enjoyed a week's
vacation staying in
Bridgetown. While there
Bob tried to contact
Reuben Burnett's brother
who has a high position in
the Barbados Depart-
ment of Education. • Bob
enjoyed his stay in
Barbados mentioning the
beautiful flowers, the fine
climate, the beaches and
the friendly people,
Our thanks goes to Mrs.
C.A.. Sutherland, the
former Lenore Logan. of
Ripley, _who lived where
Mr. and Mrs. John D.
MacKay and family now
are just north of the
village, for mailing; from
her home in Toronto\the
following news• item.
Seventeen former Ripley
area girlsheld a "get
together luncheon in
Torontoat the Village
Station Restaurant ""on
Wed. Apr. 4. This writer
is sure that many people
in the -Ripley Huron area
will recall the ladies.
Here is the list. 1. Mary
MacDonald; 2. Amelia
Martyn; 3. Catherine
Murray; 4. Edna Cam-
pbell; 5. Catherine
Robertson; 6. Winnifred.
Ferrier; 7. • Vera
(Crawford) Heritage; 8.
Margaret (Campbell)
Ramsey; 9. Edna
(Murdock) MacDonald;
10. Irene (Strathdee),
Johnston; 11, Bernice
(Martyn) MacLennan;
12, Jean (MacLennan)
Lindsay; 13. Margaret
(Campbell) Robinson; 14.
Lenore (Logan)
Sutherland; 15. Edith
(Hughes) Trench; 16.
Margaret (MacLay)
Strathdeeo; 17. Amelia
(MacDonald) Vogan.
Last Friday afternoon
the funeral service was
held for a former native
of Huron township, Mrs.
Ada Pollock, wife of
Orme Pollock. The for-
mer Ada Lowry, she
passed away in her 73rd
year. Suviving are her
husband Orme, daughter
Iris of Schomberg, and
son Tom of British
Columbia, also two
sisters Mrs. Myrtle
Turn Co page 19 •.
'our family is avert' special
The family is our single most important
social institution, which is why your Ontario
Government is`continuing to take an active
\ interest in supporting and
tin V strengthening family life in the
.LSV province. During 1979, the
International Year of the Child,
your Ontario Government reminds
you that the future of our province depends on
our children; the future of our children depends
on the strength of our families.
Margaret Birch,
Provincial Secretary
- for Social Developmer
William Davis, Premier
May is
Family Unity
MakeitaSpecial Month