HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-04-18, Page 11In Huron county Lucknow Seutlnel, Wednesday, April 18 1979 ,Page 11 Industry shouldn't disrupt agriculture If Huron county has to have industrial expansion . that expansion should be in light, non -pollutant industry that is not disruptive tothel rural atmosphere of the county. That was the general con- sensus of an economic development • seminar held recently in Goderich.. The seminar was organized by county development officer Spence Cummings and brought farm organizations, politicans, businessmen and merchants together to try to determine how the county could be developed in- dustrially. The seminar was designed to try to outline the economic strategy the county should be plotting toincorporate future industrial expansion into the present economic base of Huron County. Several speakers highlighted the day long event which brought spokesmen from a variety .of economic .concerns together in a workshop format to try to determine how agriculture, industry and urban growth could be best handled. Cummings was looking for some direction from "those invited to attend the session and asked that the group. workshops attempt .to form- ulate a recommendation on economic development strategies county council could ask t he development officer to work on. Five workshops were, organized, each with a chairman. At the, end of the sessions the chairmen sat together and prepared a recommendation forcounty council that hopefully would offer Cummings the direction to promote industrial and economic growth here. The resolution prepared for county council's action outlined the concerns, farmers and businessmen had for the future of the county. The resolution was very descriptive and clearly indicated what those people would like to see happen in Huron. The document in- dicated the groups — wanted the county's development committee's budget increased to permit greater promotion of the county in areas of tourism and industry. — wanted light nonpol-. lutant industries to be en- couraged to establish near urban centres in the county. wanted tourism en- couraged provided that tourism does not disrupt the community life in the. county. — wanted the develop- ment office to be maintained and the development officer to promote industry keeping in mind that the mainstay of the county economy is agri- culture. — wanted land use in the county closely guarded to •prevenit confrontations between agriculture, urban expansion and industrial development. - wanted industrial ex- pansion to be concentrated in areas such as Huron Park WHY PAY MORE? l . and Goderich's Industrial Park so that present sites are taken full advantages of. —wanted the development officer, and other agencies propatiting the county to con- sider that prime agriclutural land is very valuable and only marginal land should be developed. wanted municipalities to co-operate rather than compete for expansion. —wanted the county to consider • developing a land ban} to determine how much land is being used and should be preserved for agri- culture and 'flow much is available for industrial and urban growth. The resolution represented • as close a saw -off as possible between industrial concerns and agriculture. Farmers in- dicated right from the outset of the meeting that they were not enthused about the pro- spects of industrial develop- ment. Many claimed any time industry has been al- lowed to invad9 agricultural i . K.0 BOTA • 4 Sizes 12-18-25-30 H.P. K 8t L• % Front and Rear PTO 3 Point Hitch • ••; Liquid Cooled Diesels Refirnshing ( 2 and 4 Wheel Drive % Available with • Cabs, Loaders, Specializing in the Refinis5ing Of Antiques &'Pianos Chairs Recaned Quality Workmanship In any shade. or 1'inisI desired FREE ESTIMATES Call 528-2625 528-3543 [after 61 Lucknow % I; • Equipment Ltd. SALES -SERVICE -RENTALS 1 39'5-2685 fHWY. 9 KINCARDINEI [AT MILLARTON1 Blades, Mowers, Trenchers, Plows Cultivators, Disc, Harrows, Back Hoes, Rotovators, Snow Blowers DOUPE'S % 1. hasit Ask Us About These Hybrids HL 2442 90 - 92 days Cribbing, Combining Or Silage in Early Zones. HL 2217 78 - 80 das combining or cribbing Soyabean Seed Available Early Varieties Gary Dauphin R. R. 3 Lucknow Phone 395.5617 areas the invasion seems to continue unchecked until the agricultural areas are severely restricted or gone. Adrian Vos, a farmer from Blyth, told the group he objected to the assumption of many people that farmers wanted industry in Huron County, He said he under- stoed the purpose of the session was to review what the county already had and what it wanted. He said not all the people at the meeting wanted industry. Merle Gunby, president of the • Huron . Federation of Agriculture, told the group industry and agriculture can't survive side by side. He warned that the "farming community breaks down in the face of urban expansion" citing the Niagara fruit belt as an example. He said any relationship farming . and industry had when an area first began to be. developed "simply breaks down with time." Bill Jongejan, president of the Christian Farmers Association, told the group that the greatest natural resource Huron County had was its land. He said com- petition municipalities had for industial growth quite often created more problems for communities than any expansion was worth. Jongejan said municipalities in the province should co- operate to best take advantage of their resource to guard against their mis- use. He suggested that a province wide plan be developed so that agri-; culture is promoted in agri- cultural areas and industry in industrial areas. PRODUCTION PLANN 'ION FINRNC 1 FARMPLAN OPBiATIN6 LOANS MAKE FARM PRODUCTION SENSE • Bridge the gap between "cash out",anal "cast -tip:: • Be in a position to claim cash discounts. • • Eliminate service charges on farm supply accounts. • Operating 4loans will revolve from your future cash flow. .Add a.Royal Bank Manager to your farm management team. Start planning for more profitable future farm production. Call a meeting! 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LUCKNOW BRANCH - 528-2826 RIPLEY BRANCH - 395.2995 Joe Hilverda Chuc Cauchl Bill Carson When you succeed ...we succeed. KINCARDINE BRANCH - 5111 Veriaan 396-3481 Lloyd Worthington RCYALBAN K a