HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-04-04, Page 54Page 26.—Luckno1' Sentinel, Wednesday, April 11, 1979 32: Coming events CHILD HEALTH CLINIC The Huron . County Health Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic; held at the Health Unit office, Wing - ham Hospital on Wednes- day, April 18, 1979 from 9:30 - 11:30 ,a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization ,,•, 4. Hearing Screening S. Vision Screening 6. Fluoride brushing for ages 3 to 5 years —15ar TOUR TO OTTAWA And Upper Canada Village with All Star Tours. Depar- ture dates are May 14, May 18, May 19, May 22, and May 26. For reservations, contact Mrs. Merle Elliott, -Lucknow, phone 528-3500. —15ar NDP NOMINATION MEETING NDP nomination meeting to elect candidate for Huron Bruce, Tuesday, April 17, 8 p.m. Clinton Town Hall. Guest speaker Mac Makar- chuk; M.P.P. Brantford. Ev- eryone welcome. —15' KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION t'arents desiring to have a. child attend. kindergarten at Lucknow Central Public School during the 1979-80 school term are requested to register with Mrs. Nancy , Maclntyre at the school on Thursday, April 12 from 8:30 11:30 a.m. —15ar OPEN RECEPTION An open reception will be held on Saturday, April 14 1979, 9 p.m. to 1 'a.m at Lucknow District Community Centre, following the marri- age of Darlene Famish and Peter Shelton. Lunch provid- ed. "Everyone welcome. - 1°5 VARIETY CONCERT A variety concert will be held on Friday, April 20th at p.m. at the St. Mary's School, Goderich.. Sponsored by Goderich and District Pro Lifegroup. r' 15,1.6 TEEN DANCE Thursday, April 12, 9 to 1, ' Lucknow Community Centre, S2.00 per person. —15 ATTENTION: FARM SAFETY NIGHT On April 12, 8 p.m., Brook- »de School. Films and dis- ..ussion of farm implement safety from- 8 p.m. to 9:15. p.m. Workmen's Compensa- tion for the farm 9:15 to 10:30. PAREN AND CHILDREN ARE/ INVITED. Come for the sectionthat interests you. Sponsored by local Federations of Agricul- ture. —14,15 GOOD FRIDAY PRESENTATION Everyone is welcome to the Lucknow and South Kinloss Young Peoples Good Friday presentation, "The Way of The Cross", on Friday, April 13, at 8 p.m, at South Kinloss Presbyterian Church; —15 RIPLEY LIONS BINGO Will,be held on April 18 at 8 p.m. at the Township Hall. Pot of Gold; 12 regular games at $15.00; one share the wealth; one jackpot of 4200.00 on 54 calls; consola- tion game of $20.00. — 15,16ar 32. ,Coming events "FAMILY FUN NIGHT" For Lucknow United Church people, Sunday, April 22, beginning with a potluck supper at 6:00 p.m. -15,Ibar RUMMAGE SALE The Wingham Hospital rum- mage sale will be held in the Wingham Armouries on Fri- day, April 20 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. —15,16 HURON BRUCE FEDERAL P.C. DINNER Huron Bruce Federal Pro- gressive Conservative'Assoc- iation fund raising dinner for R. E. McKinley, M.P. cam- paign, Wednesday, April 18, 1979, Brussels Grey -Morris Community Centre, Brus- sels, Ontario. Guest speaker Geoff Scott, M.P. Hamilton - Wentworth, former CFPL TV correspondent in Parliament. Social hour 6 p.m., 'dinner 7 p.m. Tick is available from Municipal chairmen. —15 CONSIGNMENT STOCKER. SALE. Monday, May 7th, 1979 at 1:30 p.m. 400 head LUCKNOW COMMUNITY SALE Phone 395-5230 or 528-9912 —13=18ar BLYTH.BINGO Bingo every Saturday even- ing at the, Blyth Memorial Hall, Blyth., at 8. p.m. °Regul- ar games, share -the -wealth and jackpot $;150: First Bingo September 16. 37tfar NASHVILLE TOUR Join All Star Tours on the Easter Nweekend tour to ,,Nashville, departing Thurs- day, evening, April 12, and returning Sunday, April 15. For more information, con- tact Mrs. Merle Elliott, Luck - now. —13-16ar 40TH ANNIVERSARY Ed and Violet Thompson invite you to help them cele- brate their 40th wedding anniversary in Hofyrood Fadi on April 14. at 9 p.m. Lunch served, Tiffin's ...Orchestra. Good wishes only. 14',15x MAPLE SYRUP FESTIVAL Attend. the Maple Syrup Festival in the'Belmore Com Aunity Centre on Saturday, pril. 14, 1979: Enjoy pan- cakes, maple syrup, sausag- es and coffee. Adults $100, children 11 and under $1.75. Senior Citizens Day ori Thur- sday, April 12. Meal served from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p; m,. with special events. —14,15 LEGION DANCE The monthly Lucknow Legion Dance will be held Saturday, April 14 to music by Ian Wilbee. $7.00 per couple. Admission includes lunch. Limited number of tickets available at Legion Bar and' from executive.—14,15ar 1979 LUCKNOW LADIES SOFTBALL Anyone 18 years of age and over wishing to come out this year and play softball are asked to contact either Ann Inglis at 528-3123 or Marjorie Hackett at 528-3818. Please. call. after 6 p.m. —14,15 Attention Farmers — A. For sale INTERNATIONAL 400 Cyclo 4 row wide corn planter, covering blades, dry fertiliz- er and insecticide. boxes. Good condition, $2900.00. Phone Dungannon 529-7253. —15,16 ROCK PICKERS: Rock -O - Matic models 546, 5' pick- up, medium dump; model 5,7, 7' pick-up, high dump.; model HDW5; 20' pick-up, high dump. Windrowers models TM 20, 20' width, TM12 - 12' width. Contact your local farm equipment' dealer for prices. Distributed in Ontario by L. E. Seeley, Flesherton, Ontario, NOC 1E0. Phone (519) 922-2389. — 15,16,17nc TWO DISCS, 14' J.D. 20" blades and 12' Krause 18" blades, in good condition. Phone 395-5332, —14,15 2000 BALES OF ' STRAW, phone 529-7489 evenings. — 14,15x AS NEW, GEHL flail chop- per, with 20 foot feeder wagon. Phone 395-5162. —14,15 A QUANTITY OF HAY for sale. Phone 395-2845. — 14,15 TOWER KING PRESSED Stave silos. Ideal for storing sileage, haylage or high moisture grain., Also ,oxygen limiting silos with or without Laidig bottom unloader for kernel corn: Also liquid manure. tanks. April discount now in effect . on silos. Repres'entativ'e. Francis Boyle, R. R. 3 Ripley. Phone 395-5088. 14,15,16,17ar TREFOIL AND RED Clover hay mixture, $1.10 Ib. Phone 395-2869. —13,14,15,16 Education budget set After no public discussion 'and ab8ut three, minutes of public presentation, the Bruce County Board of Edu- cation approved' its 1979 budget of $22,928,661. This is an increase of 6.5 per cent over the 1978 bugr get of $21,520,214. • Bruce County taxpayers will see an average increase of 7.4 per cent in education taxes depending upon chan- ges in assessment in each municipality. Trustees saw the budget for the first time at 10 a.m. April 3 in a committee of the whole meeting. Ron Gatis, chairman of the finance committee said trus- tees had two major objec- tions in the budget: They felt. transportation, which is 10 per cent or'$2,240,000 of the entire budget was too much. According to Mr. Gatis, trustees felt the cost of bussing students to intra- mural activities should be looked into. Another objection about the cost of textbooks was raised, Mr. Gatis said. Thisyear's budget allows for $363,000 to be spent on texts and library books. This cost is up $50,000 from last PEGUIS BARLEY` seed. grown from Registered .seed and field inspected. Orville Elliott, phone 528-3409. —15x For Your Complete Line Of Grain Handling Equipment BULLDOG *Grain Bins •In ' Bin Drying. 'Elevator ,Leg's •Hopper Bins Systems Call Doug Martyn R. R. 3 Lucknow Phone 395-5343 GENERAC ALTERNATORS SALES & SERVICE 20 -. 75 KW PTO models and 3000-7000 watt portable un- its,' Midwest switches. Don Ritchie, R:R. 3, Lucknow, 529-7568. —ltfar 1500 BALES of conditioned, good quality hay. (Trefoil and grasses). 90c per bale. Phone 357-2129. –714,15,16 C. Wanted MIXED GRAIN, barley and corn. Snobelen Farms Ltd., Ripley, phone 395-5167, —1 l tfar LOGS WANTED Standing Timber For top prices and instant cash Call your local sawmill CRAIG'S SAWMILL AUBURN Bill Craig Phone 526-7220 Al. Craig ` Phone 526-7512 ORDER NOW FOR SPRING SEEDING Clover, Grass Seed [Free Mixing] Seed Grain and Corn Custom • Seed Cleaning and Treating. ELLIOTT'S. SEED MiLL AND TRUCKING CALL LUCKNOW 528-3500 Representative for /N SPEARE SEEDS LTD. Harriston 15. Tenders TENDERS Sealed tenders will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 1, 1979 for collecting garbage from cottage owners for the 1979 season. Garbage is to be picked up every Monday, beginning June 18th and ending September 17 and delivered to the Waste Dis- posal sites. Ijowest or any ,tender not necessarily ac- cepted. DONALD M. SIM)PSON, Clerk, R. R. 3 Goderich Ont. ---15,16ar year. The board's total requisi- tion on all 31 municipalities in the county will be $6,475,340. Board chairman Albert Smith said the 6,5 per cent budget increast must be viewed as a modest increase "considering the state of inflation in the past year." A news release issued by the board said the `board's budget provides for the continuation of present pro- grams and the maintenance of the facilities including one additional school, f1ltron Heights. Public School in Kincardine, which opened in September 1978. The board's budget must represent the largest item of expenditure being 65 per cent of the total budget. School bus transportation is next. The board's official tax requisition will be delivered to the municipalities within the week. Surplus Prop�rties dale By Tender Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until Noon, April 30, 197,9 for the purchaseof the following surplus properties:•. 1. A 4 -room elementary school located. about 27 km north of the Town of Goderich, just east of Highway 1121. It is sitting on approximately 4 acres of land: The land is legally described as part of lot 10, Concession 12, Western Division, Township of Ashfield, County of Huron. The site is on the NE corner of the original lot _and is regular in shape having about 429 feet frontage on the 12th Concession and. about 406.2 feet on the sideroad. 2. A half ('/s) acre parcel legally described as part of lot 27, Concession 7 in the Township of West Wawanosh, Huron County. 3. A triangle shaped piece of . property located atthe northwest corner of lot 5, Concession 7 in the Township of Hullett, Huron County. This has a road frontage of 297 feet and a depth of 330 feet. Tenders may be submitted for any, or all parcels. Tende$s must be accompanied. by a \certified cheque payable to The Huron County Board of Education - In Trust" for 10% of the price tendered. Cheques will be returned if the tender is not accepted or will be forfeited to the undersigned as liquidated damages if the tender is accepted and The Sale is not completed by th'e' purchaser. The highest. or 'any, tender shall not necessarily be accepted. Appointments for inspection of these parcels may be arranged by contacting Mr. R. B. Dunlop at. 482-3496. The Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street CLINTON, Ontario NOM ILO R. 3. EWott. D. 3. Cochrane CHAIRMAN DIRECTOR `I If you . a . consider you I iNf 1 .....____ think distant all the PaRT/C/Pa[T/D!l The . A fitness is goal, this: can walk way. Canadian movement for personal, fitness. Surplus Prop�rties dale By Tender Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until Noon, April 30, 197,9 for the purchaseof the following surplus properties:•. 1. A 4 -room elementary school located. about 27 km north of the Town of Goderich, just east of Highway 1121. It is sitting on approximately 4 acres of land: The land is legally described as part of lot 10, Concession 12, Western Division, Township of Ashfield, County of Huron. The site is on the NE corner of the original lot _and is regular in shape having about 429 feet frontage on the 12th Concession and. about 406.2 feet on the sideroad. 2. A half ('/s) acre parcel legally described as part of lot 27, Concession 7 in the Township of West Wawanosh, Huron County. 3. A triangle shaped piece of . property located atthe northwest corner of lot 5, Concession 7 in the Township of Hullett, Huron County. This has a road frontage of 297 feet and a depth of 330 feet. Tenders may be submitted for any, or all parcels. Tende$s must be accompanied. by a \certified cheque payable to The Huron County Board of Education - In Trust" for 10% of the price tendered. Cheques will be returned if the tender is not accepted or will be forfeited to the undersigned as liquidated damages if the tender is accepted and The Sale is not completed by th'e' purchaser. The highest. or 'any, tender shall not necessarily be accepted. Appointments for inspection of these parcels may be arranged by contacting Mr. R. B. Dunlop at. 482-3496. The Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street CLINTON, Ontario NOM ILO R. 3. EWott. D. 3. Cochrane CHAIRMAN DIRECTOR