HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-04-04, Page 41N O W A Chequing Account that pays 10 % INTEREST PLUS 3 Free Cheques each month PLUS A Passbook Record of all your transactions PLUS Free Chequing for senior citizens 60 years of age and over PLUS Cheque Forms provided by STANDARD TRUST OPEN A STANDARD TRUST CHEQUING-SAVINGS ACCOUNT TODAY IT ACCOUNT STANDARD TRUST _.11/hsolham, 237 Josephine Street, phone 357-2022 1/4 •vrr"•.,M..ory Y.. :.!.�$Fxn; ..., J3 4+,Y"rv.M1' +.. •r. -Ya14�a+mA..•11 r'i..,n�i=4isi Lucknow Sentinel, Wedne Jay, April 111, 1979 --Page 13 Luckii�w UCW units choose Easter theme LUCKNOW U.C.W. UNIT 1 On account of the illness of Mrs. Andrew Ritchie the April meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Jannet Drennan. Mrs: Grace Gibson opened .. the meeting with a poem, "Don't Ask Why The roll call was answered by 15 members with an "Easter Thought". Miss Ada Webster report- ed on Cummunity Friend- ship. Mrs. Chas, McDonald reported on Social ,Functions: Mrs. W. G. Hunter reported that there are two quilts to be finished in April if possible. Mrs. Hunter, and Mrs. Kirk- land agreed to make arrange- ments for this. A crib quilt made by Mrs. Kirkland was shown. Mrs. Jannet Drennan' gave' a reading on "Labour Man- agements". Stewardship was reported by Mrs. Eldon Ritchie. The meeting was . closed by a reading by Mrs. Gibson. Mrs. Jessie Kirkland pres- ided for the program. Mrs. Eldon Ritchie read the .medi- tation, "Prepare for Easter". Mrs. Glen Walden took the study on "What is Child- hood" and led in a discussion on Childhood. Mrs. Harvey Houston played a piano instrumental and also presided at the piano for the hymns. Mrs, Kirkland read, `;Christ's Message". Mrs. Drennan led in prayer. Lunch was served by the committee in charge and. Mrs. Gibson gave the court- esy remarks. - LUCKNOW U.C.W. UNIT 2 Eighteen members of Unit 1 and 2 visitors met at the home of Mrs. Anna Mae Hunter for the April meet- ing. Mrs. Isobel Havens welcomed everyone and op- ened with a poem. It was agreed that Unit 1 would help with a quilt with Mrs. Anna Mae Hunter and Mrs. Olive Irwin in charge. A visit to"Pinecrest is planned for May and September. Mrs. Hunter mentioned that lilies would be in the South Kinloss SMS has Easter Thankoffering The Easter Thankoffering meeting was. elnn Ip"ril 4, at the home of Mrs. Harold Hownld. The 1st vice pres- ident, Mrs. Lloyd MacDoug- all, opened the meeting with an Easter verse. The scrip- ture passage, the Easter message, was read by Mrs. Herb Buckton, followed with the Easter program from Glad Tidings, , read by Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon. A duet by Mrs. Allan MacDougall and Mrs. John Forster was enjoyed. Mrs. l,l William Dickie read the poem, Good Joseph Had ..a Garden. The roll call was answered with a verse having the word Trust. The Bible Study, "The Foolish Rich Man", was well preparedand given by :Mrs. Wm. MacIntyre. Mrs. Evan Keith intro- duced Mrs. Wm. Munshaw as special speaker for the Easter Thankoffering. Mrs. • Munshaw gave some insight of her. work, as -Education Consultant. She showed a film strip and talked on Mission Education as well as bringing an Easter message. Courtesies were by Mrs, Fraser MacKinnon. The dos- ing prayer by was given by Mrs. Clarke Needham. Lunch was served • by the hostess and directors Mrs. Fraser • MacKinnon, Mrs. William Dickie, Mrs.. Wm. Maclntyre. S1�:HdnsWi hold pot luck dinner The annual meeting of St. Helens Women's Institute was held in the hall on April Sth, 1979. All enjoyed a delicious Pot Luck dinner. Mrs; Peter Chandler gave a 'report on plans for the District Annual to be held in Holmesville ori May 28th. Reports were .given' by standing .committees, Public Relations Officer, president., secretaries, and auditors. The Branch Directors, Ws—Michael„Naylor, Mrs. Frank Mewhinney, and Mrs. Allan Cranston, presented the slate 19791980. They were instal- led by Mrs. Harold Gaunt. President, Mrs. Muriel Curran; 1st vice president, Mrs. Robt. Aitchison;. 2nd vice president, Mrs. Michael Naylor;. secretary treasurer., Mrs. James Aitchison; as- sistant • sec. treas., Mrs. Keith Tyler; district director, Mrs. Peter Chandler; alter- nate director, Mts., Harold Gaunt; branch directors, of officers for Mrs. Harold Cooper Isabel Miller. Standing committees, Cur- ators,' Mrs. Gordon McPher- son, Miss Beatrice McQuil- lin;' Agriculture and Canad- ian Industries, Mrs. Ernest Gaunt; . Citizenship - and World Affairs, Mts. Luba Weber; Education and Cul- tural Activities,Mrs. Ross Errington; Family and Con- sumer Affairs, Mrs. Michael Naylor; Resolutions, Mrs:' Mrs, Gordon Lyons, Mrs. Ivan. Clark; Public Relations, Harold Cooper, Mrs. Frank Mrs. Harold Gaunt. McQuillin; pianist, Mrs. A sing song was held and Bruce Raynard; auditors, the meeting closed. church for the Easter season. Easter devotions were pre- pared by Miss Helen. Thomp- son and conducted by Helen and Miss Lorna Campbell. The study, Your Kids and Mine, was prepared and presented by Mrs. Violet Mintz. Mrs. Tilly Hackett gave a reading. Mrs. Kay Collyer gave a very interesting -account of their visit, with the Clelands on St. Vincent Island. Mrs. Anna Mae Hunter thanked Mrs. Collyer and all those who had helped with the meeting. The committee of Mrs. Marie Greer, Mrs. Tilly Hackett, Mrs. Violet Mintz and Mrs. Anna Mae Hunter served a dainty lunch. LUCKNOW U.C.W. UNIT 3 Unit # 3 Lucknow U.C.W. was held in the church parlour on April 3rd. Mrs. Cook welcomed . • everyone and then read a poem on "Spring” The offering was received and dedicated by Mrs. Cook and one birthday in April was added to the jar. Mrs. Tre- leaven acted as convener in the absence of Mrs. Bradley. The theme of the meeting was Joy and Mrs. Treleaven read an appropriate -poem. Mrs'. Isobel Ritchie read the Easter story from Matthew. The meditation and prayer was given by Mrs.. Wight man. Mrs. Evelyn Cook and. her daughter, Mrs. Elaine Steer sang. The topic on Human Rights was very interesting, given by Mrs. Jean Jardine. She also read the Declaration of "Human Rights". Mrs. Cayley.showed a film Miss on "As We Saw" with the commentary by Roy Bonis- tiel, .,After the film, Mrs. Cayley conducted a discus- sion period. In the absence of the secretary;:' Mrs. Thelma Brown acted in her place, Mrs. Brown readan• article on the "Bumble Bee -; It Is Impossible". Mrs' Cook closed the meeting with courtesy re- St: Mary's CSL meets at Pinecrfst to visit the patients �Aril 1, the St. Mary's C., ,L, met at Pinecrest Manor for their meeting and: a visit with the patients. Fr. Dentinger opened the meeting with League. Prayers said in unison. Mrs. 'teddy, president, welcomed all and the minut- es were read by Mrs. Mac- Donald, Secretary. Mrs. Smith gave the treasurer's report. As this was the last meet- ing of the League Year there were a number of final depisions. Donations were vdted and approved for Peace and Development. The Frank Field van from Walk- erton which picks up wheel- chair patients from Pinecrest and surrounding area for transport them to Kin- cardine for swimming. A donation was sent to a Priest in India, the League has been remembering for the last few years in India. -� It was decided not to send a delegate to Windsor to the Deocesian Convention in May. Mrs. O'Donnell read a very interesting account, of Padre Piel's life. He was a member of 'the Capuchean order and performed many 'miracles in his life. League members joined Pinecrest rgidents for card games followhig the meet- ing. Most things that come in `litres pour, splash & spill — !WHY PAY MORE? marks, followed by prayer and the benediction. Lunch was served by the committee in charge. Lucknow II M..7 The Lucknow Presbyterian W.M.S. met in the church with Mrs. M. Henderson presiding, opening the meet- ing vyith'verse and prayer. Mrs. K. Laidlaw gave the Bible Study and dealt with interesting meals of the Bible, especially the Easter ones. Mrs. J. E. Little led in prayer. Mrs. C. Brown gave several readings. Mrs. B. Moffatt gave a piano solo. The Easter message was ably taken by Mrs. Wallace Wilson. After the closing hymn, Mrs. Robt. MacDon- ald closed with prayer. - LUCKNOW % PRESBYTERIAN t CHV Rev. Wm. Munshaw B.A.M.Div. SUNDAY, APRIL 15 EASTER SUNDAY 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Everyone Welcome J SUNDAY, APRIL 15 3 Morning Service , 10!00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. ' LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN' REFORMED ' CHURCH Rev. L. Van Staal.duinen Listen to the Back to God Hour 10:30 a.m. CKNX LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Doug Kaufman Minister SUNDAY, APRIL 15 . { } HOLY WEEK SERVICES Maundy Thursday Service Of Remembrance and t Communion - 7:30 p.m. I . Good Friday - 10:00 a.m. % • Easter Morning Sunrise Service • / t 8:00 a.m.. t Pancake Breakfast to follow j Easter Morning Worship 11:OOa.m. % • PARISH OF LUCKNOW (Anglican Church of Canada) Schedule of Services Good Friday St. Peter's Lucknow -11:00 a.m. Easter Day 4 Sizes 12-18-25-30 H.P. Front and Rear PTO 3 Point Hitch Liquid Cooled Diesels 2 and 4 Wheel Drive j Available with ebbs, Loaders,. 1Blades, Mowers, Trenchers, Plows Cultivators, Disc, Harrows, Back Hoes, 1 Rotovators, Snow ' j n Blowers DOUPE'S f, EquipMent Ltd. 44. SALES -SERVICE -RENTALS' 395-2685 1I1 Y. 9 KINCARDINE [AT MILLARTONI St. Paul's, Ripley - 9:00' a.m. Tie Ascension, Kinlough - 10:30 a.m. St. Peter's, Lucknow - 12:00 noon