HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-04-04, Page 30r,
5.0.4 Aire
• aleyl.'Ll44401r011F,Pei a. As' erase ire SMOVIs
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'Swienceil 'staff Finest;
V*4t»ts fl ,A
Your toothpaste comes in
millilitres (mL)
• 2O'C is a 'gocid room temperature
30C is swimming time
— wear a coat
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cil questions
ing qgreement
Me= w_as dsaFw.-atitan over the inter-
mtureIf a '1...sner concer, Mug an agree.
are withank.a.. County w pay the. deficit 171
vie=g4grnirconazen: housing, at the
meths -mi.' tea: rim d Lpf....Lik,14, Village ccouno
• an. Atrii
err': twon aff Bucknigliam. dcit
te Brine County, told council the
31r94WLI b iliizq topay the 7 per cent
C,..1p=e3M,E 14:11:19T Mann aParf.
lz 7 rtop :„If the village would agree
It'arrow 5t,larX frallfi anywhere in the
=wary n bite -14..ke Lim:know apartments).
& Crump understood the
ata-,ezt de. tourn) could place a senior
1-ou, anywhe.re in the county in the
Lieu -row SITIV72:4=1,. He did not agree with
Georg_e 3cont That Lus.:know's original
ar-,,e-ernetu V.171. Kra:Mb Ashfield and West
'weal:sue:km residents of their rnunicip-
air" rats, at Wel: as the village would have
gerang 'housing at Sepoy
• • would stil apply,. Crump said,
Saratfe'75214:ft rite county would pay the
th.".=. and they would have the right to
anytne. the county in Lucknow.
•3o!. --t said lacknow is in a unique
sain:WI br-_seause it has an agreement with
Huron Canras4 thaz the townships in their
CV/CIM, IvE be allowed to seek housing in the
Septsx Aparmiems
•4-t-eniersta are good," said Joynt,
does not say what they mean."
..loytr. s ilte phoned Buckingham the day
A -Be clerk received the letter and
Butuntairra'n told brill the agreement'with
43e nuanty to pay the deficit would not
the useage ofSepoy Apartments.
-"Btici=igham told me oi agreement is
good,rephed Jo t
•'What Buckingham says on the phone
r .says in the letter," objected
• Crirm.p. flyre (Bruce County) not going.
• zyperpent sdeficit) out of the -good of
without something in return."
• Cramp int*ted" the letter meant the
counsi, wafid send someone from Tobermory
tb:e senior citizens' apartments here
Ivraed. He interpreted the letter. as
&a,;,:1the ri,trYI tr-r=y
would alive th?:. Gorinty. to sea t pdorhies
for placing Tetideatib i Cot troTrfri-...latV-S,,,
return for ,rmyeng t
"The fact wt. he with ma
municipalities* in Hawn thazges foe comple-
xion of the whole thing7 sa:4 He
maintaimsd the four rauricipaidsm iza agree-
ment with know 1 te prase= time
would mill have priority in pkaing their
resident& 111 the te.mir.Ar cifizens hosa,sing
facility in Luc -know. He told council- Huron
County Houbing Authorhy would pick up the
deficit for the t Huron towand
Bruce would pay for 'the village and Kniloss.
* *Our case is a ca of a different colour
because of agreements with another coun-
ty," added Joynt.
• Joynt told council he had met with
representatises of Ashiield. West Wawa.
nosh and Kinloss the roorg of the oouncil
meeting and they had questioned that the
new agreement with the oconny seemed to
change the priorities.
Joynt said he wcruld get a confirmaton in
writing, confirming the pricares set in the
agreement with the throe townships before
• LuCknow enters into the new agreement with
the county.
He told the Sentinel Tuesday, he had
• spoken with the dirtof the Bruce
Housing Authority w -ho will send a letter to
council confirming that Lacknow, Ashfield,
West Wawa.nosla and Kinloss residents will
stillhave_ ,priority whet, appbing for
accommodation in Sepoy Apartments.
Joynt said the deficit for Locknow's Sepoy
apartments was put into the Bruce County
budget whichwa.s set up on. Tuesday, on the
conditionit could be retrieved if Locknow
decides not to enter tbe agreement with the
.cou nty . •• •
When council receives the letter from "the
housing -authority apprcirhig the priorities
originally set by Lucknow and the toWnships.
Joynt said he will Call a special meeting for
council to decide whether they will •enter into
, the new agreement with the conn
Rentals wallah*
• Lawn •
• niers
- Precision Garden Seeder
Lain ,Spreider •
virtisv.. is itost t.slam' yzi.frat. tree*, tr awe Over Maple
Special This Week
101b.of WilitirdSeedfor501
watch For The Grand Di'iiinlng 01
The Super Scoop Ice Cream Parlour
, •
• ei••••';‘,V.„4,1.
„ter %lc
• Members, of Luck:now • Village Council
eivresSed concern 'that a pinball arcade
•4e10:1 on the main street on March
•30 could move into town and open up for
business without wand' even being inform-
ed. Councillor !Eldon Marin said the arcade
=Lost have -moved in in the night". One day
the Silverwocxl's building where it is located.
was .t:rtiply and the next day the arcade. was
• in business. "Does the owner not even have
to have a licence to do business?" asked
Gonna has instructed the village solicitor,
George Brophy to look into the matter.
Councillce •Pill Cramp said he •was'
• carred because the young children of the
community spend their money there and it
• becomes another •hangout. Members of
council .agreed Lueknow did • not need
• another hangout.• ••
I, Councillors objected that children of all
ages were permitted to play the pinball
machines and pool tables at the arcade.
Councillor Crumb said council has no
intention of shutting* down the arcade.
Legally they probably haire no means to do
sd. Crump said however, the arcade can be
controlled by restricting a.dmittance -to 16
years and over and restricting opening
* hours. This would prohibit young kids from
• spending their lunch- Money there said
Crump. •-
• • Council will look into the Matter further
• when solicitor Brophy reports to them.
ret with Timbrell
Representatives of the Wingham and
• District. Hospital and a citizens' action
committee were meeting with Health
Kmister Dennis Timbrell in Torontd on
Tuesday to &cuss why the hospital should
receive special consideration where bed cuts
are concerned.
The Wingharn. Hospital was to have closed
14 beds on April 1 to, adhereto the
gone 3.5 beds per 1,000 population
fdrtntda- which was announced earlier this
year. The Wingham board of governors
decided to fight the ministry decision
because they feel Wingham hospital cannot
operate efficiently without 100 beds.
^The Wingham delegation presented the
brief outlining their arguernent to the health
minister on March 30. They wete to return to
Toronto to meet with Tirnbrell to discuss the
Issue on Friday. but the severe storm
• prevented the Wingham delegates from
travelling to Toronto. The meeting with
Timbre!! was rescheduled for yesterday. The
hospital's executive director, Norman Hayes
said on Monday he was very optimistic -about
the meeting with Tintbrell. The outcome of
the meeting with Timbroll may be announc-
ed at a hospital board meeting in Wingham