HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-04-04, Page 18Page 18.•-•Laelmow Sentinel, Wednesday, Aprll 4, 1979
Memories of
Robin,s singing in the plum orchard
Once again it is April.
Last Sunday was April
the 1st - month of Spring
and month of robins
singing at their. best.
Memories ncome back of
sitting on the rail fence by
the plum orchard on the
hill out on the 6th con-
cession and listening to
the robins singing at their
best. Dusk comes, get the
rubber boots on, lantern
and spear in hand, down
to the Sixth River to
spear the suckers - fish.
Imagine two weeks each
year no high school, home
work done. But still it is
the singing of the robins
which stirs the memory
At noon hour on
Tuesday last week it was
nice to hear the sound of
the train whistle for the
first time all winter.
Since then a •couple of
trains passed through
Ripley and a. box car was
left sitting on the Ripley
siding for the first time
this year.
Perhaps race horses
should not watch :the
hockey games.. In last
Saturday's Toronto Daily
Star it stated at a race at
Greenwood track in
Toronto last Friday af-
ternoon, a horse, Foolish
Gamble reached out and
bit another horse in the
neck as the Second one
was going to pass. And he
also handed out a body
• check. Then Foolish
Gamble went on to win
the race.
Saturday's activities in
Ripley included the big
bonspiel for the Norm
Barnard trophy - the last
one for the current season
in the Ripley Curling
Rink. Then later.rn the
afternoon the boys, f the
winning hockey' team
were given a tour bf the
village on the fire truck
with siren s'ounding and
signals flashing. I the
evening the big dance for
Ripley Scouting and
Guiding was held in the
Ripley. Huron qb^mplex
Visiting over last
weekend with Donnie and
Carol Fludder, Tammy
and Jason were Allan and
Glenda Gardner -7- Aaron
and Brandon of Vanastra.
On Sunday Tammy,
Jason, Aaron, and
Brandon visited with
their grandparents Jack
and Evelyn Johnson.
Mrs. Adeline Martyn
back to her home in
Ripley after spending a
big part of the winter at
Fort Lauderdale in
Also Mr. and Mrs.
McCreath are back from
Florida. Bill and Helen
spent their vacation in
the Fort Meyer's area on
the Gulf Coast.
John C. and Mary
MacDonald are, home
from California where
they spent the past
month. While there they
visited with their
daughter Corrine who is
teaching in California.
Folks in Ripley and
Huron township extend
sympathy to Mrs. Evelyn
(Bert) Irwin of ,Ripley
and Cecil Humphrey of
the 2nd Concession »and
Point Clark on the death
of their sister-in-law Mrs.
Morris Humphrey of
(apuskasing. She passed
away in Toronto General
Hospital. A full obituary
appears in this paper.
C. Piel and Sons of the'
sixth of Huron township
and drover Leonard'
Courtney_ received
mention on last Satur-
day's noon broadcast!
report from the Ontario
Livestock • Yards in
At the time of writing
Reg Moore, Miss Ger-
trude Kidney • and
Clarence Wylds are
patients in Kincardine
and District Hospital.
Mrs. Nora Fredericksen
returned to her Malcolm
Street home two weeks
ago where she is being
cared for.
ladies served dinner to
the Ripley District Lions
last Wednesday.
A number of people
from Ripley attended a
farewell party for Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Gawley
held in the Purple Grove
Community Hall. Former
Purple Grove residents,
Mr. and Mrs. Gawley are
now living at the Gerrie
Glenn Apartments in
Visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Les Wardell were
mr. and Mrs. George
Harkness 'of Bervie and
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
Shiells of Ripley.
Local folks from Ripley,
and area have returned
from Orlando Florida. A
second attempt at a deep
sea, expedition for six of
the men took place. The
This week in
by .Ab Wylds
Mr. and. Mrs. Elwyn
Pollock returned home
last week from a month's
• vacation in Florida.
Albert Verheye did a lot
of hard ,work this past
week at the back of
Elliott Courney's
Machinery display lot in
Ripley. Using a cutting
torch he cut these old
machines into pieces
readily handled by the
steelmiils in Hamilton.
Area folks are pleased
to learn that Mrs. Lester
Ferguson was able to
return home from
Wingham hospital
following •surgery. Miss
Joan Ferguson, R.N. of
•,the Nursing Staff at St.
Tos'epb's Hospital in
London-hasbeen.home to
visIt with her parents
Lester • rid Audrey
Ferguson at )their home
on concession six west- in
Huron township:
Mrs. Marjorie Reid of
Ripley is spending a few
days with her sister Mrs.
Winnifred Howe in the
:Paisley area. Sorry to
hearthat Ed Howe is a
patient in Walkerton
hospital with a fractured
Mr. and Mrs. Alex
MacAuley and Mr.'
Douglas Liddle spent
Tuesday in London.
Mr. Steve Irwin and
sons of Calgary visited
with his mother Mrs.
Reta Irwin here.
Miss Betty MacDonald,
of Creernore visited with
Miss Gertrude Kidney in
Kincardine and District
Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Tranter of Ripley are at
present holidaying in
Mrs. Betty Scott and
daughter Bev of Ripley
had several ladies for
dinner and a quilting
party last Wednesday.
A Missionary from
Nigeria in Africa was a
guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Nick Peet last week.
The St. Andrews UCW'
fishing boat, Miss Cape
Canaveral, left from
Titisville at 8 a.m. and
went out to sea about 35
miles before the sounders
found the fish.
Elmer Smeltzer had
the third largest fish of
the 65 passengers next to
Ray Fuller's 3 ft. shark
that was sent back to feed
the whales. They
returned to shore at 5
o'clock where the fish
were cleaned. The men
enjoyed the marine life
they •saw, whales,
dolphins. and a U.S.
The next evening
Marion and Ambrose
Gamble hosted a fish fry
at their Orlando apar-
tme'rit. Guests were Mrs.
Verna Finlayson, Mrs.
Jean West, Mrs. Bea
Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Johnson and girls, Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Smeltzer
and girls, Mr. Bob Lyons,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Kempton, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Fuller and Mr. and
Mrs. Rod MacDonald
who were holidaying at
• Kissimiee. The dinner
menu was fish, french
fries, salads and dessert.
Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose
&amble and Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Fuller spent three
days in Panama City
Beach Florida where
• they visited Marion's
sister Marg MacDonald
and Rene and Len
Buckler of Milton.
Saturday night Ray
Fuller was honoured by a
surprise birthday party
at his home. Thirty
friends and family at-
tended. Ray and his
daughter, Kathy, both
•celebrate their birthdays
on April 1. -
It was nice to see
Harold Courtney of Pine
River out to Ripley again.
Harold has been a patient
in Victoria Hospital in
London where he spent
several weeks
recuperating • from
surgery. In the meantime
Miss Sharon Coiling of
London spent last
weekend with her mother
Mrs. Katherine Coiling in
Ripley. Sharon is em-
ployed part time on the
staff of Fanshawe College
in London and also does
similar work at the
college in St. Thomas.
JVIrs. Mary (Walter)
Black of the 4th con-
cession in Huron town-
ship suffered painful
injuries last Tuesday as
she was walking between
their car and house. She
suffered a broken elbow
and also back injury.
Ralph Grubb and Lynn
Courtney have been
carrying on the business
at the Ripley Seed
Cleaning Plant.
Lucknow 4H.
calf club meet
The first meeting of the
Lucknow 4-H Calf Club was
held on Thursday, March
22nd, 1979 at 8.00 p.m. at.,
Brookside Public School. Len
_ .
MacGregor., talked...to the
inembers about what 4-H is
all about and some of the
activities that the members
will be participating in dur-
ing\ the 4-H year. Th clubs
went on to form the LUcknow
and Dungannon Clubs. TIte' ,
election of officers then took
place with the following
results: president, Sharon
Alton; vice president, Steve
Alton; secretary, Kay Morri-
son; press reporter, Carol
• .
The leaders for the club
are Barry Elliott (dairy) and
IC.en Mewhinney (beef). The
next meeting will be held on
Wednesday, April 11th, 1979
at Ken Alton's.
Mr. and Mrs. George
Colwell of Lucknow, Mr.
and Mrs. Don McCosh,
Mr, and Mrs.' Bill
Robinson, Darryl and
Lisa all of Ripley were
dinner guests of their
sister arid Aunt, Mrs.
Gladys Mason of Ripley
on Thursday. The oc-
casion was Mrs. Bill
Robinson's (the former
Annetta Forster) bir-
The lady who was
looking for the report on
Units one and two of the
UCW has likely seen it
printed in last week's
paper on the page with
the church news. If she
cannot find it for her
scrapbook there is a copy
here and it will' be kept
for a couple of weeks.
Thanks goes to Miss Bev
Clark and the News staff
for finding the report.
Registration •
During the 1979-80 school term are requested
• to register with Mrs. Betty Elliott
at Ripley -Huron Central School
Monday, April 9,
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Proof that the child;will be 5 years of age before
December 31, 1979 is required along with the
immunization records and if possible, the child should
accompany parent at time of registration.
Please contact the school toarrange a suitable
registration time. •
Tuesday, April 3, 1979
Joy's Beauty Boutique
Phone 395-3590
• East of Crawford', Mill & Davies
In RiPley
Fr- Opening Speci-
- Perms
Reg. $20.00 —$18.00
April 3 to April 12th
Hours: Tuesday - Friday
9:30 - 5:30
For Advance Appointments
Phone S29-7741