HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-04-04, Page 13INFIY.BUTA ROYAL HOME? Here are just a few reasons: 1. Terrific heat savings, with R28 & R12 • in- sulation. 2. Superior -built home using top quality materials and excellent workmanship. 3. Live In your new home in8 weeks. 4. Built anywhere; on your lot or ours. 5. Guaranteed -9 year HUDAC warranty. 6. A sound now home means more time for you a. your fantify. Come and visit our MODEL HOME and see for yourself what we mean. (We can give you another dozen reasons!) ROYAL HOMES LTD. Box 370 WINGHAM, ONT. 397-2444 Send for free brochures Name Address Town Post. Code Phone I have a lot: Yes CJ No D i 'Luc!mow Sentinel; .Wednesday, Aprlr 4, 1970 --Page 13 McKinley blasts gov't on bed cuts • from palge I:1 "One fact is obvious. When the federal govern- ment leaves a provincial government in the lurch these days, it is never a Liberal government which is affected. The voters have seen to. that. "And perhaps that is why the Trudeau government has the gall to practice cost-cut- ting in this way. It forces the provincial governments to cut back on services and the provincial governments, ex- cept for the one in Prince. Edward Island which will probably not be there long, are not Liberal. Perhaps the Trudeau government hopes, in this way, to stir the anger of the electorate against other parties, But people have lived with this govern- ment long enough not to be fooled. "When a user fee becomes necessary for long term Bruce South WI meet in Belmore The District Directors meeting of Bruce South Women's Institute met in ;Belmore at the Community Centre March 27th. Mrs. Ross Cumming of Ripley chaired the meeting. The minutes of the last District Directors meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. Gordon Wall. Correspondence was read and business dealt _ with- as follows: Officers' Conference to be held May 1 - 3 in Kitchener. Mrs. Cecil Hollands will be the delegate representing Bruce South District. Erland Lee Home week will be June , 4 - 8. The National Convention is to be in Saskatoon June 24th. Mrs. David Ireland will at- tend as the Delegate from. Bruce South District. In the report. of Area Convention given by Mrs. Wm. Mclnnes, Teeswater, each branch is asked to devote one meeting (1979-80) to International Year of the Child (IYC). Mrs. David Ireland gave the Rally report. The Rally (1979) will be held in Armow, October 18. Mrs. Wm. Arnold reported for the Tartan Committee. Reporting very pleased with ! sales the past year. The com- mittee had a table of supplies set up. It was moved and seconded to send a Tartan Spoon for Gift Stall at the National Convention in Sas- Queen's katoon. At the afternoon session plans were made for the District Annual to be held at Kincardine in the Anglican Church, May 15th. Deceased members names of the past year from each branch are to be sent to secretary, Mrs. Gordon Wall, Wingham, before the District Annual. The retiring Curator Mrs. Victor Emerson, reported 100% reporting in the past 3 years she held the Office of Curator. Park bill....... • from page 7 abuse $3,225,000; foster care $2.2 million; francophone services $500,000; prevention $1- million; hard -to -serve children $500,000; mentally handicapped children $2:7 million. Health Minister • Dennis Timbrell an- nounced this week that an agreement between the Ontario Government and the. Ontario Medical. Association has been reached in which doctors have promised that every service at public hospitals will be available . at no more than Ontario Health Insurance Plan rates. Doctors will still have the right to join or opt out of the plan but a doctor will have to tell patients in advance of services when they will be charged more than the OHIP rate. Ifprior notice is not given, the patient will not have to pay the extra charge. The OMA will publicize a telephone number which any- one in the province can calltoll free for the nameof a doctor in the Plan in any given community. USED CARS At the right price Ask James about these cars.... 1978 LTD LANDAU, 2 dr. 1977 LTD, 4 dr. 1977 CHEV NOVA, 2 dr, 1977PONTIAC CATALIINAi stutionwagon 1976 MERCURY MARQUIS 1975 OLDS CUTLASS, 2 dr. • r FORD_ MONTGOMERY. MOTOR LTD. PHONE 5283007 LUCKNOW There was also an emergency debate in the legislature this week over the announc- ed government program of hospital bed cutbacks. I participated in that debate and indicated the concerns of workers' who may lose their jobs, medical staff members who are concernedthat their ability to treat patients and deliver first class health care is going to be limited and interfered with, as well as senior citizens who are afraid that when they get sick there will not be a hospital bed available for them. In general terms the communities in rural parts of the province are concerned that small rural hospitalseventually will be reduced to an uneconomical level and will be replaced by larger central operations. I have set up a meeting between,. representatives of the .Wingham and Goderich Hospital Boards with the Minist- er of Health, Mr:. Timbrell, for Friday, April 6th, at which time I hope the program can be altered and adjustedto meet local deeds. hospital patients in Ontario, the voters of that province will know that it is a Trudeau fee they are being asked to pay, It is a fee for having a Prime Minister in Ottawa who reneges on commit- ments. "In provinces like- Ontario the voters arealready anxi- ously waiting for the Trudeau government to get out of the kitchen. The government cannot keep its promises, and the deceptiveness corn- ing out of the government kitchen is no longer accept- able to the people," Help Easter Seals help crippled children. 1 LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Wm. Munshaw B.A.M.Div. �. SUNDAY, AIPRIL 8 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Donations fora Garage Sale will be accepted at Adrian Keet's Farm, 2nd farm west of White- church. Proceeds for the Ass. for ,the Mentally Retarded and Voice of • Life. Your support greatly appreciated. PICKUPS _ARRANGED 357.3099 Everyone Welcome • + ;-...�..�..�..�..�.....-� ,..,.. ��.._.....�.._..�.._.. i LUCKNOW r-..-.._.,_..,,.- UNITED LUCKNOW HCHURCH CHRISTiAN ! ? 1 ' Rev. Doug Kaufman REFORMED Minister CHURCH-- -_ 1 SUNDAY, APRIL 8 10 S d School a.m. un ay Rev. L: Van Staalduinen. 11:00 a.m 1 j Morning Worship f. • SUNDAY, APRIL 8 i 7:30. p.m. Lenten Study 1 ! j "Jesus Christ for Toda " J • Morning Service °l • ' . y ,i 1 .10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. i I. 1 i 1 • Nursery Provided L i Listen to the % j For Pre -School Children ! i Back to God Hour ` ( 10:30 a,m. CKNX ii l Jr. Congregation for 'ii 1 1 5- 8 Year Old•Childre`- . AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Here's a somple of our auto- mobile rates for persons between age 25r60 years. Compare them with your present rotes. $300,000—Bodily injury and property damage $ 25,000 --Accident benefits 25O—Collision deductible $ 25—Comprehensive. deductible. ,6 month premium 8900 "No Application, Membership or Policy free Required" ABOVE PREMIUM BASED ON 1 No -accidents or convictions in 3 years. 2. Driving to work 9 miles or Tess. �.3, 1978 or 79 Pontiac, Chev, Ford or Plymouth. 4. Married person between 25 and 60. 5. We also provide further' discounts for pleasure' use, 2 cars and farriiers receive reductions of another $14,00 every 6 months: 6. Other rates by phone. McMASTER a Etc ESE Home--Business-Auto—Farm—Firs—Life 327 JOSEPHINE ST. TEL:357.1227 WINGHAM AFTER HOURS 357.1289. 127 Albert St., Stratford 211.6940 or'toll free 1-800-265-8532 if 9-5 Mon. To Fri. -- Sat. 9-1 Evenings By Appointment