HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-03-21, Page 24tr r • Pao 24-4asdosew :Se•tlael, Wednesday, Marc, • 21, 1979 V '00 •. AIM bt 1ugas' .0 ,• Y -I.0 I,•.0 fit)! ,,,!• LRWRF Nce A(.FNL,•�.. W�,j".i• KAD ep e 1 Articles for sale FARM FRESH EGGS, cand- led and graded. Free deliv- ery. Phone 357-1649. —12 OLIVETTI, electric adding machine, like new, recently cleaned and serviced. Cost about $300 when ;new, ap- proximately 5 years ago. Asking only $75.00. Can be seen at the Lottery Shoppe. —12 DOG HOUSE PLANS, easy to build kennel tested de: sign, keeps dog warm in winter, cool in summer,.build for domestic use or as, good source of second income. Complete plans and building instructions now only $7,95. Wayne Blank, R. R. 1 Burford, Ontario, NOE 1AO. —12,143 4, Articles wanted Interested in buying almost anything old, including wooden chairs, dry sinks, cupboards, • beds, kitchen tables, ' wash stands, small tables, iron .beds, tool boxes, old tools, pictures and fram;• es, books, etc.• Please call or write to. Mark and. Wendy, 392-6840, Smallacombe An- tiques, Box 301, Teeswater. —10,11,12 • DEAD STOCK We pay $10.00 for fresh an- imals over 1000 lb, and $5.00 for animals over 700 lb. Smaller animals picked up free. Radio equipped .trucks. Call toll free 1-800-265-3011. Graf Animal Foods Limited, R. R. # 1, Chepstow.,-5ltfar 5. Cars, trucks for sale 221/2" FRIGIDAIRE electric range, good condition, two new. burners, glass front door, •good .cottage size, $45.00: Phone 395-3239. —10,11,12 APPLES FOR SALE: Phone Alex Andrew, 528-3019.' SHEET METAL Equipment for sale. Serious enquiries only,; Best offer. For.' appoint-, ° merit, days 528-2822, even- ings 5.28-3811. RECONDITIONED 30" bet- . tric range with timer; used 2S" range with timer. Greer. T.V. and 'Electric, •phone • 528-3112.—lltfar BEEF . By the Quarters and Halves CUSTOM KILLING On Tuesday and Thursday Cut and wrapped' to your. specifications Quick Freezing Available BUTTON'S.' MEAT MARKET LUCKNOW: , Shop 528=3.009 Iles. 528-2119 -4Otfar 20". BLACK & WHITE port- able T.V., reconditioned. Greer T.V. & Electric, . phone 528=3112.=10tfar. DRY AIR Try an Electrohome Humidif- ier from Greer T.V. and. Electric, phone 528-3112, Lucknow. We : also have filters and Sanitaire for your Blectrohome humidifier. --49ar .FRESH MAPLE SYRUP, Maple Butter and Sugar., now available 'at Robinson's Maple Products, in assorted containers. Phone 529-7857, 11,12,13,14ar . 1974 MERCURY Marquis, AM/FM; air, p.b. and p.s.; p.w., and more. Only 42,000 miles. $2300.00. Phone 528-. 3822..-12,13 7. Real estate for sale ONE 3 -bedroom new home on corner lot in Lucknow; also one .4 -bedroom new home with many extras also. in Lucknow - both homes are close to school. Phone Gerrie Glenn Inc.. 528-3234. —43tfar ESTATE HOUSE - . seven room, white aluminum sided home with; attached garage; full basement; upstairs has two bedrooms, . downstairs. has •one bedroom, bathroom,. kitchen, living room, „.k and - dining room;: 'oil heated, situated on Stauffer- ' Street, Lucknow. Contact executors of the estate; 'Ross -and :Grace Gammie 528-6143 or'528 3533.-9tf 9. • Accommodation to rent 2 BEDROOM, electric heat, 4 piece •• bath, Main Street, available March 15. Phone .528-3932. -8tf HOUSE FOR RENT, '• spac- ious, 2 storey house. on , main street of Luckriow; 4 bed- rooms, carpeted living and • dining areas, .1 1/2 : baths. Phone 528-2526 or 528-3543. •ltfar ONE BEDROOM heated, ap- artment, frig and stove, ground floor, private en- trance, good parking, yhone 528:2113.. =12tf . LARGE HOUSE on 1 acre of land, two drivesheds, on ,Hwy. 21, 1 .mile from the lake, $175.00 a month. ,Ph. 1357-1343. —12 ••••••S••0••.•••.•••••••.••••• 1 • • • • • • • WOOD FOR SALE • • • • e• •.•••• • • • • • re F ohtWni. cn:q.tNF-F .i. u�.. , teFu{.�cFul��:•Ftt"Nn 12.' Help wanted PART TIME SECRETARY- Bookkeeper for church re- cords and correspondence. Apply to Box "P", c/o The Lucknow' Sentinel, Lucknow. - 11,12ar COMPETENT CAREFUL' MAN For all around maintenance and general duties at modern Nursing Home. Apply in person to • Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home Lucknow, Ontario. See David' Newbold,.. --11,12ar REGISTERED NW(SE for day shift duties in modern nursing • home. ' Applications will be . received by , the administrator, in person. Ap- ply at Pinecrest Manor, Lucknow.-11,12ar WANTED, .mature live in housekeeper by April, togive daytime care to.: invalid lady in Bayfield. Write giving references; experience and age to Box 183 Bayfield,. Ontario. NOM .1GO. —11,12 FARM MACHINERY MECHANIC with ` experi- ence.. Apply in person to "G.& E' Sales •& Service; . Lucknow. 12,.13ar 1.4. Employment: wanted WORK WANTED - 'small' carpentry job. Building new and repairing furniture. Call Bill Thomson, 528-3715. —9-12 15.` Tenders TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH Sealed tenders, plainly will be received by either of the undersigned. until 5:00 p.m. on TUESDAY APRIL 10,;1.979 for the supply, hauling and. placing of . approximately 15,000 cu. yds .of 5/8" granular, material on Town- sh'ip roads, and approximate- ly 3,000 cu. yds, in stockpile to ,be completed by. 15 June 1979.' Tendersmustbe sub-' mitted on Township • tender forms, available at the Muni- cipal Office, and- accompan- ied by. certified cheque for 10%, of tender, price. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders subject to approval by Ministry of Transportation and Commu- nications. Mrs. Joan Armstrong, Clerk -Treasurer,. George Humphrey, Road Superintendent R. R. No. 2; Lucknow, Ont. —12,13ar • Hardwood Slabs from the IFlliil : I/idYiI!hII47 Early Delivery by the Truckload • Ciaig's sawmill : r Phone 26 IY: Auburn -1••. ••••••i0••i ••••.••••• F111� 1 1110r EF 17. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Farm Machinery and Some Household Effects will be' held for ARIE Van DIEPEN. Lot 1, Con. 3 Ashfield Twp., 10 miles north of Godertch _&:. 1/2 mile east on Con. 3 on THURSDAY, MARCH 29 at 1-:00 p.m. LIVESTOCK: 1 Hereford steer; 4 Hereford cows; 1. spotted cow; '2 BWF cows; 1 ' Holstein cow; 1 Holstein heifer; 4 BWF caly- es; 1 Hereford calf; 1 Hol- stein calf; 1 Charalais calf; Shorthorn bull. . • Livestock are tested and free from Brucellosis MACHINERY: No. '65 M.F. tractor;,12' M.F. plow; 10'• Kongskilde"cultiva- tor withteeth; land roller; chain harrows;' 15 ' run Int. seed drill with steel tires; No.' 95 New _Idea manure spread- er; 3 PTH. M.H.-mower; side delivery rake; No. 303 A.C. baler; 2 wagons; Art Helm snowblower; barbed wire; el- ectric fence wire and fencer; beams, cedar rails; skids and, quantity` of lumber. '- FEED: FEED: Approx.. 500 bales of hay; approx.. 100 bales of straw. HOUSEHOLD, EFFECTS:: antique cupboard;:'buffet; oil stove. ' Other articles ton numerous j to mention'' • TERMS CASH Owner and auctioneers not ;responsible for, any accidents connected with, the sale Owner: Arie Van biepen Auctioneers: Grant McDonald, Ripley 395-5353 • Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater. 392-6170 -12ar CLEARING AUCTION. SALE Of Farm .Machinery, some Household'Effects and Real Estate • • for • GERRY:Van BEERS Lot 14, SDR 1,' Kinloss Twp.., Half mile west of Kinloss On Hwy. No. 9 or 4 miles East of Bervie on Hwy. No, 9 SATURDAY, MARCH 31 at 10:30 a.m. • REAL ESTATE. consisting of 4 registered surveyed lots each measuring approx. 77 x 158 located onrNapier. Street in ' Lucknow: For ' further particulars on real estate contact. Gerry Van Beers. 395-2474 or Grant McDonald 395-5353. Full list of farm machinery and other items next week TERMS ON REAL ESTATE. 15.PER. CENT DOWN , BALANCE IN 20 DAYS' Reat Estate to be offered. for sale at approx. 2:00 p.m. TERMS CASH ON MACHINERY AND. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS FARM SOLD Auctioneers Grant McDonald; Ripley Wallace Ballagh, Teeswatee 392-6170 —12ar Aacr, 120. w: 2 17.. 'Auction 'Sales AUCTION SALE Of Large'Modern Farm Mochnery will be held for ART DICKSON Lot 65, con, 1 Kinloss Twp., '/2 mite west of Lucknow • on Highway 86 SATURDAY, MARCH 24 at'1 p.m. sharp Allis Chalmers: model 7580 tractor with 4 wheel drive, air cond., approx. 750 hours; 2 sets duals 20.8 x 38 Engine horsepower approx, 225.; Allis Chalmers model 200 tractor with cab; approx. 1500 hours, 23.1 x 30 tires approx. 95 horsepower; Case Uni loader model 1845, ap. rox; 250 hours, gas,. 4 wheel .drive, 45 -horse, 2 sets duals and bucket extension; 1975 Chev. 3/. ton truck, 41wheel drive, 'camper special, 8400 GVW, many extras, only this winterin salt, safety check- . ed;. Krouse Flex Wing tand- em disc harrow, 26. feet, mid: ,West . harrow attached, , rock flex gangs; 22 inch plates, hydraulic wings; Flex coil 30 feet land packer 3-10 foot sections '(new); Two sets, of heavy duty 12 foot chain harrows (new) ' Allis Chal- mers model 700, 6 narrow row, corn planter w_ ith insect- icide, boxes; Allis Chalmers model 2000, 5 x . 16 plow, automatic reset; new bot toms, plowed approx. 100 acres; ,Hesston hydra -swing, haybind.: model 1014 with 12 foot :auger head; . Hesston model 10: stacker; Hesston 3 point.. hitch stack . mover; Hesston model 2000-150 for- age harvester with 3' narrow row cerci head, - hay head, knife sharpener; electric,eon- trols, hydraulic hod swing; Dump Chief highdump • series 706, capacity 7.20 cubic feet with roof and 4 {Wheel auto 'steering;; Two Dion 3 beater forage boxes with right. hand delivery;',. Two. Horst double reach wagons; New' Idea 10 ton manure spreader with floatingtan- dem axle Allis Chalmers side • delivery :. wheel rake; Double deckloading chute on skids; Dion Model 1414 forage blower, 60 inch drum, pipes and hood; Western cattle squeeze, heavy duty,, on wheels , and . walk through head gate; Three . on stands cattle oilers; Three . hanging cattle'. oilers; Three outside inineral feeders; John Deere. ail' compressor with dual compression andpaint at- tachment; •'Approximately 1,000 bales hay; Approxi- mately 1,000 ' bales Straw. Most of this machinery has been purchased new in 1978 Owner moving to Western Canada • For information Phone 519-529.7788 No small items TERMS CASH OR . CHEQUE WITH ID ' DAY OF SALE Owners or auctioneer not . responsible for accidents' GEORGg POWELL, Clerk Brian Rantoul, Auctioneer -11,12 17. Auction Sales COMING AUCTION REGISTER Art Dickson, March 24; John ' 1`1. Griffith . Estate, April 5; Allan' McBurney, April 7; Jamieson Brothers, April 12. Brian Rintoul, Auctioneer —11,12,13 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF Modern Farm Machinery for NORMAN STANSELL Lot 22, Con. 2, .Huron Twp. on• THURSDAY, APRIL 5 at 1:00 p.m. sharp -Auctioneers Grant McDonald, Ripley, 395-5353 Wallace Ballagh, Teeswater • 392.6170 =12ar 18. Services available TREE CUTTING If you have troublesom-trees around your home,' we are equipped with a thirty foot boom and bucket to remove limbs . safely. 'We can also insulate poles . and ' put up. trusses. PHONE 528.2109 —11-14ar BACKHOE AND • BULLDOZER WORK Topsoil,nd gravel :. Wayne Bushell R. R. 4 Kincardine Phone 395-3320 -22tfar APPLIANCES • REFRIGERATION SERVICE Lueknow'Appliance Centre Lucknow Phone 528.2946.: 32tfar EXCAVATING, • GRADING. AND TRUCKING topsoil,. sand,gravel of. all types and fill'.. Phone Robert Symes Contracting, R. ' R::. # . 5, Lucknow, phone 528-3047. 29tfar AUCTIONEERS SERVICE Grant McDonald, Ripley Wallace Ballagh; Teeswater Licensed Auctioneers Salesofail types .. Phone Ripley 395-5353 Teeswater 392-.6170 -40tfar STEVE OWEN AUTO BODY Inurance, Collision Work 2'/2 miles east of Lucknow ori Hwy. `86, Phone 528=2170 •5tfar PAPERING AND PAINTING Interior•and Exterior Phone Todd Park 395-5079 or Joe. Allison 396-7173 —46i f CROP INSURANCE Crop Insurance for corn,. spring grains, white beans, flax and new seeding Con- tact Diel Edgar, Wingham, 357-2440. —10,11•,13,15, 16,17ar MAWHINNEY EAVESTROIJGHING ROOFING AND SIDING Free Estimates. All Work.Guaranteed Phone 528.3815 -ltfar