HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-03-21, Page 18P 18---Lucinow Sentinel, Wednesday, March 21, 1979
hechurci.. minister sent to
We are pleased to report
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Os- that Earl Wilkens was able to
borne and family after Har- return home last Tuesday
vey's graduation are posted from University Hospital,
to Thomson, Manitoba and. Wilford . Clipperton was
-expect to leave the, end ofadmitted on Monday last to
May as there has not been a Wingham Hospital.
preacherthere for over a Dawson Craig .has been
year, ,able to return from SL
St. Joseph's Community School
1:30.5:00 p..m.
MARCH 29th, Thursday
Please bring birth certificate or baptismal certificate.
eph's' Hospital, London to
the home of his sister, Mrs.
Janet Hall on Friday.
Mrs, Agnes Farrier arriv-
ed home on the weekend
after visits at Florida and
Mr. and Mrs, Nelson
Smith of Markham visited a
few clays with Mr. and Mrs.
Russel Chapman. Mr. Smith
and , Mrs. Chapman are
brother and sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Emer-
son, Darlene, • Sharon and
Brenda of St. Catharines
spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Emerson.
Mrs. Harvey Osborne,
Bethany,. Anna and Laura are
visiting this school holiday
with her parents, Rev. and
Mrs. Hobbs ' and Ruth of
Trenton. .
- Mr, and Mrs. George
Webster returned on Satur-
day from a two week visit at
Riverview, New Brunswick
with Mr. and Mrs. Don
Vincent and Patrick.
Midget C hockey team of
1978' FORD LTD 2, 4 door sedan.
2 1978. CHEV IMPALAS, 4 doing .sedans
1978 NOVA, 6 cylinder automatic, power.steering
andpower brakes '
2 - 1978 CHEVELLES, power steering and power.
I brake$
..1978 LE MANS, . 6 cylinder
1977 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS, with aircondition'ing
1977 PONTIAC ACADIAN, 2 door
197¢ LE. MANS, stationwagon
1976 PONTIAC LE• MANS; 4 door, air conditioned.
1976 OLDS 98, full power
1976 HORNET, -2 door
1975 OLDS, 98
1975 PONTIAC LE MANS, 4 door
1975 CHEV IMPALA, 2 door
1973 CHEV 'IMPALA, 4 door hardtop
1978 34 TON GMC, 8 cylinder automatic, power
steeringand brakes
2'-.1977 GMC 1/2 TON PICKUPS, V-8 automatic with
power steering
1973. FORD, .1 'ton cab and chassis
A number of vans from 1974-1976. Some V8s, some
6 cylinder, some CHEVS and some FORDS
•1•••1!1••••1.. e'•s)s.1•'••••
BOService Station
Phone 887-6173
Dinner guests on Sunday
with Mr. . and I Mrs Ray
Hamilton .and Wendy - were
Mr. and Mrs. Paul 'Hamilton
and girls of. Hanover,, . Mr.,
and •Mrs. Rod McDonagh of
Lucknow• and Andy Hamil-
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bennett
and , family 'of London spent
the . weekend at their home,
Were. •
Mr. and Mrs Bill Reeves
and Janice visited on Sunday
with Mr.. and Mrs. Ron
McGuire, . Christopher and
Mr. and Mrs. -,Steele : and
family. of London spent the
weekend at their home here.
Wendy Hamilton and Nan-
cy .McGuire .of London visited
with their parents for the.
which Richard Moore and
Greg Gibson are members
won 4 to 3 overtime with
Durham Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill' Purdon
arrived home on Thursday
after a month's stay in Flor-
ida, • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Campbell , and Heather of
Kitchener spent the weekend
with them.
Barry Tiffin and Charles
St. Pierre of London spent
the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Dan Tiffin..
Kevin, .Shannon and
Heather Beecroft of Wing -
ham visited a few days with
their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. W. Beecroft and
Karen. Oln Sunday .their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs: Ronald
Beecroft came and took them
home to Wingham,'
.On Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
Crman Whytock and Jack
were at Teeswater to visit
with his father, Alex Whyt-
ock who had just returned on
Friday from London Hospital
and is recovering rapidly.
Mrs. Marie Ott of Kit-
chener visited Friday . with
her daughter, Mrs. Carman
Whytock, Mr. Whytock anti
Sunday visitors wit Mr..
:,and. Mrs. Bill ..,Evans'Were
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Evans- of
Hyde Park, Bob Evans and
his friend of Hamilton, . and
Mr. and Mrs: :Ted' ,Evans,
Larry and Lisa of Ballinafad..
Margaret Moffat of•Toron-
tospent the weekend with
Graham Moffat of Teeswater
and visited with Mrs. Gra-
ham Moffat . who has 'been
brought back to Wingham
Mr. ..and. Mrs. Walter.'El-
liott, Karen, Bafry and Tavid
• and Mrs. Elliott Sr. of Wing -
hair' visited on. Sunday with
Mr. and . Mrs. Pal' Elliott
and ..Jeffery of. 7Brussels.
Weekend visitors with Mr,
;and Mrs, CarI : McClenaghan
were .Mr. and : Mrs. , Irwin
McClenaghan, Mr. and Mrs.
MartiDuffy and Jamie and
Mr.. and Mrs. Dave Hudspn,
all of St. Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul.
arrived home from Florida to
Chatham where they 'visited
with Mr; and 'Mrs. Donald
Gaunt and Jennifer-, On Fri-
day they arrived at White-
church accompanied by Mrs.
Donald Gaunt and. Jennifer.
Harris Purdon of Wing-
hamspent the weekend with
Mr.. and Mrs. Bill Purdon
Johnston Bros.
Dunganufin, Ontario
New Gravel. Prices
Cash & Carry
Effective Immediately . •
•'95c ...y
Stone Dust
• Crushed. Gravel
Cement Gravel
Drainage :Stone
Oversize Stone
Pit Run Gravel
Open Daily 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
DUngannon. Pits
OnIy 59.7947
and Mrs. Robert Mowbray.
Mrs. Donald Gaunt and
Jennifer visited a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. Russel
Gaunt of Wingham.,
Mr. and Mrs.. Wayne
Farrier, Amy and Kimberley
of Guelph visited it few days
with his mother, Mrs. Agnes
Lyle Willis of Bluevale,_
"Visited with Mr. and Mrs. -
Arthur Burrows for a few
days .this . week. •
Whitechurch W.I. curators
meeting was held March 14
atthe home of Mrs. John - A.
Currie. Miss Merle Wilson,
president, opened the meet-
In •the absence of the
assistant"s"ecretary Mrs. Em-
erson, Mrs. Dan. Tiffin was
appointed secretary for the
meeting. Miss Wilson read
the poem "Mother Nature in
The special fund of money.
raised. by having a. few table' s
of cards' amounted to 529.00.
The collection was received.
Mrs. Russel • Gaunt had.
some' information on a bus
trip. After discussion on it
they decided that Mrs. Gaunt
and Mrs'.Elgin Johis 'on look
after this trip up in the north
of Bruce on June 13th.
Miss Wilson read ..a poem.
Mrs, John A. Currie pres-
ided for her Curator meeting.
She read ,a poen: •
When Irish Eyes are Smit-
in'.g and My• Wild • Irish Rose' •
were sung with Mrs. Don
Ross' acconpaning:'pianist:
Mrs. James McInnes: gave,
:the motto,. Grow,.. but not old.
A : contest was held to be
ansvfrered with letter of the
word, .shamrock: Miss Merle.
Wilson won Isti, prize, Mrs.
Johnston Conn and Mrs. Dan
Tiffin 2nd prize. Mrs, Dan
Tiffin wore the most green.
The topic was Bush Days
by Malcolm Lamont.
Mrs.. E. Johnston, Mrs. T. '
Meltcalfe and Miss Merle
Wilson served lunch.
Mr. and• •Mrs. Ross Smith
of Russeldale visited Sunday
with. her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Russel Chapman.
Whitechurch U.C.W. held
their meeting March 16 at 2
p.m. at the home of' Miss
Mildred McClenaghan. Mrs.
Millan ;Moore opened the
meeting with a noem, - `'Vari-
ety". All sang hymn, ."Sav-
iour,. the dying love". Mrs.
Pauline Adams read scrip-
ture, John 15: 8 -17. Mrs.
Muriel Thompson gave the
meditation, God's Lesson.
Mrs. Lorne Durnin- led in
prayer. All sang .hymn,
"Lord speak to me that I may
speak". Mrs. Milian, Mnore
gave a talk on Women. of
China: today: The•Communist
party came to power in, 1949
and have done away with
many of the old policies, such
as, arranging' marriages and.
schooling for rural girls. Now
we have am
1 oat equal'
al' rights
with. men and get an educa-
tion. A qUiz on China was
. held. Mrs. Millan Moore
gave . an Irish reading: Mrs.
Chapman thanked Miss Mc
Clenaghan :for ' her ' home.
Eleven answered a roll call .
with a verse with "ancient"
or by .showing something
from China. . • •
The collection and. • the
least coin was .received. Mrs.
Agnes ,Fa"crier closed with
prayer. The birthday tea was
then enjoyed by • all:
elects dies
return from
�awain holiday
Helen ' Todd . and Isabel
Miller 'returned. -home "'from
Hawaii on Sunday. Both
were well tanned after enjoy-
ing the tropical sun for two
Also:, vacationing in the
south were Mr. and Mrs.'
John' -Rutherford. The Ruth-
eifords returned home from.
Freeport, Bahama Islands on.
Thursday. Mr. and Mrs.
Rutherford also attended the
wedding. of PhihPaquette and.
Laurie Ginn on Saturday in
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Todd
and family visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Verdun .Ducharme
of Wingham. Miss Adrianne
Makovskis of Willowdale is
also visiting with the Todds.
' - Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Angus MacDonald
were. Mr. • and Mrs Eldon
Emerson, Darleen, Sharon
and Brenda of St. Catharin-
. es:g Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
• Millar, Trevor and Kristin of
Kitchener, Mr. and,__Mrs.
Doug ° MacDonald, Paul,'
Chris and Tricia from Aub- • `
urn, Mr. and - Mrs.- Jack
MacPherson and 'Danny of
Wingham, and Mr. and Mrs.
Chuck Holmes of London,
and Jeff Taylor.
Mts. Sadie Barbour re-
turned home: after a three
week visit with Mr, and Mrs.
Chuck- Holmes of -London.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom .Irwin
and Candice • and Mr. and
:Mrs. Gordon Hunt and fain- •
ily of Elmira visited with Mr._
and Mrs. Allan . Cranston.
Jim Hunt is -spending a few
days with, his, grandparents.
Winners at the shoot party
this past week were Ruby
Hanna, and Kenneth Ma-
whinney for the ladies and
Jim Errington and Bob Jef-
ferson " for .the men'. The
"most shoots" prize went to
John Gaunt.
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