HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-03-21, Page 13From Queen's Park Speech makes promises BrIVIURRAY GAUNT .This week's Throne Speech opened the Third Session of the 31st Parlia- ment. The speech, read by Lieutenant Governor Pauline McGibbon before a paelced Legislature, promised everY- thing from more handouts *to industry, stepped-up apprenticeship training, _buses for the disabled, commitments to national unity, a substantial increase in tourist promotion, to 'a better program of food price monitoring. Free drugs for senior citizens will be continued..In addition, the government promised that services for chronically ill patients who want to live at home will be extended, And a "significant number of beds will be added to the system for persons needing long term nursing home or chronic hospital care". , A:special .board of provincial Cabinet Ministers Will administer an employ- ment development fund to give incen- tives -to industry to create jobs. The program is expected $0, cost about $200 million. The government will be looking at companies with long term growth • potential, particularly in areas of sophisticated technology and in areas where there is potential for aport sales. Industry and TourismUnister Larry Grossman said the fund is "an attempt • to speed up the process" of assisting • medium sized Canadian firms to change their product. lines, modernize plants, -get into • export business or more research and development. • Other highlights of the speech include: - Legislation to: protect children in custody; • - Amendments to the Labour Relations Act to cut the costs of arbitration; - Lumber comapnies will be responsible for forest management, while govern- ment 'maintains responsibility for prod- uctive forest lands; - A $58 inillion five-year cost-sharing agreement with the federal government will demonstrate new technology in . energy conservation and regeneration; - The August 6th civic holiday will be designated Children's Day, with special events in Provincial Parks. Jack Riddell (Huron -Middlesex) and I, along with others in the House, have • asked the Minister of Health about the difficult situation encountered by area hospitals in regird to bed cuts. The Minister indicated that there will be adjustments made in the program, and • that additional chronic , beds will •be allowed in areas of the province that have aged populations above the provincial average of 8.6% 13.3% of the population of .Bruce County is 65 years of age and over, a,nd 12.9% of the • , population in, Huron County is in that category. Hopefully, adjustinents can be made to account for That. . The Minister has indicated that he will be working through the Health Councils, where applicable, or, where • there is no Health Cciiincil, he will deal with hospitals on an area basis where there is a request for consideration for, additional chronic beds. In a lot of cases in Huron -Bruce, the problem would be greatly relieved if a switch from active to chronic beds. was • iniproved, . rather than closing .out the heds entirely. • Lapikapvi Spa 04appelay, much 24 1979-11/108 13 41, Bean in payment to be announced White bean producers 'should learn this week bow, much they will be receivin as an interim payment on their 1978 crop. Optar o Bean • ProAuce :S Marketing Board manager Charles 'Broadwell "told Wed- nesday's raean Day • audience at the South Huron Rec Centre, that the amounttof the interim payment will be deter- mined at a meeting Tuesday in London and ,will be paid by April 16. When questioned on the total price. to be paid growers for the 1978 crop, Broadwell • replied, "It - should be $15 plus." BrOadwell listed a number of factors which affect the white • bean • market. • These include .th e —tins ett I ed m on e y market, cut-throat competition in the United Kingdom; reduction in • canned vegetable surnption which is caused .by more people eating Out of gardens, etc. • • He suggestpd.,-0owers •should: attempt to upgrade the quality of their beans because of increased competition • from the United States and added, think OrodUCerS should rem eMber that over the Years we've built up a reputation for quality and now we may have slipped - a -little bit." . "We have to maintain our export profile if we want to stay in business. Kingsbridge Kirr • Studentwin We have to continue to make sure there are markets out there to fill. Exports are our bread and butter", concluded Broadwell. icUlum S contest • • BY UZ VOGT AND LINDA sotivErr Lonny Doherty who is in Grade 5 won first prize in the Goderich Signal Star Super- • man Colouring contest. He wins a ticket to the . movie Superman which is showing at the Park Theatre in Goderich and a book called, Last Son of Krypton. • The Grades 5 •and 6 received letters from their • pen pals in Whitelaw, Alber- • ta. Also they received a picture of their pen pals. . • A meeting was , held for • parents of children who are • receiving *the sacrament Of reconciliation: Miss Mary • Kennedy, religion 'consultant was the guest speaker. Father Dentinger made his • weekly visit to the Grades{ 1 • and 2 on March 14. Mary .Katherine" Staple* • had her tonsils taken out on March 15. Angela •O'Neill will be having hers taken out in the March break, We hope they will be better soon. The *system'S Television . camera was at the Wiwi and Mr. Zyluk filmed the Grade 3 disco -dancers. Mr. Zyluk also filmed the Grades 7 and 8 while they played a game of basketball. Mrs. McDonagh attended a History Curriculum ; meet- ing on March 13th in Dublin, Report cards are going home on Friday, March 1§. • On March 26th there will • be a retreat at St. Augustine. • It starts at 9.30 and ends at. 4.00 p.m. Father Sondernp of Wingham will be in charge of the retreat. This retreat is for • teachers, parents, and inter- ested members of the com- munity.. Kindergarten Registration will be held at Kingsbridge on •Thursday, March .29th fromr 1.30t� 5.00 p.m. •• The . hcuseleague • • teams have advanced in standings. Points are as follows: Toron- to 251, Edmonton 197, ' and , Saskatchewan' 180. • THE HOME PLACE .1•1.•omk UPI° 00.7- Of HON, room suit including sectionals 20% oft all bedrOom Stiites 30% Off sug. retail73,58(7pc. chrome sets •• over a dozen styles . • to choose :from door' crasher specials Only 24 oval and rectangular flip -top pedestal • tables imported from.. England. Solid mahogany with avacado green or antique gold tooled leather tops. • loradon sprirtgvvp11 bedlchrm units Super Firm 54'.' mattress and foundation • ; per set $249:95 Manufacturers Clearance 39•a DiScontinued lines of- Occasional tables - Il= *....., 507 off $• • "mils Compare at 579.95.•• 0 Pictures • Traditional Sleep or Lounges ,.... By Kroehler - Choice of covers; •,,W 106A OFF ALL REMAINING STOCK } FREE SIORAGE& DELIVERY • Ph. 357-1411 • or 357-2002 HARDING 9 OZ..' PRINTS 3 Patteins -' urs • Rubberback SCOTCHGUARDED 100% Nylon Ideal for Kitchens and Family rooms REG. PRICE $ 8.5 0 • •SALE • 'PRICE $ 6 B5 Ak • N Uri Li „„„,„„ii„„,„,sHoppe • ELATION - • 11 Colours styled by. Dyna Colo •SCOTCHGUARDED Saxony Texture • • Jute Back • REQ PRICE $15.95 • SALE • • PRICE $ .1.1.V0sq.yd. ALLSUNWORTHY PAPERS IN STOCK OVER 240 PATTERNS IN STOCK 20 7 -off S 20 7. PAINTS ODD SIZE RUGS IN STOCK - , 'FROM 9x12TO 18x12 1/3 off 1111111011111111111111 E. 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