HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-03-14, Page 2119, Notice to creditors 20. Public notices. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE _MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF THOMAS ALEXANDER FRANKLIN MEWHINNEY, late of the Township of West Wawa nosh, in the. County of Huron, deceased. Notice is hereby given Pursuant to The Trustees Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Thomas Alexander Franklin Mewhin- ney are required" to send particulars of their claims, duly verified to Mrs. Doris Mewhinney, heir at law of the said Estate;, oil or before March 28th, 1979 and that after such date the heir at law will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the . claims of which they shall then have had notice. ' DATED at Lucknow, Ont- ario, this 5th day of March, 1979. Doris Mewhinney, R.R..#1, Lucknow, Ontario, Heir at Law. —10,11,12 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS. IN THE MATTER OF THE `ESTATE OF NORMA MARION McDONAGH, late of the Village of Lucknow in. the County of Bruce, Deceas;,,„ ed. NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to The Trustees Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late'. Norma Marion . McDonagh are re'i quired to send .particulars of. their claims, dulyverified to GOODALL, CAMPBELL & BROPHIV, Solicitors, for the Executor of the said Estate, on or before March 28, 1979, and that after such date the Executor will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then 'have had notice. DATED at. Lucknow,.Ont- ario, this 5th day of March, 1979. - John Murray McDonagh,, Executor of the Estate By his Solicitor GOODALL, CAMPBELL & BROPHY, Box 190 LUCKNOW, Ontario: Solicitor for the Estate. —10,11,12ar 20. Public notices PINELODGE REST HOME A supervised retirement home caring for your person- al needs 24 hours a day. Lucknow 528-2703.—5Otfar HAVING' A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655: -4otfar HILRAY FARMS LTD. ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD The best in Home Grown, Dry Fed Beef. Try our Fresh, Home Made Sausage. Cus- tom killing by appointment. Phone 528.2132 --4Otfar LUCKNOW SHIPPER TO . UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPT, TORONTO Ship youi livestock with BILL TAYLOR R. R. 3 GODERICH Tuesday and Thursday are shipping days from Lucknow Stockyards CALL DUNGANNON 529-7310 or LUCKNOW 528-3119 Tuesday or Thursday by 7:30 a.m. for prompt service ASK BILL FOR REQUIREMENTS OF REPLACEMENT CATTLE —ltfar 21. Personal DO YOU NEED MONEY? (mortgages, debt consolida- tions, loans). Call Committ- More Investments Ltd., Rob- ert Hiller, Mitchell 348-9548 or Gary Emmerson, Kitch- ener 745-8418, —SOtf 12. Help wanted WANTED, mature live in housekeeper by April, to give daytime care to invalid lady in Bayfield. Write giving references,; experience and age to Box 183. Bayfield, Ontario NOM 1GO, —11,12 'REGISTERED ... NURSE for day, shift duties in modern nursing home. Applications will be . received by the administrator, in person. Ap- ply at Pinecrest Manor, Lucknow.—11,12ar NICE PEOPLE ARE OUR most Important Asset: We are looking for people who are self -motivated,, , enjoy working ' with people and have .the potentia'1to run a business. 'Be an Interior Dec- orator. We will train you and help you to become a success in the decorating field. Fora personal interview, send res- ume to: Bradford -Smith Dec, orating Consultants, Box 861, Granton,' Ont. NOM IVO —11x COMPETENT: CAREFUL MAN For all arotfid maintenance and general, duties at modern Nursing Home. Apply in person to Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home Lucknow, Ontario. See David Newbold —11,12ar FULL TIME HELP required, some business experience preferred, must be neat and able to.. meet the public. Duties to commence- immed- iately. Apply in writing to Box D, c/o The Lucknow Sentinel before March 17, 1979. PART TIME SECRETARY - Bookkeeper for church re- cords and .correspondence. Apply to Box "P", c/o The Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow. —11,12ar 12. Help .wanted HELP WANTED SCHOOL CUSTODIAN Full -Time Custodian Bruce Peninsula District .School - 40 hours per week. Duties to commence April 2, 1979. Applicants must be willing to do shift work if required and . be able to provide medical certificate and proof of satis- factory chest x-ray or tuber- culin test. 1 II!11143Y 111170.91... Apply on or before March 22, 1979 using, application form which can be obtained at the school or by telephoning or writing the employer below. '`'The Bruce County Board - of Education, Box 190, Cbesley, Ontario. Telephone: 363-2014 Attn: Mel 1. Wedow, Supervisor of Buildings & Maintenance 11 ar 22. ,.Lost and found LOST LADIES' SIZE 9, rust Cougar boots at Kevin Murray's Saturday night.. Phone 528- 5052. —11 24. Business 31. Cards of thanks HAMILTON The family of the late ° Lor- raine Hamilton wish tosay thank you for all the expres- sions of.sympathy and acts of kindness from our relatives, friends and neighbours at the time of the loss of 'our dear sister, Lorraine. Special thanks for .the flowers, the donations to the charity .of your choice and gifts of food brought to our homes. We would also like to thank the ladies of the Legion Auxiliary for preparing the lunch after the funeral. and Rev. Nugent for his words of comfort. Your thoughtfulness and ex- pressions of sympathy will always be remembered. Hamilton family — 11x • HOWALD I would like- to thank every- one for the cards, gifts and visits while in Wingham and St. Joseph's Hospital, and since coming home. Special. thanks to the Lucknow Doc- tors, the staff in Wingham emergency and 2nd floor nurses. All was very much appreciated. Anthony Howald —11x EMMERTON May I take this opportunity to thank everyone while I was a patient • in St. Joseph's Hospital, London; to all my family,. relatives and friends who visited me in the hospit opportunities al and sent flowers, 'cards, PIN -BALL PALACE OR Bou- tique, highway #86, Luck - now. Priced at $25,000. Call', David Christie, Goderich, 519-524-8951 or 482-7295, representing Don Hoist Real Estate Ltd. Realtor. "—liar 30. In Memoriam ERRINGTON In memory of a dear father, grandfather and great grand- father, Victor Errington, who passed away six'. years ago, March 15, 1973. We were not there to say goodbye; Perhaps it .was just as well. We mourn for you in silence, Noes can see us weep. But many a , silent tear . is shed, \, While others are asleep. Lovingly remembered by his family. —11 SPRING. CLEANING TIME Paint Stripping DONE IN YOUR HOME Have Your Bannisters, Trim,Etc., Paint Stripped & Refinished Start the Summer Off With a Bright New Look Cpll 'The Workshop R. R. 1 Dungannon PHONE 529-7205 gifts.: and ,good ,.wishes,;,;they weregreatly appreciated. Special thanks to Doctors and Nurses. of Kincardine and London for their medical care. Sincerely, ` • Irene -11 CSS... The Michael Cummins fam- ily wish to express a sincere thank you to all their friends and neighbours fat the kind expressions of sympathy dur- ing their recent bereave- ment. Jim and Helen Cummins, and Family =11 ANDERSON We would like to sincerely thank the people of the com- munity who organized, sup- plied and prepared the', lunch, the friends and neigh bours who attended the benefit dance forour neigh- bours the Drennans and our- selves • last.Friday night. Thank you oe and all. Gordon, Madeline Anderson and Family --11 ADAMS The family of the late Clar- ence Adams wish to thank their friends, neighbours and relatives .for their many acts of kindness, floral tributes, memorial donations, cards and food sent to their homes in the sudden- passing of a dear husband, father, broth- er and uncle. These kind- nesses will always be re- membered. Donanne, Murray' and Dawne Adams, Raymond and Frieda Adams and family, Lenore, Oliver and Janine Glenn, Jeanette and David Duggan, Ken and Maybelle Hoffman and family, Mrs'. Robt. Adams and family — 11 Luclmow Sentlnei;' Wed iesday; 114arch 14, 1979–' -Page 21 31. Cards of thanks 32. Coming events. BANTAM HOCKEY TEAM The Lucknow Bantam Hock- ey team would like to thank Ashton's Ladies' and Men's: Wear, Greer T.V. and Elec- tric, and all those who helped by purchasing tickets, to- wards the purchase of their jackets; also for your sup- port throughout the year. —11 MOWBRAY I would like to express my sincere thanks to our doctors and the staff at Wingham and District Hospital and for the cards, treats and visits while in the hospital and since returning home. Beryl Mowbray —11 DRENNAN We would like to express our sincere thanks to our neigh- bours who organized the. benefit dance. We are grate- fulto all our friends and neighbours for their thought -- fulness, kindness and their generous contributions. Thank you all. Jim, Emily, Paul, Shawn & Jennifer -11x MacMILLAN Elizabeth and Joe MacMillan. wish to thank neighbours, friends, relatives,. the Town of Lucknow and other organ- izations for flowers, gifts and remembrances at the tinie.of their 50th wedding anniver- sary. These kindnesses will never ,be.fprgotten,.. —1.1. 32. Coming events RIPLEY H:LIR ON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY SPRIN.G'DANCE Ripley Huron Agricultural Society Spring Dance will be held Saturday; March 17th at the Ripley -Huron Complex. Music by Boyd's Orchestra. Tickets available , from any. director. --8;1 0,ll ar LEGION -DANCE The monthly Lucknow Legion Dance will be held Saturday, March 17th to music by Ian Wilbee. $7.00 per couple. Admission includes lunch. Limited number of tickets available at Legion Bar and from executive.—10,1 lar EXPECTANT PARENT EDUCATION CLASSES. The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes, being held in the F. E. Madill Secondary School, Wingham commencing. Mon- day, April 2. 1979 from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. These classes will run for 8 weeks. Would anyone who " isinterested please register by calling 1-800-2.65-4252 toll free or the Health Unit office at 357-2264. Both husbands and wives are invited to attend and participate in the discus- sions. 1979 Fall series will begin the week of September 10, 1979.—11,12,13ar BOX SOC AND CARD PTY A box social and card party (euchre and shoot) will be held. on Wednesday, March 28 at 8:30 in Brookside School. Sponsored by the Lucknow Agricultural Soci- ety. Auctioneer Brian. Rin- toul. Ladies with lunch boxes free. Everyone welcome. —11,12ar RIPLEY HURON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY SPRING DANCE Ripley Huron . Agricultural Society Spring Dance will be held Saturday, March 17th at the Ripley -Huron Complex, Music by Boyd's Orchestra. Tickets available from any director. --8,10, l lar TEES WATER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Sponsors St. Patrick's Dance, Teeswater Commun- ity Centre, Saturday, March 17th (Dancing 9:30 p.m. till 1 a.m.). Music provided by D.J. Sound System '70. Smorgasbord lunch. Tickets available from directors of Society, or at the door. Couples $6.00, single $3.00. (Age . of Majority Cards. re- quired).—10,llar BUS TRIPS March 17 - Ice Capades, leaving 1;30 p.m.; March 10 - Quarterama (if enough inter- ested) leaving 8 a.m.; Mar,;'': 24 - Grand Ole Oprey, Kitchener, leavir. ; 12 noon. For 'reservations and tickets call Montgomery Motors, 528-3007.-8-12ar BLYTH BINGO Bingo every Saturday even- ing at the Blyth Memorial Hall, Blyth, at 8 p.m. Regul- ar games, share -the -wealth. and jackpot $150. First Bingo September 16.—37tfar ▪ s;. PUBLIC .MEET ...ING:,.:..:... What does child abuse mean to you? Bring your ideas for discussion to a public meet- ing at Wingham Public, School, Wednesday, March 28, 1979. 6:30 to 7 p.m. registration. Formore infor- mation call Family and Child- ren s hild-ren's Services, 46 Gloucester Terrace, doderich, 524-7356. 11,12,13ar SHOOT PARTY Will be held at St. Helens Hall on Thursday, March 15, at 8:30 'p.m. Everyone wel- come. —11 CHILD HEALTH CLINIC The Huron ..County Health' Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, held at the.Health Unit office, Wing - ham 'Hospital on Wednes- day, March 21_, : 1979 from 9:30. - 11,:30. a m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 14. Fluoride -i l ar BENEFIT DANCE There will be a benefit for Mr. and Mrs. and. Len Baird on Friday evening, March 16th at . the Belmore Come munity Centre, (house de- stroyed' by fire). Everyone Welcome. —1 Inc ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE Lifesaver Course Recognized by WCB Begins: March 22 8:00 p.m. St. Joseph's School Kingsbridge (Hwy. 21 N. of Goderich). Phone: 529-7646 Days 529`7530 Evenings -11ar