HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-03-14, Page 9Lucknow Sentinel, Wednenday, March 14, 1979,—Page 9 , Will count dogs in West Wawanosh West Wawanosh Town- ship Council met for the regular March meeting on Tuesday, March 6th, 1979, in the Municipal Office at the Public Works Building. All members ,attended, Reeve Foran presided. The minutes of the regular February meeting and a special sessionlield on Feb- ruary 13th were read and adopted on motion of Coun- cillors Hickey and Aitchison. One application was re- ceived by the Clerk in answer to the advertisement for a person to count dogs. Motion by Councillors Aitchison and Hickey, "That the applica- tion.. of Gerald Jefferson . at $1.85 per ,do to count the dogs in the Township for the year 1979 be accepted by Council". The matter of the percen- tage split amongst the partic- ipating municipalities at 3170 St. Helens • for Ashfield and 23% for the three remaining municipal- ities was discussed. by Conn.. cil after which the following motion by Councilors Cran- .ston and Aitchison was carri- ed unanimously, "That it was and is the understanding of the Township of West Wawanosh that the percent- ages agreed upon at the January 22, 1979 meeting of the Lucknow and District, Fire Department Committee, • ie: 317o Ashfield, 23% Kin - lo, 23% Lucknow and 23% West Wawanosh, came into effect on January 1, 1979, and that the said percentages applied to capital expendi- tures and operating expendi- tures for all four muni- cipalities included in the Partnership Agreement; and ° further, that the ToWnship of West Wawanosh is not ag- reeable to a change in these percentages for capital ex- penditures". Building permits were authorized for M. Arthur, house; J. Stutzman, sawmill building;• A. Helm, steel fabrication building; and G. Olson, house; On a motion by Councillors Durnin and Ait- chison. At 2.30 p.m. the majority of the owners includedin the Reid Municipal Drain Repair and Improvement met with Council and engineer Wil- liam Shifflett to consider the report on this repair. After discussion and a question and answet period, Coun- cillors Hickey and Cranston moved: "That West Wawa - nosh Township Council here- by gives first and second reading to the Proidsional By-law, By,law No. 5, 1979, The Reid Municipal Drain Repair and Improvement By- law. Court of Revision date on the assessments in this Drain Repair was set for 8.00 p.m. on Tuesday; April 10, 1979. Motion by Councillors Mt- chison and Hickey, "That the Township of West Wawa - nosh grant a donation to the Village of Blyth for the Community Centre in the amount of $400.00". A resolution from the Township of Hinchinbrooke that the Province be request- ed to consider the application of Wintario profits to the Provincial Budgets for both Health Care, and Education at all levels, was approved by West Wawanosh Township Councilon.motion of Coun- cillors Hickey and Durnin• . Councillors Cranston and Aitchison - were appointed by Council as ,members of the Committee involved in the repair and betterment of the St. Helen Cemetery. By-law #4, 1979, to author- ize the imposition of a special rate to cover a tile drainage loan was given thir4 reading Snowmobilers have "Kid'sDay" .and finally, passed on Motion of .,Councillors Hickey. and Durnin. ' -BY KATHRYN TODD • St... Helens, Snowmobile • Club, held '`Kids Day" at the club house on Sunday after- noon. Sixteen youngsters and their parents turned out for a snowmobile ride and hot dogs arid hamburgers afterwards. A good tirrie.was.„ , enjoyed by all. The 'day had'been, postponed from the ..„4,4,,,;;; • !.7.' Weekend of March 4th s'iricO, the weather turned mild: ton and Mr. and Mrs.. Allan Miller who has ,been a Verdun Ducharme of Wing- patient in the .VVingham and •District Hospital. ' Motion b.y Councillors Hickey and Cranston, "That 'Get well wishes aree t to 1 • , West VVawanosh Township s SHOOT PARTY Nine tabfes of players gathered at the St. Helens hall for the regular :shoot party. High lady went to Muriel Curran; Ruby Hanna was gecond, -High gent was Steve Errington and Harvey Ritchie—was 'second high. Ruby Hanna Von' The 'West Shoots" 'prize. Celia • Aitchi- son won the ladies' lucky score card and Mr. Michal- yma won the mens. Lunch followed. Next party is March..1,5th. Recent visitors with, Mr. and. Mrs. Wayne Todd were Mr. -Rick Humphrey of Clin- SYMPHONY CONCERT POSTPONED The March 17th Contett af ODC1 by. the London Symphony • Orchestra has been postponed to Friday. May .25 08 pan.;:: • This it the final cOncert ,of the '79. season and will feature the GOCI Band playing with the London Symphony. Tickets for this perfor.. Mance • • Only are available at Canipbeht's of Goderich, The Blyth • Standard, The Clinton : Nesioi4lecord, . The' Lucknow Sentinel. and The Ainccirdine News at '5.00 each for adults, '2.00 for students. • GODERICH - ROTARY CLUB • • r• • • ",,• 011111111 C ..... k..visesisiawas,,,..... 4110- —77.777,7".1111 • AD •• • • 10 • Springfime?Great Time to • • BUY -A- lEiRIPI Drive into:Montgomery Motors today and talk to James about these good used vehicles... 1978 LTD; LANDAU, 2 dr. hrd. 1978 LTD, 2, 24i. hrd. 1977 CHEVY NOVA, 2 dr. 1977 PONTIAC STATIONWAGON 1976 MERCURY MARQUIS 1975 OLDS CITTLASS, 2 dr. 1915 AMCMATADOR, stationwagon TRUCK 1976 CHEV 4x4 • ONE 528-3007 , FORD i LUCKNOW A request the Ministry of Tran- sportation and Communica- tions to approve a supplem- entary subsidy allocation of $4200.00 to cover the pro- posed hard -surface treat- ment for a Street in Auburn by the Police Village Trust- ees, under the supervision of West Wawanosh Road Sup- erintendent, George Hum- phrey". Motion by ,Councillors Hickey and Durnin, "That the Road Superintendent be authorized to advertise in three local papers for two weeks for the supply and ap- plication of approximately 15,000 cu. yds. of crushed gravel and approximately 3,000 cu. yds, in stockpile". The Clerk was directed to write the assessed owner of a, house in St. Helens, which is considered by area residents to be a safety hazard. The road accounts were ordered paid on motion of Councillois Aitchison and Hickey. The general accounts were passed for payment °on 'mo- • tion of Councillors Cranston and Durnin. ANDERSONS FERTILIZER ORDER YOURS TODAY! PHONE 529-7135 M.J. SMITH • .cHATHAm- GODERICH LTD. HWY. NO, 21 Port Albert • STARTS FRIDAY MARCH 16th sAowrimps# RI. & SAT. 7:00 41;30 SUN,-THURS. 000 SATURDAY a SUNDAY MATINEE 1:30 • PARK THEAT 10 ?HI SOUARI GODE • 31.1,1113 • • Come and hear our newly Installed Solid State.. Translitorlsed Sound System, The best ' equip. merit availablein ftS fleld:.• • • • • ' • , "SUPERMAN COLOURING CONTEST" whiners will be on display fat the Park during Superman shoiiiings..' • • , • • Program .bloc* to,change without .nolltrii. • • • • • • • 0 • WINGHANI, ONTARIO PHONE.3511630 • ENDS THURSDAY , • MARCH 15TH 8:00 P.M. . Itownim,Ond*el ADULT IMIIITAINIMINT • STARTS FRIDAY! • FRIDAY MARCH 18 TO THURSDAY MARCH 22N0,, —. PLEASE NOTE SHOWTIMES — • • FRI.-SAT. 7:00-9:30 P.M. /ALL OTHER DAYS 8:00 P.M. -A marvel of stupendous film -making d movie extravaganza This one will outgross them all This enchanting (film) will sweep you away into a world of unparalleled entertainment -IOEXREEO-N Y DAILY NEWS It s a bird. d s a plane a s a fiim that s fun for everyone SUPERMAN will be a smash Pure fun fancy and adventure - VACJ: NE • A mass entertainment of high class and energy a major feat in filmmaking -JACK KROLL. NEWSWEEK 'SUPERMAN is a hit. the sort of entertainment that can be enjoyed over and over again can t wait to see it again RONA SKRRE" ARC At ,ANnin 'Ai P.00 0*0001 POMO ..I 400011/14 ,0110400l0½01 SOPI00110 tHRII,OPHIP MI VI Kr. et Jur.,, c•npf •. WA. MARGOT 100000 Pf PPM. MARI* 00001, '1000,1 .•Alyht, OH, ...Ay.. • MAR.G Putt. • •• PU/0 01.V.(10,1W0O. FS, •• 0, 010 •‘, ••• Vfl0, MANItol WIC/ at • • .• 0.(31.1 00 • Acwr.P•... 00 • • • ......0.1.111Al.re • 'NM - ,• • .• gittoon 0! 000 •••• • •r• IN A. I P0001,