HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-03-07, Page 17, • - Wino,/ Sentinel, Wednesday, March 7, 1979 -Pi. 17 Several Locludsh residents went-southfor the su, BY MARION McCHARLES Several from the area have been holidaying in Florida. Aniong them Mrs. Finlay MacDonald who has been visiting her sister in Detroit. Mrs. Emile MacLennan entertained several neigh- bours and relatives on Tues- day evening, to a dinner party in honour •of her daughter, Florence's birth- day. , Miss Margaret MacLeod is much improved in health since her stay in Kincardine Hospital and is visiting with Mrs. Roy MacKay in Luck - now. Mr. Sandy MacLennan is. a, patient in St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, follciwing sur- gery on .Tuesday last. Mrs, Lillian Simpson re- turned home from hospital in London on Friday. Lillian has been a patient there for some time. Mr. Allan Finlayson and friend of Toronto spent the weekend with his mother and brothers. Miss Ainslie Martyli took part in the figure skating on Sunday afternoon at the Ripley arena. The W.M.S. of Ashfield • Presbyterian church, met Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Douglas Martyn, where .the World Day of Prayer service was observed. Twelve members attended and took part in the program, which is held annually in all churches of the world. .All indications are that spring is just around the corner. Robins are returning, snow is melting, causing floods in some areas, and maple syrup is being made. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Farrish spent the weekend in Toronto visiting sons, David who as playing hockey there, and Kenneth of near- by Oshawa, — Mr, Ari e Vandiepan spent the weekend in Tillsonburg with friends, Sympathy is extended to the Hamilton families in the suaaen passing of Miss .Lorraine Hamilton. of Luck. now, and formerly of this area. Lorraine was always admired for her courage and pluck, having been a victim of the polio, when a child. • Langside people expecting early sprmg rn 1979 BY LILLIAN YOUNG Signs of spring are around again. Starlings and .crows - are seen and the groundhogs are out. March came in like a lamb while the snow has been melting. Np doubt we will see more of winter- but just now it is looking like . . spring. A congregational meeting was held in the Whitechurch Presbyterian Church base- ment last Monday night to discuss hiring Rev.. John Dell of Kingston, a retiring minis- ter to preach at Whitechurch as Harvey Osborne, student minister will be leaving this summer. Rev. Hugh Nugent of Ripley, intermoderator, took the chair and Walter Elliott was secretary. After much' discussion it was dec- ided to do so., A managers' meeting was held after the congregation, meeting. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Graham Moffat of Maitland Manor, Goderich, on celebrating their 49th wedding anniversary on Feb- ruary 19. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Young and William over the weekend were Rus- sell Young and Debbie Fer- guson of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.. Jirn Young; Marty, Jamie, Karen and Liane, Ken Yopng and, Russell Springer, Langside, • Mrs. May Richardsoh, Wingham, Wes Young, Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs. Coughlin and girls of the. 14th of Culross. Miss Margaret Moffat of CONTINUED ON PAGE 24 • • and lionie Hardware helps vilth savings everywhere! Atright attractive mirrpr like finish with. excellent hiding qualities and abrasion 'resistant. Fo interior cirexterior applIoat, 'ions. Available in ten bright colours. • • - • 199 ........ • Q.wart M51?. 5.79 • A clear.,tough mar -resistant finish avail- able in both.gloss and satin finish. Tough enough to iesiSLalcohol, water, detergent and grease, •. 1/2 Pint Quart Galion ' Gloss 1880-7b8-6 Gloss i880-726-6 Gloss 1880-.735-2 Satin 1880-800-6 Satin 1.880-824-6 Satin 1880-833-2 . . l• •• ' • 1011 • .A superior quality paint made to Home Hardware's own • ribicispecifications and fuliji guarante4i by your HOME • 1-IARDWARE store. No ifs...ands...Or buts! Even bigger valueright-noW! Prices quoted are for white only, but we'll be glad to tint your choioe. • Ifilliutt;TOne Paint Sine inettect until 110r11 14. 11179. //hi 11, 1 m1'1'1101111