The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-02-28, Page 19Dung
Aesop's Fable of the Man,
the Boy and the Donkey, the
moral being if you try to
please everyone you please
World Day of Prayer serv-
ice is on Friday afternoon in
Nile Church with Father
D,entinger of St. Joseph's
Church, Kingsbridge as
guest speaker and other area
churches participating.
The February meeting of
Dungannon U.C.W. was held
on Thursday, February
the home of Mrs. Bessie
McNee..A dessert luncheon
was served by Mrs. Elsie
Irvin and Mrs. Helen Daw-
Donna Alton opened the
meeting with a reading, and
Evelyn Westhaver read the
scripture. Amy Wiggins led
the worship service, reading
"God's Luggage Shop", in
which 5 members participat-
edby describing different
talents which people tend to
hide or pack away in a
suitcase. Evelyn Westhaver
explained how to discover
and use the best talents.
Five ladies put on a skit,
"Moon. Daze", ' which por-
trayed the efforts of moon
ladies forming a fellowship
group following earth's
established guidelines. A
discussion followed concern-
ing similar situations and all
agreed to try to expand their
fellowship work and visita-
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Lltci low Sentinel, Wednesday, February 28, 1979 --Piga 19
n euchre party is.wnterfun
Mrs. Gloria Pearson read a
poem entitled, "God's
- In the business partof the
meeting Amy Wiggins told
the highlights of the Presby-
terial meeting she attended
in Exeter recently. A letter
from the Leprosy Mission
was submitted to the minist-
er for consideration. World
Day of Prayer will be at Nile
on March 2.
Amy Wiggins displayed
two crib quilts which were
quilted by Bessie McNee and
a few of her neighbours. It
was decided to donate them
to Alexandra Hospital in
The question of insulation
for the church was discussed
and a motion was made that
the U.C.W. contribute to the
cost if the Stewards take on
the project.
A motion was made to set
up•a quilt at the church at the
end of April or early May to
be quilted for one of the
_Bessie McKee suggested
looking into the selling,, of
church plates as a means of
raising money so information.
is being sent for..
Donna Alton ended the
—meeting with a reading, "Be
True to Yourself".
Dungannon #1 4-H club
had their first meeting at the
home of Mrs. Bill Stewart on
February 19.
Officers were elected as
follows: president, Lila Stew-
art, secretary and press
reporter for this week is
Betty Errington.
Members of our club are
Sharon Sproul, Elaine; Lila
and Annabel Stewart, Irene
Martin and Betty Errington.
The leaders are Mrs. George
Errington and Mrs. Bill
Colours which suited the
girls' complexion, hair and
eyes was discussed.
The second meeting began
with the roll call which was- to
tell your best colours, colours
you should avoid and your
basic wardrobe colour.
The discussion was the
accessory, hats. The mem-
bers discussed how to make
rain 'hats, jean hats and
The girls are to bring the
hat they feel most comfort-
able wearing to the next
On Thursday, March 1,
Kindergarten Registration is
beingheld at Brookside
School from 9.00 io 2.30 p.m.
It is hoped that there will be
a large turnout. •
. The weekly story hour for.
preschoolers at Brookside
has ;been quite successful.
On Tuesday, February 20,
Mrs, Janet Reid, Health
Nurse, talked to the tnothers
regarding health care. Pam-
phlets were then' handed out
from the Huron County
Health Unit.
This Tuesday, Story Hour
will be visited by Mrs.
Thompson, Huron County
nutritionist, who will talk to
the mothers about nutrition.
On Wednesday, February
21, Constable Bill Wilson,
from the O.P.P. came to the
school to show an interesting
film on bicycle safety to the
student body.—
ody:-.The hockey playoffs are in
progress and at present the
Flyers (captain George Al-
ton) have 8 points while the
Flames (captain Jamie Bete)
have 6 points. Next week the
winning team will be posted.
Winners in the junior and
senior public speaking at
Brookside participated in the
contest at Lucknow Legion on
Friday evening. They were
Jeff Gibson and Paul Strong
for the juniors and Karen
Beecroft and Celia Chandler
`''for the seniors. Paul took
first place in the junior
divison at the Lucknow con-
test over students from Luck -
now and Kingsbridge and
Karen placed second in thesenior division at the ,Luck -
now competition. Both go on-
to compete in Brussels.
Judges for the Brookside
contest . wwere Mr. Jewitt,
contest were, Mr. Jewitt,-
ewitt,-for the senior division. Mr. ..
Jewitt, .Mrs. Anderson and
Mrs. Blake judged the junior
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