HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-02-14, Page 27SCOTT JAMEBCAMERON
Scott James Cameron died
suddenly in a. school bus
accident on Thursday, Janu-
ary 25. He was one of a group
of Weston High School stud-
ents on a skiing trip that
ended in tragedy.
He was actively engaged
in school- activities' and es-
pecially in hockey, band and
swim teams.
He was born on September.
4, 1963 in Hamilton, a son of
Murray and: Oral -(Finlayson)
Cameron;, MvlacDonald Ave.,
Weston, former residents of
Huron Township. -He is sur-
vived by a sister,, Susan,,
Prince George., B.C. and his
grandmothers, Mrs, Verna
Finlayson of.Ripley and Mrs,'
Violet Cameronof -Pine Riv-
The funeral service was
held from the MacKenzie
and McCreath Funeral Home
in Ripley on Sunday,. January
28, : '1979 with the Rev, Bob
Ptiitman officiating. Karen
Martyn was • organist.
Pallbearers were Bill Cam-
eron', Bob•Cameron, David
Coiling, Peter Cameron,
Blair 'Mills and Brock Wal-
Flower bearers were.
George'C,awil,. Jerry Bloom-
field, John Cameron, . Paul
Cameron, and Brian Thomp-
Do you know how frustrat-
ing it , is to be the only
students whose school., .buses
have• been cancelled because
of a terrible` storm „in the
morning last Thursday, only
to .have.to sit for the rest of
the day looking at glorious
sunshine and clear : bine
skies? It was very frustrating
for a few, I on the other hand.
used it as an opportunity .,to
catch '.up on Holyrood news.
Visiting with Mrs. A. • Nic-
olson and ,family on Sunday
were April. Moore, daughter
of Mr, and Mrs. F. Moore,
1WVinghain and Miss M. Mc-
Clenaghan, Whitechurch
Many, or 1 should say,' all
of 'Holyrood and surrounding
area noticed a slight lack . of
electricity.. last Saturday:. By
the time the problem was
solved people were getting
tired of. waiting and had
called it a night? Plans such
as the Lucknow Band Party
were cancelled.
Mrs: E. Hanna; R. R. 1
Holyrood, spent the weekend :
in Toronto : at a Teachers' •
People in the area have
enjoyed seeing the area
skating clubs performing in
their Winter Carnivals. From
the comments I've, heard
they have been very enjoy-
F. E. Madill students in '
the area have been enjoying
their nwn winter carnival this
. Thought for the week:
Success depends on back-
bone not wishbone.
-Mrs, Mary Corriveau of
Huronview died in
Huronview on Monday,
February 5 at the age of
She was born in
_Kingsbridge on
December 15, 1894 to
Peter and Annie
(McCann) Austin.
On June 6, 1917 she
married John A.
Chisholm. He
predeceased her in
November of 1946.
On October 12, 1959 she
married Leo Corriveau.
He predeceased her in
April of 1968.
Following her
marriages, she lived in
Goderich. She was a
member : of St. Peter's
Roman Catholic Church.
She was a charter
member of the Catholic
Women's League of St.
Peter's Church and —in
1971 ° was one , of the
Original members
present for . the
celebration of the ..50th
anniversary of the.C.W:L.'
A presentation was made
toher by Bishop
McCarthy who, was; at
that time, irnm.ediate
Past National of
the C.W.L.. .
The 'late. Mrs:
Corriveau• was also a
promoter of The, League
of The Sacred Heart for
many years..
She .is survived by three
step -sons, Aicide
Lockaew Sentinel, WY,.Febeu 14; 1979 --TPS..
Corriveau of Clinton, and Damain's Roman Catholic
Patrick, and Clement Church, St. Damaian's Sen-
Corriveau•, both of for Citizens Club and the
Brantford; two sisters,. Third Order of St. Dominic.
Mrs. Albert (Violet) The former Bernadette
Sutter of Detroit and Mrs. O'Loughlin, she was a
Pat - (Ir-ene) Murphy of daughter of the late Bernard
Goderich; . and two •O'Loughlin and the late
brothers, Laurence Abigail O'Neill, both of Ash -
Austin of Detroit and field Township. She was born
Cyril - Austin of in Ashfield on August 21,
Kingsbridge. , 1898.
She' received her early
education at Kingsbridge
and graduated from St. Jos-
eph's Hospital School of
Nursing, Chatham, receiving
her R. N. degree. She
persued a career of nursing
in hospitals in Part Huron,
Michigan and in ; Detroit,
where she spent the greater
part of her life. Turkowski Funeral Home,
She is survived . by a —A
ivo nia.
daughter; -Mary Ade ,inane, a Pallbearers were Leonard
son, Joseph and four grand- O'Loughlin,, Ronald Friend?,
children, John, -Joseph, Todd,, John, Joseph and Todd
Austin, . Eldon, Austin,.
Prayers were said for
the late Mrs. Corriveau at
McCallum Funeral Home
in Goderich on Tuesday
evening, February 6.
A funeral mass. was
held at St. Peter's Church
on Wednesday, February
7 at 11 a.m. The Reverend
Father A.F. Loebach
Interement was in St.
Peter's Cemetery in'
Colborne Township.
Pallbearers were John
her husband, Joseph A. Ad-
elmann, in November, 1978
and a daughter, Theresa,
Mrs. Ronald E. Friend of
Houston, Texas, in June,
1978. She was also predec-
eased by a si ter, Mamie
O'Loughlin in 919 and a
brother, Wilfri 'Loughlin
of Detroit in 1958.
The Mass of the Christian
Burial was celebrated by the
Rey. Father Richard Dorr,
pastor of St. Damain's Rom-
an Catholic Church, Livonia,
on Friday, January 16, 1979.
The recitation of the Ros-
ary by the Senior.. Citizens
Club and' Ladies' Altar Soci-
respectively and a scrip-
ture reading service took
place at the Many -Burrell -
and Terri Friend of Lrvoniar 'Friend.
Wilfred. 'Austin . Joe 'i .
She is also survived by two
Courtney, Frank • 'brothers, Leonard . O'Lough- Interment was in Holy
Corriveau, and Donald lin and Matthew O'Loughlin; Sepulchre Cemetery, . in the_
Austin. --;both of Kingsbridge. section dedicated to° . the
Relatives, and friends. She was predeceased by Blessed Virgin.
attended the funeral from • �.
Brantford; Wingham,
Warren, Michigan . and
Centre Line, Michigan.
Bernadette . (O'Loughlin).
Adelmann of Joy Road', Liv •
onia, Michigan died on Janu-. •
ary 13, 1979 at Garden City
Hospital,' in her 82nd' year:
She was a member of St:;
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