HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-02-14, Page 18Page 114--Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, February 14, 1979
Whitechurch man dies in car accident
This community received a
-shock when they learned that
Clarence Adams on Friday
evening had been involved in
a car accident three miles
west from Highway 4 on
Highway 86 and that he had
been transferred to London
hospital. where he had passed
. away; but he was being kept
on a machine to preserve his
kidneys to be given a 'patient
needing a kidney transplant.
Clarence was returning from
visiting his .wife, a patient at
Wingham Hospital, when he
met with the accident. Sym-
pathy of the community is
extended to Mrs. Adams,
Murray and Dawn.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray
Coultes, Robert and Andrew
of Toronto spent the week-
end. with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ron Coultes.
On Sunday visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Rae Lewis,
Michael and Jonathan were
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Einpey,
.Auburn, Mr. 'and Mrs. Ron
Coultes, Mr. and Mrs. Mur-
ray Coultes, Robert and -
Andrew of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs, Bill Ryan of
Goderich visited Saturday
with her sister Mrs. Carl
McClenaghan and Mr. Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Mc-
Clenaghan of. St. Thomas
spent the weekend with his
mother, Mrs. Ben McClen=
aghan and Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Mr. and, Mrs. Wesley
Tiffin and Mrs. George Tiffin
of Lucknoaccompanied Mr:
and Mrsi, Bob Campbell to
Strathroy for a hockey game
in which Gregory McMillan
of Watford was a player.
After the game all visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
McMillan and family at
Visitors on Saturday ,with
Mrs. Ella Johnston of Wing-
ham were Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Johnston of St. Pauls and
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnston
of Listowel.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin
were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibson
arrived home Friday evening
from their Caribbean cruise.
Spending the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Gibson and.
family were Mr. and Mrs.
Rob Frank and Robbie of
Wingham and. Mrs. Gordon
Fisher, Lori and Lee of
Mrs.. G. Gibson, who kept
house. for Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Gibson while they were
away, returned to Lucknow
on Friday.
Visitors on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul
were `Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
"` 'dbinson and Mark, Bel -
grave, Mr. and Mrs. Neil
Rintoul, Steven, Scott and
Stuart of West Wawanosh.
,Miss Lynda Moore, form-
erly of Whitechurch, • now
training in the air force is at,
Ottawa at the Parliament
Buildings. She had to usher
and show important visitors
where to put their coats and
sit. Some she met were the
Governor General, John
Diefenbaker and Trudeau.
She was looking forward to
meeting representatives
coming from China and
Albert Coultes returned
home on Tuesday last after
spending the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Schwi-
chtenberg, Lori and Kerry of
Port Elgin.
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Miss Anne Hamilton of
Lucknow visited on the week-
end with her friend Cindy
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Evans
of Hyde Park visited Sunday
with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Evans.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary John-
ston and family of Mildmay
were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore
-and family.
Nat Thomson of Lucknow
called on Mr. and. Mrs.
Victor Emerson Sunday ev-
Mrs. Harvey Osborne and
Bethany were in Kitchener
on Friday where Bethany had
an eye check up.
We are sorry to report Mr.
Robert Mowbray is a patient
at Wingham Hospital. His
many friends wish him a very
speedy recovery.
The February meeting of
Chalmers W.M.S. will be
held at the home of Mrs.
Osborne with leaders, Mrs.
Wesley Tiffin and Mrs.
Robert Mowbray. Helper -
Mrs. Angus. Falconer. Roll
call, verse with word heart.
Courtesy Mrs. Bill Purdon.
On Wednesday last Mrs.
Harvey Osborne returned
with Mr. Osborne to Toronto
for discussion . at Knox Col-
lege.. Bethany ` visited , with
her friend Lana Craig .arid
Anna and baby Laura visited
with Mrs. Herman De Bruyn
until their return Thursday
Mr. and Mrs: Bill Porteous
of . Lucknow were Sunday
afternoon visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Emerson.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Purdon..
and Miss Beatrice McQuillin
visited Sunday and Monday
with Miss Barbara Purdon of
Mr. Clifford Coultes visit-
ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Osborne and family.
The Bible Study class . met
on Tuesday last at 4 p.m. at
the home of leader, Mrs.
Harvey Osborne,
Dawson Craig was admit-
ted on Monday as a patient at '
,Wingham Hospital.
Whitechurch United
Church held its annual meet-
ing February 2 at 8 p.m. Rev.
Wilena Brown presided and
opened the meeting with
scripture reading and prayer.
The statistical report showed
members of 'session 6, resid-
ents members 47; -non resid-
ent members 12, members
removed by certificate 1, one
death, that of Robert Adams.
Members of the session
are, clerk, M. Moore, C.
Laidlaw, R. Chapman, C.
Whytock, E. Sleightholm and
D. Gibb.
Trustee board, C. Laidlaw,
E. Sleightholm and R. 'Chap-
Members of the committee
of stewards. are Mrs. F.
Tiffin, D. Gibb, Mrs. G.
Farrier, C. Laidlaw, C.
Whytock, F. Tiffin, Mrs. D.
Gibb, Mrs. L. Malin, p.
Chapman, Mrs. C Laidlaw
and ' E. Sleightholm.
Other, officers .are; minist-
er, Rev. Wilena Brown; clerk
,of 'session and secretary
treasurer, M: Moore; audit-
ors, I. Laidlaw, C. Laidlaw,
Mrs. D. Burrows; organist,
Mrs. G. Farrier, assistants,
Mrs: Jean Tiffin, Janet Laid-
law; Observer, Mrs. G. Far-
FilLthem out! Send them in!
You've already received Quarartteed
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• in the mail.-- if you've been getting
,the Supplement: -To continue receiving the
Supplement you must fill out the appli-
cation and return it in the addressed
envelope which was enclosed. '
if you haven't done so, please fill it out
now. Return it immediately and continue
receiving the Supplement to your pension
beyond March 31st.
and Welfare
Monique Begin
Sante et
Bien -etre social
rier; ushers, G. Chapman, C.
Chapman, • C. Laidlaw, ' J.
Whytock, C. Wh°ytock, M.
Gibb, Clare Weber, Ken
Quipp and Calvin Quipp. •
The United Church Wom-
en had a very -successful year
with officers, honorary pits.'
ident, Rev. Wilena Brown;
president, Mrs. G. Farrier;
secretary, Mrs. Russell
Chapman; corresponding—
secretary, -Miss Mildred Mc-
Clenagahn; ' treasurer, Mrs.
Dave Gibb.
Two parcels of used cloth-
ing • were sent to Fred Victor
Mission valued at $304.00.
The Sunday School with
superintendent Clifford
Laidlaw, secretary treasurer
Elmer Sleightholin, superin-
tendent of cradle roll, Mrs.
Ivan Laidlaw and teachers
Mrs. Gary Chapman, Mrs.
Clifford Laidlaw and Garry
Chapman, . had a very suc-
cessful year. They sponsored
a Foster Child in Brazil and
closed with a balance on
The board of stewards
expressed sincere apprecia-
tion to all who have filled in
as volunteer caretakers since
' July 1978.
WIiitechurch 4-h club held
their second meeting on
Saturday forenoon at the
home of leader, Mrs. Archie.
The president, Lori Ann
Jamieson, opened the meet-
ing with the 4-H pledge:' The
roll call was answered by -the
8 members showing the basic
colours - and telling basic
colour which suits them.
The name chosen by the
club is. Whitechurch Final
The minutes were lead by
Lorie Purdon.
The meeting was then
turned over to .Mrs. Purdon
and "fiats were tried on by the
members. Lorie Purdon dis-
played a sewing .baskets
which each member is to
make.' Mrs. Elliott, leader,
showed how to make a hat
and how to prepare the
The next meeting will be at
Mrs. Elliott's Saturday a.m,
February 17. Roll call - work
on your record book; bring a
hat that you feel most com
fortable to wear.
The second meeting of the
Zippy Trinettes was held on
. February 7 at the. home of
Mrs. Cranston.
The leaders talked about
Achievement Day, when the
club will be doing an exhibit
called "Birthstones • Leg-
ends and . Characteristics.
Mrs. Cranstontalked
about hats and how the old
styles are coming back. Mrs.
Nixon explained how to
straighten and place material
on the grain. Then—they
talked about knits, cottons
and stiffeners.'
Following • the second
meeting, the club held the
third meeting.
Mrs. Cranston discussed
scarves and the leaders
demonstrated how to tie
them. The meeting ended
with the members learning to
tie a tie.