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Rte l2—I+..w Sentinel, Wednesday, February 14, 1979
Bruce Presbytery
meets in Chesley
Prior, to the meeting of
Bruce Presbytery held in
Chesley United Church on
Tuesday,. February 6,
articles were received.
written on Report of the Task
Force on Ministry and were
to be prepared to take .part in
group discussions on the
Rev, James. Stockton,
chairman opened the sessiop
with.. prayer . and . routine
business followed. Mr. Steve
Demitroff welcomed us to
Chesley United Church.
The four committees met
in designated areas for an
hour of business and when
re -convened reports were
given throughout the re-
mainder of the day. (1) Con-
gregational Life and Work
told about a presentation at
September Presbytery on the
international Year of the
Child, (2) Communications
have a new chairman, Les
Rev. Terry Seney distri-
buted the Bruce Herald - a
Presbytery news letter and
Rev. Peter Walford Davis
outlined . Sing Time, pro-
Rev. Terry Seney had
charge of the •devotional
service, openingthe after-
noon session.
Rev. R. Pierce chairedthe
panel of four, who. presented
their papers on Report: of
rM'..t4;b', .
Reu.'iWln. Muiishaw •e
10:00 a.m.
Sunday School
11:00 a.rn.
Morning Worship
Everyone Weleome.'
Task Force of Ministry,
Groups for discussion were
formed and full interesting
reports were given on the
five topics studied.
(3) -Finance and Stewardship.
gave satisfactory reports. (4)
Oversight of Pastoral Charg-
es ' ended their report with
presenting Steve Demetroff
as a candidate for the ordain-
ed ministry.
Rev. R. Pierce gave the
courtesies. The chairman an
nounced spring Presbytery's
April 17. He closed the
meeting with prayer.
The . Februarymeeting of
South Kinloss W.M.S. was
held at the home of Mrs.
Harry Lavis. The president,
Mrs. Phifip Steer,presided.
Minutes were . read . by
secretary Mrs. Harry Lavis.
Members were reminded of
the World • Day of Prayer to
be held . March 2; Items of
interest were told' from the
Presbyterial held in Wing -
ham. -
The Bible Study,' John the
Baptist, was taken by Mrs..
Harold Campbell. Mrs.. Gib
Hamilton, Mrs. Wm. Mac-
Intyre : and Mrs; Alvin
Schmidt took part in the
PraYer Circle. Mrs. Harold
Campbell read a : poem.
Mrs. John Mowbray intro-
duced the study book, "Con= •
temporary 'China", and led
in ashen on the study of
the year . • " .•
'Mrs, , . Philip. Steer closed.
with prayer. .
Lunch was' served by the
hbstess and directors; 'Mfrs:
John Mowbray ` and Mrs.
Harold 'Campbell.
• Z
Mr;- and Mrs: Bill' 'Hunter
of Lucknow • and Mr. • and
Mrs. Bill Stapleton of Wing'
ham are•pleased to announce,
j • the marriage of their child-
ren, Betty Anne and David.
The; double • ring ceremony
was performed by: Rev: Doug
Kaufman in Lucknow' United
Church .on Friday evening,
February 9th.
Given in marriage by her
parents the bride was attend-
ed by her sister, Miss Judy
Hunter of Lucknow Mr
Rev. L. Van Staalduinen
Morning Service:
10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
Listen to the
) Back to'God "Hour
10:30 a.m. CKNX
Rev, Doug Kaufman S
• Minister
- j
Sacrament of Lord's Supper?
10 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m,
I, Morning Worship �3
Nursery Provided
I For Pre -School Children • �.
Jr. Congregation -for
5 - 8 Year Old Children
Bruce Bushel, R. 2`'Holyrood, •
brother-in-law of the groom,
was best man.ollowing a
wedding trip to Florida,. Mr.
and Mrs. Stapleton will make
their home in'.Winghatn.
olden -wedding
Nelson and Clara 'Raynard
celebrated their 50th -wed-
ding, anniversary on: Febru-
ary 6, :1979 with - an open
house for; friends, neigh
bours and rel'atives°, -at -their .
Thome . on ' . Ludgard Street,.
• They held a family, celebra--
tibn at Brookside last Nov-
ember . when theirfamily
could all be, together for .the
occasion. .
ara Ellen. Grace Ritchie
of Ashfield "Township was
married to Nelson Macintosh
Raynard of Ashfield on Febr-
uary 6, 1929 in the Zion.
United .Church manse in: `
Lucknow. They were attend-
ed by Clara's sister, Jean
Papernick, of Goderich, as
maid of honour and Lloyd
Stein, of'' Kinloss, as best
Clara is - the daughter' of
the late- William Ritchie and.
the .late Ida Webster and
Nelson is the son of the late
Maxwell Rayna •d and the''
late Mary. Webster.
They farmed on Nelson's
father's farm on the bound-
ary of Ashfield on highway
86, west of Lucknow, and
moved fromthere to another
farm on . the sideroad and
from there to -a farm on the
12th concession °of Ashfield
before 'retiring ;t� I:ucknow in
Trinity U.C.W.
The. Blessings of Work was
the theme of the Trinity
U.C.W. on February 9, when
they met at the home of Mrs.
Alex Hackett. Mrs. D. A.
Hackett opened the devo-
tions with a poem. Mrs.
Delbert Nixon read the scrip-
ture and Mrs. Hackett gave
the meditation pointing out
the blessings received from
just being able to work and
how : much happier we are
when busy. Mrs. Nixon led in
prayer to close devotions. •
Mrs. Donald Hackett read
a;poem. Mrs. Chester Hack-
ett, Mrs. Jack Irwin and Mrs.
Clara enjoys knitting and
her afghans and pillowcases
decorate her livingroom. She
belongs.te the United Church
Women.: Nelson, likes to read
- and watch: television and he
gatdeis in , the summer.
The couple enjoy Their '
grandchildren, butmost of
them are now too :old to
do not see as much 'of• them
as they once did. .
They have a family of six,
three:• girls and 'three boys.
They are Dorothy, Mrs.:*Don •
Murray, Holyrood; Lillian,
• `Mrs. Russell Irvin, Ashfield;
Ruth; Mrs. Fred Shropshall,'
Clinton; Douglas, Ashfield;
Bruce, West Wawanosh and..
Chris, .Aylmer.
They have 20 grandchild-
ren and two gi'.eat grand
daughters: One . grandson
died. in 1971.
Clara has 'four. sisters and - -
two 'brothers, Jean Paper-- '
nick,' Goderich; Elsie Irvin,
Dungannon; Daisy Wally
Teeswater; " Violet Smith,
Molesworth,; Harvey Ritchie,
Ashfield and Eldon Ritchie,
Ashfield. ' ' • .
Nelson has a• sister, Hazel
Twamley, who lives in, List-
owel and two sisters and a -
brother are deceased.
Cook Conducted the .Mission
Study, on the "Black" situa-
tion --in' South Africa. Mrs.
Ken Alton described what
Jamaica .was like Mrs,- Char-
les Wilkins was in charge of
the Bible Study. from Mat-
thew showing how to care-
fully interpret and' study one
verse . at a time.
The \ business followed,
during which -time' Mrs. Jim
Hunter reported on the an-
nual meeting held in Exeter
en January 30. The meeting.
closed With the singing of a
hymn and a social hour was
enjoyed by all.
50th anniversary
Open house was held at
the Anglican Parish Hall,
Lucknow, on Saturday, Feb-
ruary 3rd in honour of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Carter, on
the occasion of their fiftieth
wedding anniversary.
Lena and Henry were mar-
ried at Barrie, Ontario on
February 2nd, 1929. Henry
being an employee of Canad-
ian National Railways, they
resided in various places 'in
Ontario and upon retirement
in 1966, they returned to
Lucknow, having purchased
their present home on Inglis
Street. -
During the afternoon,
many relatives and friends
called to congratulate the
bride and groom of fifty
years ago. Guests were wel-
comed by Mrs. Joe Leslie of
Granton, Mrs. Robert Mole
of Dungannon and Perry
Durnin of Thamesford. The
guest book was in charge of
Miss Dianne Mole of Dun-
gannon': Tea was poured'. by
Mrs. E. Wight man and Mrs.
P. 'Cooke. '
Many congratulatory.. mes-
sages were received, includ-
ing those from Governer
General Edward Schreyer,
Prime Minister Trudeau,
Crawford Douglas MP and
Robert McKinley MP. ' A
plaque from the Government
of Ontario, from Premier
Wm. G. Davis, was present-
ed on Saturday by Murray
Gaunt MPP for Huron -
Recognition of this happy
occasion was made when
flowers, .gifts and cards were
received, among them flow-
ers from - the Village of
Lucknow, the Presbyterian
Church and the Presbyterian
W' M.S. The capable manner
in which the Ladies of the
Anglican Chureh arranged
and conducted this happy
event wasmuch' appreciated
by everyone.
Guests were present from
Guelph, ' Clinton, Ripley,
Goderich, Listowel, Harris -
ton, Waterloo, Ingersoll,
Tham'esford, Wingharn,
Granton, and Dungannon as
well as from Lucknow:
February meetings.
U.C,W. U14IT 1• prayer and . Miss Ada. Web-
, ,ter played several hytnns on
a . record player. Mrs. Mc-
Donald read a ,poem. "Mrs.
Glen' Walden gave'the 'study
on "Human Rights". She
showed. the :availability ,of
information on the subject in
the. Mission .,Maga:zi:nes,
Mandate and the Observer.
Miss'Ada Webster told the .
story of Si. Valentine,
Mrs. Henderson closed the
meeting with ' prayer and
courtesy remarks.
Mrs. Cliff 'Menary acted as:
hostess for Unit 3 of • the .
U.C,W. when they met in
the Church Parlour on. Feb-
ruary 5th. Mrs. Cook wel-
comed everyone and opened
with a, poem and a prayer.
' Reports were given . by
Mrs. Annie Kilpatrick . for
community friendship and
visitation, and Mrs.- Cliff
Menary gave two articles for
stewardship. A letter df
Unit 1 of the' Lucknow
U.C.W. ;met' on .February 6.
Isobel Havens welcomed ev-
eryone. Phyllis Morrison
took thedevotions on Human
Rights and .discrimination.
She read scripture and said,
prayer. suitable to; the topic
• and closed:with . a 'verse on
love. ' A reading by Olive
Irwin and a.,sing song ..con-
• +ducted: by Edith Webster
were enjoyed as well as a
reading by Vi. Arnold.
An. interesting topic ;on
Myer Murray Goldstein who
distinguished himself - as a
worker for .:human rights in
penitentiaries was ' given by
Edith Webster. •
-`Mrs. Havens read a valen-
tine poem. Edith Webster
gave a citizenship reading.
Announcements included
the Presbyterial annual - in
'..March -and the World's Day
of Prayer on March 2. " -
The meeting closed and a
•social half hour was enjoyed.
The Lucknow Presbyterian •
W.M.S. met at the home of
Mrs. Robert Reid. Mrs. - Jas.
Little presidedand opened
the meeting with scripture
and prayer. Mrs. Morgan 1
Henderson Jed in prayer.'
During business discus-
sion it was noted the World's
Day of Prayer will be held
Friday, March 2.
„The topic on Contempor-
ary China was very capably
given by Mrs. Ken Laidlaw
and Mrs. Cyril Brown.
Courtesy remarks were
given by Mrs. Henderson.
After singinga hymn, Mrs.
Wm. Porteous closed the
meeting with prayer.
A social time followed.
'' . The February meeting of
the"U.C.W., Unit 2, was held
at the Sepoy Apartments.
Mrs. Grace Gibson opened
the meetingwith' words - of
welcome .and • a poem.
Miss Ada Webster report-
ed on community. friendship:
Mrs. . Charles McDonald
thanked everyone for helping
at 'the banquet. Mrs. Eldon
Ritchib read an article on
stewardship. . Mrs. Walden.
made three announcements
including the World Day of
Prayer which will be held in
. The offering was taken by
Mrs. A. itchie and dedicat-
ed by rs. Gibson. Mrs.
Mamie H nderson then took
charge of he meeting and
read a poem. The scripture
was read by Mrs. Eldon
Ritchie. Mrs-.
the meditation
Mrs. Ellen
agoffin read
trdis read -a
U.C.W.--.UNIT #3
thanks was read from Mrs.
Kelso McNay. Announce-
ments included Bruce Pres-
byterial 'w.ill be held in Kin-
cardine United 'Church. in
March and the March
U.C.W. meeting is a joint
meeting with - Unit l in
Mrs. Ross Shiells chaired
the program with the theme
being `.`Human Rights". The
scripture was read by Mrs.
Wilbur Brown and the medi-
tation given by Mrs. J. C.
Campbell. Mrs. Ted Rice
sang a selection accompan-
ied by Mrs. Wesley Ritchie.
The topic on Human
Rights was most capably
given by Mrs. Ross Shiells
followed by an interesting
discussion. • • -
Mrs. Cook thanked the
committee, Mrs.oss Shi-
ells, Mrs. Wilbur Br wn, and
Mrs. J. C. Campbell for theif-
excellent program. friend.
ly visit was enjoyed With our
lovely lunch.