HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-01-31, Page 4121. Personal DO YOU NEED MONEY? (mortgages, debt consolida- tions,' loans). Cali Committ- More Investments Ltd., Rob. ert Fuller, Mitchell 348-9548 or Gary Emmerson, Kitch- ener 745.841,8. -SOtf 31. Cards of thanks MILLER I wish to thank my friends and relatives for .,wall the cards, gifts, visits and en- quiries . when I was in the . hospital and since returning • home. All was very much appreciated.. - Isobel Miller -6x • IRWIN I would like to say thanks to theones at the bowling alley who helped me last Thurs- day. Special thanks to Bill Ross .and Linda Stanley for taking me to the doctor. Spence Irwin =6x PAQUETTE I' would like to thank my friends and family for visits, cards, and flowers while I was a patient in University Hospital ' andsince. arriving home. Thanks also to Ripley Legion . Branch 440 and BNPD Service Department for their gifts. Don Paquette Sr. - 6 STEWART ' 1- wish • o thank my, former friends and neighbours for the Christmas cards, get well cards which I received while a . patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Chatham. Your kindness will never be for- gotten. Margaret. Stewart Blenheim LOWRY I wish to thank all who remembered me • with cards, treats, visits, flowers whilein the hospital and since com- ing home, Special thanks to those who looked after the boys and to the Lucknow Doctors. • Shirley LoWry � 6x AITCHISON..; I would like to thank every- one for cards, gifts :and: visits, while:I, was a patient in Wingham,Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to 'Drs. Corrin, Brad- ley and MacGregor, also the nurses in I.C:U.,, O.R. and the Medical Centre: Beth Aitc'hisott' - 6 FORAN Sincere thahks.for -the cards and visits I received while I was a patient in Winglit i Hospital. Your concern is much appreciated. Special thanks to the Lucknow Doc- tors and Ward . B nursing staff. John Foran -6 FOY Richard and Jennifer Foy would like to thank the nursing staff in Pediatrics of Witigham and District Hos- pital for the care and atten- tion given to Stuart while he was a patient there. Special thanks to Marty who visited, read, and became a friend to Stuart. Sincere thanks to Drs. Bradley, Corrin and McKim. -6 • 31. Cards of thanks WOODOCK Special thanks to Ross Er- rington and family, Angus MacDonald and family, Allan and Mary Cranston, Jirn and Celia Aitchison. all the pe- ople of St. Helens, the Lucknow Lions, the Canadian Legion and Ladies' Auxin. ary, C.B. Club and all of the citizens of Lucknow and District. Also thanks to the Lucknow merchants who do- nated time and money after my house fire. If I forgot. anyone, my very deep thanks. Art Woodcock, Loreen and Charles Ross -6 MEYER We like to express our sincere thanks to neighbours who organized • the benefit dance and to the Kountry Kats for .providing music. Also a special appreciation to ladies who made lunch. We are grateful to all friends, neighbours and community organized groups, for " their thoughtfulness, kindness and their generous contribu- tions. Thank you all, • John, Kini, Angela and Susan •-6 32. Coming; events BLYTH BINGO Bingo every Saturday even- ing at the Blyth Memorial Hall, Blyth, at 8 p.m. Regu1= ar games, share -the -wealth and jackpot $150. First Bingo Sepember 16.-37tfar NOTE CB CLUB No ' CB Club meeting • in, February. Next meeting Monday, March 12 at 8130 p.m.., Lucknow Town Hall. -6,10 HOWICK LIONS BINGO Will be held on Friday, February 9th at 8:00 p.m. in Wroxeter Community Hall. Admission $1.00. 12 Regular games.' for $16.00; 2 Share the Wealth; one $25.00. Spec:. ial; Jackpot $120.00 on 54 calls; :Purple .Ball $20.00. -6ar RIPLEY LIONS BINGO Will be held on February 7 at 8 p.m. at the Township Hall. Early bird special; 12 regular games' at $15.00; ,one share the wealth; one •jackpot- of $550.00 on '61 calls; consola- tion; game of $55.00. -6ar CARD PARTY West Huron Junior Farmers are holding a card party on Monday, February . 26 at 8 ,p.m. in the Lucknow Central Public School.' Everyone wel- come. -6,8 2 MEETINGS OF INTEREST Formosa Community Centre, 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m: February 13th - New Devel- opments in Swine Housing; February 20th - Swine Hous- ing Ventilation Systems. Sponsored by Bruce County Hog Producers and Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Registration Fee $5.00. Lunch provided. -6ar VALENTINE DANCE A Valentine dance will be held at. the Ripley Complex on Friday, February 9th. Dancing from i'9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Music by Bluewater Highway. Tickets $10.00 a couple. Buffet lunch. Spon- sored by Ripley Huron Fig- ure Skating Club. -6 32. Coming events HOlitTICULTialln s••••SOCIETYMEETING Lucknoor Horticultural Sec- iety will held their February, 14th ro,eetiztg in the Legion. Hall at 2 p.nt Guest speaker Mrs. Ewan MacLean will instruct is on the standards used in judgistg our exhibits for competition. All rihibit- ors are requested tti attend. -6ar ' POKER RALLY= St. Helens •Snowmobile Club Poker "Rally February 11. 1979. Registration from 12:30 to 2 p.m. Everyone welcome. List of prizes and donations printed elsewhere in this issue. -5,6 KINSMEN CARNIVAL. Will be held at the Lucknow Arena on Sunday, February 18th. There will be an Old Timers Hockey game be- tween the Goderich Oidtimer team, (division "D°' Champ - tons at Zu. -h. Switzerland) and Luckat. v Oldtimers starting at 2:00 o'clock. Cash prizes fest rates, with free skating to follow. -6ar LEGION DANCE , The monthly Lucknow Legion Dance will he held Saturday. February, l7 to musicyby Ian Wilbee. Adniissiln includes lunch. Limited number, of tickets available at Legion Bar and from executive. -Mar LEGION NG Lucknow Legion- Hall, Tues- day, .February 27th at 8 p.m. -6ar ANNUAL MEETING Th:e 68th Annual Meeting of the Family and Children's Services of Huron County will be held ` in the Board Room, Assessment Building, 46 Gloucester Terrace. God- erich, Ontario on Wednes- day., February 21st, 1979 at 2:00 p,m. The topic is Child, Abuse, with a film; presen- tation. The public is cordially: invited to attend. -6.7ar RIPLEY SCHOOLS SCIENCE FAIR Will be held Thursday. Feb: ruary -15th from 7. - 9 p..m, at Ripley ,.District ' School. Ev- eryone is welcome. -6ar Laei mw Searlatel, Wer, Fellassq 7„ 1 Reaistred. Retirement Savings Plans Vtcterta and Grey, has.5 Piens AMaatsab e. Each ;mettles tor cant- . deferrals, and the rettur6 on your Inxeatarent may accumulate tax.. lave untay00,3 ,ntndrara the kmds. Put a hWe aside for the future. Contribute t_o ar purchase a V & fs RRSP on or before ,larch t, 1973 - you weft become ettgtnte to wise a tnp for two to Jamaica. How abut tomacrow VG VICTORIA AND GREY - TRUST Since 184 ZOONSa TOWN AND COUNTRY BOWJJNNG LEAGUE Anna Johnstone had high score for the ladies with a single of 187 and double of 347 High for the men went to Harty Las -is with single of 223 and double of 374. Games. over 2'00: Jack Rit- chie 221. Harry Lavis 2.23. Team scores: Reds 2. Oranges 2, Yellows 2. Greens 3, :Blues 3. Violets 3. Team standings: Violets 52. Yellows 48. Blues 45. Oranges 41, Greens 40,,Reds.' 29. WINA VACATIO with M -R Travel Lottery Trip -a-Mont and held in the worthwhile work of the M -R Association Only 300 Tickets Available Draws made monthly for 12 months for trip and a weekend package in Toronto. • Plus special draw on . February 14, 1979 from tickets purchased by that date. For tickets and information brochure contact any member of The Winggham & District Association for the Mentally Retarded or Harvey Webster 528-3 107 Under Lottery Llccnce T/2S Change In Ilydro Rates Effective March 1, 1979 Billing ONTARIO HYDRO HAS APPROVED THE FOLLOW- ING RATE iNC:REASE. KILOWATT HOUR-kW.h COST PER kW.h 1978 1979 First 50 kW.h 6.28c. : 7.4 Next 200 kW.h -Ail additional kW.h 3.14c. 3.7. 2.33c ' : 2.7 Minimum billing 3.50 per month 4.00 The above ;rates are NET and subject to a 5 `vu late payment charge. Commercial Rate Structure may be obtained upon application at the Municipal Office 528-3539. Duel to the higher .cost of providing service, 'LVCKNQW HYDRO SYSTEM finds It necessary to Increase ,retall rates effective March 1, 1979. Ontarl o, Hydro has announced that the cost of f power purchased by LUeknow Hydro System from Ontario Hydro during 1.979will increase by about 9.8% effective January 1, 1979. However, as a result of the better than expected operations of Ono '.Hydro in 1978 Lpclmow " Hydro System will receive an ` anti Inflation discount : on bulk power purchased from Ontario Hydro during 1979 presently e8timated at 5%. This rebate will allow our Utility to hold the level of rate increase to less . than that which would otherwise be required. . Lucknow Hydro System will increase retail rates by approximately 10.1% efiecdve with all bills issued on and after February 1, 1979 for monthly billed accounts and March 1, 1979 for by -monthly billed accounts. The 4.9% and -inflation discount which our custom- ers received on energy used dining 1978 will be discontinued. • The new rates will become effective on all residential bills issued on and after March 1, 1979. You have our assurance that we will continue to fight against rising costs to the best of our ability through efficiency and good management. And you can expect us to receive top value from each dollar spent on your behalf. We are determined to maintain electrical service as the best bargain In the iaenlly budget. VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW ` HYDRO SYSTEM • •.•..seri•Kti�..w •.•,t1`••••••moi