HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-01-31, Page 34Page 10--Laci.ow Sentinel, Wednesday, February 7, 1979
Benefit dance for Meyers at Ripley
Last Saturday evening
there was a real. large
crowd in attendance at
the benefit dance held in
the auditorium of the
Ripley Distriet com-
munity complex centre in
Ripley. It was for John
and Kim Meyer Andrew,
and Susan who recently
_lost their newly
renovated home in
Holyrood in a night fire.
The Kounty Kats, or-
chestra whose?members
come from such places as.
Walkerton, Clifford,
Demerton' Ambleside,
Larlgside and- Bervie
supplied the dance 'music'
and. donate* their ser-
vices. Robbie. Rock of
Ripley helped' the or-
chestra move their
equipment in and out of
the upstairs auditorium.
Lunch was provided
during • intermission.
Ronnie Rock of Ripley
entertained with . his
guitar. Over WOO was
taken inincluding. those
made at the door and
those made at the
.Holyrood General Store.
and) Post Office.
Everyone is glad to learn
of this response to the
dance and all attending`
had a good time. Wynn
Allan of the .Holyrood'
Store read the. address to,.
John and Kini and Harold
Smith of Holy rood -:made
the presentation of the
Money, and the • boolz of
signatures. John : then
made a reply of thanks,:'
With some "receipts stili to
y come in pe total tent:
could reach $2;000..
Sorry about the..
mistake in.spelling of the
name . of Mrs. Alvin
Thompsonin last week's
paper it :was supposed to.
be. Virene. Her. husband,
Alvin is the reeve. ' of
Kincardine township.
Dr. and Mrs. Ken Smith
of Brantford . spent' last
weekend in Ripley;
visiting with her parents
Francis . and Margaret
Gemmell. ,
Miss Jean MacDonald
of the Pine Crest Manor
Nursing staff in LucknoNe
spent Wednesday. and
:Tlztirsday of lust 'week.
here4, with her sister Miss
N614en' MacDonald at,.
their home on Malcolm
Street. •
Mrs. Mary Fludder had
a tough time last, Thur-
sday driving home to
Ripley from Owen Sound.
She was accompanied.. by
her daughter ..Mrs., Pat
Cornish and:..Mrs. Fran
Wylds. Prom Port Elgin
„ south they; encountered
numerous "white outs"'
with zero• visibility,
squalls and snow drifts
across the road. Here at
Ripley no buses could go
outand few trucks were
seen in town because of
the visibility problem.
It was recently learned
that Mrs. Ron Martindale
of Tiverton was the lucky
winner Of a TV in a draw
held there. She is the
former Bonnie McTavish
and congratulations of
the Ripley folks go to her
on this good fortune.
Best wishes and
congratulations were -
extended to Mrs. Jennie
101cLean this past week
end. Jennie marked. her
87th birthday last
Saturday Feb. 3, 1979,
with the members of her
immediate family at her
home here. Wish her for
the happy occasion were
her son George and his
wife Joy,herdaughter-in-
law Mrs. Donalda. (Jack)
McLean and family, and
members of their
families. The former
Jennie Helyer, Mrs.
McLean was born in the
Sytan Lake area near
Lion's Head in the Bruce
Penninsula in 1892. She
moved with her husband
the. late George McLean
5r., . and sons to Ripley
back . in 1926; She has'
recovered from a fall
- suffered a year ago in a
visit. back to her home
area and still during the::
noon hour whale she tends
the store 'for. George and
Joy, and as well with
those dropping back to
see her in her apartment
at the rear of the store.
Ripley folks are glad to
learn.; that ' Miss ' Betty ,
MacDonald of .Creemore
was able . to . bring Miss:l
Gertrude-K'idneybaek' .to.
her home in Ripley 'last
Saturday .afternoons For
the past 10 days or 'so,-(:
Gertie had been a patient'
in Kincardine and
District 'hospital' under
the care of thenurses and:
doctors there.'
On Monday afternoon
of this . week, .Feb; 5 the •
members of the: Bruce
County. Holstein. Friesian
Dairy:.. ..
Cattle -
„Management committee
et; at .the:fa•rm of Jim'.
and'Dor:othy Needham on
the tenth concession of
Huron township. The
special speakeron this
occasion was Dr:. Terry -=
Fried of Kincardine. Dr.
Fried spoke * on the
present health concerns
relating to diseases and
management problems .in.
the cattle industry in
Bruce County.
With Cabin fever, flu,
winter accidents, and
various,illness all` af-
flicting reople, itishard.
to keep up with who is in
the hospital for treatment.
and who is backho_me.
Back from Kincardine
are .. Mrs., Isabel Love,
Mrs. Minnie Wyld, and
Miss Gertrude Kidney.
Back home and then'baCk
to Kincardine for the past
couple oft,..weeks ' is
Clarence Wylds., In„
Victoria ' Hospital
in.. London . is.
Mrs: Pat Stanley, wife of
Russ Stanley, who suf-
fered severe head in-
juries ' concussion and .:
facial `fractures in the car
crash on her way to the
Bruce Nuclear Plant on
that • stormy Monday
morning, Jan. 22. Mrs.
Charles Pollock who has
been a, patient in St.
Joseph's in London is now
back to Ripley with her
son Harvey and his wife
Sally. •
Mrs. Elaine Cote is in
University Hospital
London recovering from
major injuries suffered in
that ' accident at.
Kingsbridge on Christ-
mas Eve.. Mrs..” . Nora
Frederiksen of Ripley is'I
a patient in Princess
Margaret =Hospital in
On Monday morning
Jan. 22 when many cars
were on. the roads there
were many crashes
caused by the snow
squalls with zero
visibility or "white
outs". In last week's OPP
report from the Kin-
cardine " headquarters,
Constable W.J. McKeag
was listed investigating
six collisions on that day
and Constable B.J. Ferris
investigated 'the one
where Allan Mackay's
car of Ripley collided
with another car on their
way to the Bruce
Nuclear. Allan suffered
monor injuries and was
treated at Kincardine
hospital while Mrs. Pat
Stanley who was un-
conscious with- major
injuries- was senton to
Victoria Hospital" _where.
she is still a patient.
There was a three car
crash on" the fifteenth
north of Ripley near the
old number 3 school.
Donald Harris, con-
cession 12 west and Fred
Gallina of Kincardine
collided in the squall
conditions then later
Laurene Storey also of
concession. 12 , collided
with the Gallina car.
Driving out the 15th to the
hilghway 9 earlier in the
morning Joe Fludder of
Ripley wisely decided to
.turn his truck around and
come back safely to
Ripley and no doubt other
workers decieel rept to go
to • the Bruce Nuclei
Harold. Courtney has
been missing from the
Streets of Ripley for the
past couple of weeks.
Harold is a patient in.
Victoria Hospital in
London and Ripley folks
wish him well.
Miss Betty (Ivan) Cook
reportsthat her father
Ja* Swan, who•has been
a patient in the Wiarton
Hospital, was' moved
back to Gateway Haven
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